Nikos I. Karacapilidis

Orcid: 0000-0002-6581-6831

According to our database1, Nikos I. Karacapilidis authored at least 140 papers between 1994 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Software bug prediction using graph neural networks and graph-based text representations.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2025

Deep learning and embeddings-based approaches for keyphrase extraction: a literature review.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., November, 2024

Social Media Topic Classification on Greek Reddit.
Inf., September, 2024

Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods to Enhance Transparency and Trust in Digital Deliberation Settings.
Future Internet, July, 2024

Determinants of Humanities and Social Sciences Students' Intentions to Use Artificial Intelligence Applications for Academic Purposes.
Inf., June, 2024

GreekT5: Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Greek News Summarization.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2024

Generative AI and Public Deliberation: A Framework for LLM-augmented Digital Democracy.
Proceedings of Ongoing Research, 2024

Fostering Multilingual Deliberation through Generative Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of Ongoing Research, 2024

Understanding the Use of Emerging Technologies in the Public Sector: A Review of Horizon 2020 Projects.
Digit. Gov. Res. Pract., March, 2023

GreekT5: A Series of Greek Sequence-to-Sequence Models for News Summarization.
CoRR, 2023

LMRank: Utilizing Pre-Trained Language Models and Dependency Parsing for Keyphrase Extraction.
IEEE Access, 2023

A Review of Greek NLP Technologies for Chatbot Development.
Proceedings of the 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Progress in Computing and Informatics, 2023

An Advanced Explainable and Interpretable ML-Based Framework for Educational Data Mining.
Proceedings of the Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops, 2023

Leveraging Cognitive and Social Engagement in Blended Learning Through an AI-Augmented Pedagogical Framework.
Proceedings of the Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops, 2023

Developing argumentation services based on hypermedia systems.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext, 2023

Chatbot Technology Assessment: 40 Cases from Greece.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2023

Investigating Trust in the incorporation of NLP applications in Digital Democracy Platforms.
Proceedings of the Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research, 2023

Is it a bug or a feature? Identifying software bugs using graph attention networks.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2022

An AI-Enhanced Solution for Large-Scale Deliberation Mapping and Explainable Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2022

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies in the Public Sector: A Research Projects Perspective.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 21st IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2022

Predicting prices of Airbnb listings via Graph Neural Networks and Document Embeddings: The case of the island of Santorini.
Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2022 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist, 2022

Combining Technocrats' Expertise with Public Opinion Through an Innovative e-Participation Platform.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput., 2021

Argumentation Schemes in Technology-Mediated Open Innovation Product-Service Models: An Activity Systems Perspective.
Syst., 2021

On the integration of Machine Learning algorithms and Operations Research techniques in the development of a hybrid Recommender System.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2021

Shall I Work with Them? A Knowledge Graph-Based Approach for Predicting Future Research Collaborations.
Entropy, 2021

A Comparative Assessment of State-Of-The-Art Methods for Multilingual Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2021

Innovation as Argumentation in Closed and Technology-mediated Open Models.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Finance, 2021

GLASS: Towards Secure and Decentralized eGovernance Services Using IPFS.
Proceedings of the Computer Security. ESORICS 2021 International Workshops, 2021

A Trustable and Interoperable Decentralized Solution for Citizen-Centric and Cross-Border eGovernance: A Conceptual Approach.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 20th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2021

Multimedia Content's Brokerage: An Information System Based on LeSiM.
Int. J. E Serv. Mob. Appl., 2020

A Novel Approach to Energy Management in Large Passenger and Cruise Ships: Integrating Simulation and Machine Learning Models.
Proceedings of the Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2020

Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, 2020

On a Novel Representation of Multiple Textual Documents in a Single Graph.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2020

An Innovative Graph-Based Approach to Advance Feature Selection from Multiple Textual Documents.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2020

On the Exploitation of Textual Descriptions for a Better-informed Task Assignment Process.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2020

On the Utilization of Structural and Textual Information of a Scientific Knowledge Graph to Discover Future Research Collaborations: A Link Prediction Perspective.
Proceedings of the Discovery Science - 23rd International Conference, 2020

A semi-supervised self-trained two-level algorithm for forecasting students' graduation time.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2019

Transforming the communication between citizens and government through AI-guided chatbots.
Gov. Inf. Q., 2019

On the Advancement of Project Management through a Flexible Integration of Machine Learning and Operations Research Tools.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2019

Combining Machine Learning and Operations Research Methods to Advance the Project Management Practice.
Proceedings of the Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2019

Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Finance, 2019

Towards Reproducible Bioinformatics: The OpenBio-C Scientific Workflow Environment.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2019

Prediction of Students' Graduation Time Using a Two-Level Classification Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, 2018

LESIM: A Novel Lexical Similarity Measure Technique for Multimedia Information Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2018

