Oliver Koch

Orcid: 0000-0001-9228-217X

According to our database1, Oliver Koch authored at least 34 papers between 2005 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Similarity-based pairing improves efficiency of siamese neural networks for regression tasks and uncertainty quantification.
J. Cheminformatics, December, 2023

Referenzarchitekturmodell zur intelligenten Prozessautomation in virtuellen Projektteams.
Proceedings of the Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2022 - Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit und verlorene Kulturen?, 2022

Prioritized Planning for Spatiotemporal Trajectory Coordination of Articulated Vehicles and Co-Simulation with ROS, Docker and Gazebo.
Proceedings of the IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2022

Graph-Based Methods for Rational Drug Design.
Proceedings of the Algorithms for Big Data - DFG Priority Program 1736, 2022

Using Domain-Specific Fingerprints Generated Through Neural Networks to Enhance Ligand-Based Virtual Screening.
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2021

SCOT: Rethinking the classification of secondary structure elements.
Bioinform., 2020

Graph Databases and Robotic Process Automation: Achieving Improvement in Project Knowledge Management.
Proceedings of the 33rd Bled eConference: Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society, 2020

Chemical Similarity and Substructure Searches.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Volume 2, 2019

Binding Site Comparison - Software and Applications.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Volume 2, 2019

The Development of Target-Specific Machine Learning Models as Scoring Functions for Docking-Based Target Prediction.
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2019

Linear error modeling and noise smoothing for improved low-cost IMU-based indoor positioning.
Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019

A benchmark driven guide to binding site comparison: An exhaustive evaluation using tailor-made data sets (ProSPECCTs).
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2018

A novel interaction fingerprint derived from per atom score contributions: exhaustive evaluation of interaction fingerprint performance in docking based virtual screening.
J. Cheminformatics, 2018

Improved Energy Efficiency of Indoor Positioning Systems by Adaptive Sampling and Smart Post-processing of Sensor Data.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference, 2018

Scaffold Hunter: a comprehensive visual analytics framework for drug discovery.
J. Cheminformatics, 2017

PyGOLD: a python based API for docking based virtual screening workflow generation.
Bioinform., 2017

Positive Computing - A New Trend in Business and Information Systems Engineering?
Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng., 2015

Business Model Development in IT Startups - The Role of Scarcity and Personalization in Generating User Feedback.
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Scaffold hunter: visual analysis of biological activity data.
J. Cheminformatics, 2014

Provision of Personalized Data via Mobile Web Services in eHealth Scenarios.
Proceedings of the WEBIST 2014, 2014

Personalized and adaptable mHealth architecture.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies", 2014

More than a rigid framework: molecular design using secondary structure element information.
J. Cheminformatics, 2013

Mobile Web Service Infrastructure Supporting Successful Aging.
Proceedings of the Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 2013

ICT Infrastructures for Telerehabilitation.
Proceedings of the Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living, 2012

Blocking protein-protein interactions: the identification of repetitive turn structures as basis for inhibitor building blocks.
J. Cheminformatics, 2012

Information Overload in Telemedicine: Using Complex Event Processing and Context for Intelligent Information Filtering and Supply.
Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Embedded Systems, 2012

Virtual screening using structure-based consensus pharmacophore models and ensemble docking based on MD-generated conformations.
J. Cheminformatics, 2011

Virtual screening by high-throughput docking using hydrogen bonding constraints for targeting a protein-protein interface in M. tuberculosis.
J. Cheminformatics, 2010

Using Context to Improve Information Supply in the Medical Sector.
Proceedings of the Business Information Systems Workshops, 2010

Secbase: Database Module To Retrieve Secondary Structure Elements with Ligand Binding Motifs.
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2009

Strategiebasierte Bewertung von Anwendungslandschaften.
HMD Prax. Wirtsch., 2008

RFID im Gesundheitswesen - Nutzenpotenziale und Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zu einer erfolgreichen Anwendung.
Proceedings of the Internet der Dinge, www.internet-der-dinge.de, 2007

Process-based and Context-sensitive Information Supply in Medical Care.
Proceedings of the CIR'07 Workshop on Context-Based Information Retrieval in conjunction with CONTEXT-07, 2007

Konzeption eines generischen Vorgehensmodells zur strategieorientierten und partizipativen Einführung komplexer Softwaresysteme unter Berücksichtigung organisatorischer Gestaltungsprozesse.
PhD thesis, 2005
