Paul White

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


The statbarn: A New Model for Output Statistical Disclosure Control.
Proceedings of the Privacy in Statistical Databases - International Conference, 2024

The Risk of Disclosure When Reporting Commonly Used Univariate Statistics.
Proceedings of the Privacy in Statistical Databases - International Conference, 2022

A study protocol of the effectiveness of PEGASUS: a multi-centred study comparing an intervention to promote shared decision making about breast reconstruction with treatment as usual.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 2017

The Ark: a customizable web-based data management tool for health and medical research.
Bioinform., 2017

Interactive ant colony optimization (iACO) for early lifecycle software design.
Swarm Intell., 2014

Improving speech intelligibility in perceptual wavelet packet-based speech coding for cochlear implants.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2014

Interactive Ant Colony Optimisation (iACO) for Early Lifecycle Software Design
CoRR, 2012

3eHouses: A smart metering pilot in UK living labs.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, 2012

A Cyclostationary Analysis Applied to Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Helicopter Gearboxes.
Proceedings of the Progress in Pattern Recognition, 2007

Synthesising and reducing film grain.
J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., 2006

Practice-Based Learning in Information Systems: The Advantages for Students.
J. Inf. Syst. Educ., 2005

Three Dimensional Stochastic Reconfiguration of Modular Robots.
Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems I, 2005

Building Better Nurse Scheduling Algorithms.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2004

Stochastic Self-reconfigurable Cellular Robotics.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004

On improving the noise reduction algorithms using image segmentation.
Proceedings of the 2004 12th European Signal Processing Conference, 2004

Book Reviews.
Electron. Mark., 1999

Towards unifying analysis, design, and implementation in object-oriented environments.
Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1993

Teaching Smalltalk as a first programming language.
Proceedings of the 22nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1991
