Nestor Garay-Vitoria

Orcid: 0000-0002-1561-4799

According to our database1, Nestor Garay-Vitoria authored at least 60 papers between 1994 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Assessing the effectiveness of ensembles in Speech Emotion Recognition: Performance analysis under challenging scenarios.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

Special section on new trends in HCI for improving communication, education and integration of people with disabilities.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2022

Ethool usability evaluation.
Dataset, February, 2021

Photogram Classification-Based Emotion Recognition.
IEEE Access, 2021

Ethical and legal implications for technological devices in clinical research in Europe: Flowchart design for ethical and legal decisions in clinical research.
Proceedings of the Interacción '21: XXI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2021

JolasMATIKA: An Experience for Teaching and Learning Computing Topics From University to Primary Education.
IEEE Trans. Educ., 2020

Accessible Ubiquitous Services for Supporting Daily Activities: A Case Study with Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2019

Application of an Ontology-Based Platform for Developing Affective Interaction Systems.
IEEE Access, 2019

Emotion recognition in video and audio through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques.
Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2019

Neuromodulation system in closed loop for enhancing the sleep and the memory consolidation.
Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2019

DAFIESKU: A System for Acquiring Mobile Physiological Data.
Mob. Inf. Syst., 2017

Classifier Subset Selection for the Stacked Generalization Method Applied to Emotion Recognition in Speech.
Sensors, 2016

Using a Real Bare Machine in a Project-Based Learning Environment for Teaching Computer Structure: An Analysis of the Implementation Following the Action Research Model.
ACM Trans. Comput. Educ., 2016

Physiological Data Acquisition System Based on Mobile Computing.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 2016

Automatic Generation of Tailored Accessible User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Services.
IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst., 2015

Approaches and Tools Used to Teach the Computer Input/Output Subsystem: A Survey.
IEEE Trans. Educ., 2015

The ASSISTANT Project - Independence Though Mobility.
Proceedings of the European Project Space on Research and Applications of Information, 2015

Game-Console-Based Projects for Learning the Computer Input/Output Subsystem.
IEEE Trans. Educ., 2013

Special section on methodological development of interactive systems from Interacción 2011.
Sci. Comput. Program., 2013

The Learning Outcomes of the Exam Question in the Input/Output Topic in Computer Architecture.
Proceedings of the 2013 Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, 2013

Use of concept maps to analyze students' understanding of the I/O subsystem.
Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2013

A comparison between lecturers' and students' concept maps related to the input/output topic in computer architecture.
Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2012

Nintendo® DS projects to learn computer input-output.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2012

Model-Based Accessible User Interface Generation in Ubiquitous Environments.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, 2011

Applying the Affinto Ontology to Develop a Text-Based Emotional Conversation System.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, 2011

Toward Adapting Interactions by Considering User Emotions and Capabilities.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Mobile and Intelligent Interaction Environments, 2011

Some Issues Regarding the Design of Adaptive Interface Generation Systems.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and eInclusion, 2011

Automatically generating tailored accessible user interfaces for ubiquitous services.
Proceedings of the 13th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2011

ITS-LAGUNTXO: enhancing the integration of people with intellectual disabilities.
Int. J. Soc. Humanist. Comput., 2010

Modelling text prediction systems in low- and high-inflected languages.
Comput. Speech Lang., 2010

Ontology-Driven Adaptive Accessible Interfaces in the INREDIS project.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Architectures and Building Blocks of Web-Based User-Adaptive Systems, 2010

Emotion Elicitation Oriented to the Development of a Human Emotion Management System for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Proceedings of the Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2010

An Intelligent Tutoring System Oriented to the Integration of People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Proceedings of the Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2010

Changing the learning process of the input/output topic using a game in a portable console.
Proceedings of the 15th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2010

Analysing emotional interaction through avatars. A generic architecture..
e Minds Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2009

LAGUNTXO: A Rule-Based Intelligent Tutoring System Oriented to People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Proceedings of the Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, 2009

Towards an Ontology for Describing Emotions.
Proceedings of the Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, 2008

Tutor Project: An Intelligent Tutoring System to Improve Cognitive Disabled People Integration.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2008

Models to facilitate the development of affective resources.
Proceedings of the ECCE 2008, 2008

A Comparison Using Different Speech Parameters in the Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Feature Subset Selection Based on Evolutionary Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Text, Speech and Dialogue, 10th International Conference, 2007

Application of Feature Subset Selection Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Automatic Emotion Recognition in Speech.
Proceedings of the Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, 2007

Validating a Multilingual and Multimodal Affective Database.
Proceedings of the Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces, 2007

Text prediction systems: a survey.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2006

Feature Subset Selection Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Automatic Emotion Recognition in Spoken Spanish and Standard Basque Language.
Proceedings of the Text, Speech and Dialogue, 9th International Conference, 2006

Virtual Characters as Emotional Interaction Element in the User Interfaces.
Proceedings of the Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, 4th International Conference, 2006

An Ontology for Description of Emotional Cues.
Proceedings of the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2005

The use of guidelines to automatically verify Web accessibility.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2004

A Comparison of Prediction Techniques to Enhance the Communication Rate.
Proceedings of the User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society, 2004

Optimisation of the Selection Set Features for Scanning Text Input.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2004

EvalIris - A Web Service for Web Accessibility Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference - Posters, 2003

Accessible User Interfaces for Smart Homes.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society, 2003

Teaching design for all in HCI.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society, 2003

Mobile interfaces for people with severe motor restrictions.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society, 2003

A Web Service for Automatic Accessibility Analysis of Web Pages Based on the Use of XML Structures.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society, 2003

Mediación emocional aplicada en sistemas de comunicación aumentativa y.
Inteligencia Artif., 2002

USERfit Tool. A Tool to Facilitate Design for All.
Proceedings of the Universal Access: Theoretical Perspectives, 2002

Evaluation of Prediction Methods Applied to an Inflected Language.
Proceedings of the Text, Speech and Dialogue, 5th International Conference, 2002

Mobile Interface for a Smart Wheelchair.
Proceedings of the Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, 4th International Symposium, 2002

Intelligent Word-Prediction to Enhance Text Input Rate (a syntactic analysis-based word-prediction aid for people with severe motor and speech disability).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 1997

Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in a Word-Prediction Aid.
Proceedings of the Computers for Handicapped Persons, 4th International Conference, 1994
