Noelia Barreira

Orcid: 0000-0003-0961-2057

According to our database1, Noelia Barreira authored at least 71 papers between 2003 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.




In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Enhanced multiple sclerosis diagnosis using high-resolution 3D OCT volumes with synthetic slices.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2025

Efficient semi-supervised hierarchical training for segmenting choroidal vessels and other structures on OCT images of multiple sclerosis patients.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2025

Generation of synthetic intermediate slices in 3D OCT cubes for improving pathology detection and monitoring.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, September, 2023

Choroid segmentation in non-EDI OCT images of multiple sclerosis patients.
Proceedings of V XoveTIC Conference, 2022

Fully automatic segmentation of the choroid in non-EDI OCT images of patients with multiple sclerosis.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference KES-2022, 2022

Deep learning for segmentation of optic disc and retinal layers in peripapillary optical coherence tomography images.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Vision, 2022

Automated Segmentation of the Central Serous Chorioretinopathy fluid regions using Optical Coherence Tomography Scans.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2021

Multimodal Transfer Learning-Based Approaches for Retinal Vascular Segmentation.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020, 2020

Precise segmentation of the bulbar conjunctiva for hyperaemia images.
Pattern Anal. Appl., 2018

Enhanced visualization of the retinal vasculature using depth information in OCT.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2017

Hydra: A web-based system for cardiovascular analysis, diagnosis and treatment.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2017

Artery/vein Classification of Blood Vessel Tree in Retinal Imaging.
Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017) - Volume 4: VISAPP, Porto, Portugal, February 27, 2017

Assessment of the repeatability in an automatic methodology for hyperemia grading in the bulbar conjunctiva.
Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2017

Automatic Retinal Vascularity Identification and Artery/Vein Classification Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Retinographies.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications, 2017

Interactive Three-Dimensional Visualization System of the Vascular Structure in OCT Retinal Images.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2017, 2017

iDEAS: A web-based system for dry eye assessment.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2016

Defining the Optimal Region of Interest for Hyperemia Grading in the Bulbar Conjunctiva.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine, 2016

On the development of conjunctival hyperemia computer-assisted diagnosis tools: Influence of feature selection and class imbalance in automatic gradings.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2016

On the analysis of local and global features for hyperemia grading.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Vision, 2016

Comparing Machine Learning Techniques in a Hyperemia Grading Framework.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016), 2016

On the analysis of feature selection techniques in a conjunctival hyperemia grading framework.
Proceedings of the 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 2016

Vessel Tree Extraction and Depth Estimation with OCT Images.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2016

Automatic grading system for human tear films.
Pattern Anal. Appl., 2015

A Novel Framework for Hyperemia Grading Based on Artificial Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2015

Automatic Selection of Video Frames for Hyperemia Grading.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2015, 2015

Analysis of parameters for the automatic computation of the tear film break-up time test based on CCLRU standards.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2014

Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Retinal Analysis: Automatic Assessment of the Vascular Tortuosity.
Proceedings of the Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2014, 2014

Automatic assessment of tear film break-up dynamics.
Proceedings of the Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2014, 2014

Automatic identification of vessel crossovers in retinal images.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Vision, 2014

Feature Selection Applied to Human Tear Film Classification.
Proceedings of the ICAART 2014, 2014

On the Automation of the Tear Film Non-invasive Break-up Test.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2014

Automatic Segmentation of the Mandible in Cone-Beam Computer Tomography Images.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2014

On the use of a minimal path approach for target trajectory analysis.
Pattern Recognit., 2013

Improving retinal artery and vein classification by means of a minimal path approach.
Mach. Vis. Appl., 2013

Automatic classification of the interferential tear film lipid layer using colour texture analysis.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2013

Reliable monitoring system for arteriovenous ratio computation.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph., 2013

Break-Up Analysis of the Tear Film Based on Time, Location, Size and Shape of the Rupture Area.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 10th International Conference, 2013

Colour Texture Segmentation of Tear Film Lipid Layer Images.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013, 2013

Evaluation of SIRIUS retinal vessel width measurement in REVIEW dataset.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2013

Topological Active Volume 3D segmentation model optimized with genetic approaches.
Nat. Comput., 2012

Adaptive parameter computation for the automatic measure of the Tear Break-Up Time.
Proceedings of the Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2012

Automatic Arteriovenous Ratio Computation: Emulating the Experts.
Proceedings of the Technological Innovation for Value Creation, 2012

The Significance of the Vessel Registration for a Reliable Computation of Arteriovenous Ratio.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 9th International Conference, 2012

Algorithm for registration of full Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope video sequences.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Texture and Color Analysis for the Automatic Classification of the Eye Lipid Layer.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2011

Automation of the tear film break-up time test.
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, 2011

Precise Segmentation of the Optic Disc in Retinal Fundus Images.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2011, 2011

Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformable model for volume segmentation.
Pattern Recognit., 2010

Sirius: A web-based system for retinal image analysis.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2010

Improvements in retinal vessel clustering techniques: towards the automatic computation of the arterio venous ratio.
Computing, 2010

Directional Gaze Analysis in Webcam Video Sequences.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition, 7th International Conference, 2010

Using Retinex Image Enhancement to Improve the Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition, 7th International Conference, 2010

On the Automatic Computation of the Arterio-Venous Ratio in Retinal Images: Using Minimal Paths for the Artery/Vein Classification.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2010

Personal verification based on extraction and characterisation of retinal feature points.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 2009

Genetic approaches for topological active nets optimization.
Pattern Recognit., 2009

Retinal Verification Using a Feature Points-Based Biometric Pattern.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2009

Genetic Approaches for the Automatic Division of Topological Active Volumes.
Proceedings of the Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation, 2009

Automatic Drusen Detection from Digital Retinal Images: AMD Prevention.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory, 2009

On the Improvement of the Topological Active Volumes Model - A Tetrahedral Approach.
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2008: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 22-25, 2008, 2008

Handling Topological Changes in the Topological Active Volumes Model.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition, 5th International Conference, 2008

Genetic-Greedy Hybrid Approach for Topological Active Nets Optimization.
Proceedings of the Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 8th International Conference, 2007

Automatic Topological Active Net Division in a Genetic-Greedy Hybrid Approach.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Third Iberian Conference, 2007

Efficient Combination of the Fuzzy Hough Transform and the Burns Segment Detector.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Systems Theory, 2007

Perceptual organization of directional primitives using a pseudocolor fuzzy hough transform for arc detection.
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2006: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2006

Local energy minimisations - an optimisation for the topological active volumes model.
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2006: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2006

Topological Active Nets Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition, Third International Conference, 2006

Localization and Extraction of the Optic Disc Using the Fuzzy Circular Hough Transform.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2006

Topological Active Volumes.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2005

Conversion into Three-Dimensional Implicit Surface Representation from <i>Topological Active Volumes</i> Based Segmentation.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Second Iberian Conference, 2005

Topological Active Volumes for Segmentation and Shape Reconstruction of Medical Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition: International Conference, 2004

Topological Active Volumes.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 10th International Conference, 2003