On the development of an open and collaborative bioinformatics research environment.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference KES-2018, 2018

Argumentative Discourse Concepts as Revealed by Traversing a Graph.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2018

A novel framework for augmenting the quality of explanations in recommender systems.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2017

Advancing Open Innovation Capabilities Through a Flexible Integration of ICT Tools - (Short Paper).
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2017 Conferences, 2017

Towards an Integrated and Inclusive Platform for Open Innovation in the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the E-Democracy - Privacy-Preserving, Secure, Intelligent E-Government Services, 2017

Strengthening the Rationale of Recommendations Through a Hybrid Explanations Building Framework.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2015

A Data Mining Based Approach for Collaborative Analysis of Biomedical Data.
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 2014

Using semantic types to formalize and augment complex argumentative discourses.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2014

Strengthening collaborative data analysis and decision making in web communities.
Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, 2014

Alleviating Cognitive Overload in Collaboration Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Smart Digital Futures 2014, 2014

Understanding Collaborative Sensemaking Behaviour using Semantic Types in Interaction Data.
Proceedings of the Smart Digital Futures 2014, 2014

On the Formal Assessment of Argumentation Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Smart Digital Futures 2014, 2014

Argumentation-Based Learning for Communities of Practice.
Int. J. Knowl. Soc. Res., 2013

Understanding the Role of Computer-Supported Argumentation in the Strategic Change Process.
Int. J. Inf. Syst. Soc. Chang., 2013

On a meaningful exploitation of machine and human reasoning to tackle data-intensive decision making.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2013

Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making: The Dicode Project.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2013

Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making.
Proceedings of the KDIR/KMIS 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 19, 2013

Enhancing Collaboration in Big Biomedical Data Settings - Knowledge Visualization, Data Mining and Decision Making Issues.
Proceedings of the DATA 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications, Reykjavík, Iceland, 29, 2013

A computational model for the identification and assessment of structural similarities in argumentative discourses.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 2012

Augmenting Social Media Monitoring through Human Collaboration.
Proceedings of the Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2012

The dicode workbench: a flexible framework for the integration of information and web services.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, IIWAS '12, Bali, Indonesia, 2012

Towards a Seamless Integration of Human and Machine Reasoning in Data-Intensive Collaborative Decision Making Settings: The Dicode Approach.
Proceedings of the Fusing Decision Support Systems into the Fabric of the Context, 2012

Data Mining Based Collaborative Analysis of Microarray Data.
Proceedings of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2012

Towards a Meaningful Analysis of Big Data - Enhancing Data Mining Techniques through a Collaborative Decision Making Environment.
Proceedings of the DATA 2012, 2012

Mastering data-intensive collaboration through the synergy of human and machine reasoning.
Proceedings of the CSCW '12 Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Seattle, WA, USA, February 11-15, 2012, 2012

On a meaningful integration of web services in data-intensive biomedical environments: The DICODE approach.
Proceedings of CBMS 2012, 2012

Supporting collaboration, enhancing learning.
Int. J. Mob. Learn. Organisation, 2011

Development of Argumentation Skills via Learning Management Systems - Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems.
Proceedings of the KEOD 2011, 2011

Mitigating the cognitive overload of contemporary argumentation-based collaboration settings.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, 2011

Using Decision Trees for the Semi-automatic Development of Medical Data Patterns: A Computer-Supported Framework.
Proceedings of the Web-Based Applications in Healthcare and Biomedicine, 2010

On the integration of hybrid recommendation techniques into an agent-based transportation transactions management platform.
Int. J. Inf. Decis. Sci., 2010

Augmenting transportation-related recommendations through data mining.
Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms, 2010

Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making through a Cloud Infrastructure.
ERCIM News, 2010

Usability Evaluation of Web-Based Collaboration Support Systems: The Case of CoPe_it!
Proceedings of the Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, 2010

On the Exploration and Exploitation of Structural Similarities in Argumentative Discourses.
Proceedings of the WEBIST 2010, 2010

Tackling Cognitively-Complex Collaboration with CoPe_it!
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2009

On the Development of Web-Based Argumentative Collaboration Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, 2009

CoPe_it!: argumentative collaboration towards learning.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2009

Fostering Learning through the Use of Argumentative Serious Games.
Proceedings of the E-Infrastructures and E-Services on Developing Countries, 2009

Enhancing Recommendations through a Data Mining Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2008

Integrating Simulation into a Web-Based Decision Support Tool for the Cost Effective Planning of Vessel Dismantling Processes.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2008, 2008

Web-Based Collaboration and Decision Making Support: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2007

Computer-supported collaborative supply chain modelling and simulation: a knowledge-centric approach.
Int. J. Simul. Process. Model., 2007

A Multidisciplinary Approach for Supporting Knowledge-Based Decision Making in Collaborative Settings.
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 2007

CoPe_it! - Supporting Incremental Formalization in Collaborative Learning Environments.
ERCIM News, 2007

Applying Hybrid Recommendation Policies through Agent-Invoked Web Services in E-Markets.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2007, 2007

Supporting Incremental Formalization in Collaborative Learning Environments.
Proceedings of the Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, 2007

On the Development of Knowledge Management Services for Collaborative Decision Making.
J. Comput., 2006

On the development of a web-based system for transportation services.
Inf. Sci., 2006

On the development of e-business strategies: an integrated fuzzy logic and game theoretic approach.
Int. J. Electron. Bus., 2006

A computerized knowledge management system for the manufacturing strategy process.
Comput. Ind., 2006

A knowledge centred framework for collaborative business process modelling.
Bus. Process. Manag. J., 2006

Handling Knowledge-Based Decision Making Issues in Collaborative Settings: An Integrated Approach.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 4th Helenic Conference on AI, 2006

Providing Recommendations in an Agent-Based Transportation Transactions Management Platform.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2006, 2006

Towards an Integrated IS Framework for the Design and Management of Lean Supply Chains.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2006, 2006

Proceedings of the EC-TEL06 Workshops, Crete, Greece , October 1-2, 2006, 2006

Computer-supported G2G collaboration for public policy and decision-making.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2005

Interweaving knowledge management, argumentation and decision making in a collaborative setting: the KAD ontology model.
Int. J. Knowl. Learn., 2005

A hybrid framework for similarity-based recommendations.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min., 2005

Exploring the Interplay Between Domain-Independent and Domain-Specific Concepts in Computer-Supported Collaboration.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2005

On the Elicitation of Knowledge in Collaborative Decision Making Settings.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2005

E-Collaboration Support Systems Issues to be Addressed.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (5 Volumes), 2005

Inter-agent Dialogues in Electronic Marketplaces.
Comput. Intell., 2004

An IS Framework to Support the Collaborative Design of Supply Chains.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2004

A Recommendation Based Framework for Online Product Configuration.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2004, 2004

Enhancing Collaboration in Business Process Modelling.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2004, 2004

A Web-Based System for Supporting Structured Collaboration in the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government: Third International Conference, 2004

Integrating Simulation and Argumentation in Organizational Decision Making.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2003

An Agent-Mediated Marketplace for Transportation Transactions.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2003, 2003

Exploiting Similarity Measures in Multi-criteria Based Recommendations.
Proceedings of the E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 4th International Conference, 2003

Leveraging organizational knowledge to formulate manufacturing strategy.
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems, 2003

Modeling discourse in collaborative work support systems: A knowledge representation and configuration perspective.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2002

A Web-Based Recommender System for end-of-use ICT Products.
Proceedings of the Towards The Knowledge Society: eCommerce, 2002

Engineering Issues in Inter-Agent Dialogues.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2002

Modeling dialogues in multi-agent systems.
Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems, 2002

Computer supported argumentation and collaborative decision making: the HERMES system.
Inf. Syst., 2001

Building an agent-mediated electronic commerce system with decision analysis features.
Decis. Support Syst., 2001

Intelligent agents for an artificial market system.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, 2001

A web-based information and decision support system for appropriateness in medicine.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2000

Intelligent Agents Acting as Artificial Employees in an Electronic Market.
J. Electron. Commer. Res., 2000

Developing Higher-Order Skills with the MEDIT Web-based Learning Environment.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 2000

Computer-supported collaborative argumentation and fuzzy similarity measures in multiple criteria decision making.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2000

On the Development of Intelligent Agents for a Web-based Electronic Market System.
Proceedings of the Fourth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2000

The Zeno Argumentation Framework.
Künstliche Intell., 1999

Computer-Mediated Collaborative Decision Making: Theoretical and Implementation Issues.
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-32), 1999

A Computational Approach for Argumentative Discourse in Multi-Agent Decision Making Environments.
AI Commun., 1998

Modeling Discourse Acts in Computer-Assisted Collaborative Decision Making.
Proceedings of the PAKM 98, 1998

Hermes: Supporting Argumentative Discourse in Multi-Agent Decision Making.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Tenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1998

Using Case-Based Reasoning for Argumentation with Multiple Viewpoints.
Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 1997

An Argumentation Based Framework for Defeasible and Qualitative Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 1996

A group decision and negotiation support system for argumentation based reasoning.
Proceedings of the Learning and Reasoning with Complex Representations, 1996

Application of a similarity measure of fuzzy sets to fuzzy relational equations.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 1995

Collaborative Spatial Decision Making with Qualitative Constraints.
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 1995

Planning Under Uncertainty: A Qualitative Approach.
Proceedings of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 1995

Applying the service level criterion in a location-allocation problem.
Decis. Support Syst., 1994
