Naoki Suzuki
According to our database1,
Naoki Suzuki
authored at least 72 papers
between 1998 and 2022.
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Simplified digital coherent-based beyond-100G optical access systems for B5G/6G [Invited].
JOCN, 2022
Proceedings of the 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2022
Interplay of Probabilistically Shaped Multilevel Coded Modulation and Fiber Nonlinearity Compensation.
Proceedings of the 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2022
Proceedings of the 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2022
Digital-Down-Conversion of OFDM-QPSK/16QAM Signals at 28 Gsps for Beyond-5G Intermediate Frequency over Fiber.
Proceedings of the 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2022
Simplified Digital Coherent Technologies for Beyond 100G Optical Access Systems in the B5G/6G era.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2021
Field Demonstration of Real-time 14 Tb/s 220 m FSO Transmission with Class 1 Eye-safe 9-aperture Transmitter.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2021
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communications, 2020
Experimental Comparison of Pulse Position and Hamming-Coded Modulations for High Sensitivity Coherent FSO Communications.
Proceedings of the 2019 24th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2019 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies, 2019
82.5GS/s (8×10.3GHz Multi-Phase Clocks) Blind Over-Sampling Based Burst-Mode Clock and Data Recovery for 10G-EPON 10.3-Gb/s/1.25-Gb/s Dual-Rate Operation.
IEICE Trans. Commun., 2018
Fast, Low-Complexity Widely-Linear Compensation for IQ Imbalance in Burst-Mode 100-Gb/s/λ Coherent TDM-PON.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, 2018
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2018
A novel post-probabilistically-shaped PAM signaling as a channel coding for efficient optical communications.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2017
Demonstration of data-rate and power-budget adaptive 100 Gb/s/ A-based coherent PON downlink transmission.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2017
Frequency-domain hybrid N × 100 Gb/s regular QAMs for simple, scalable, and transparent software-defined optical transport.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2017
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2017
Burst-Mode Coherent Detection Using Fast-Fitting Pilot Sequence for 100-Gb/sM Coherent TDM-PON System.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2017
Hardware-efficient Adaptive Equalization and Carrier Phase Recovery for 100 Gb/sM-based Coherent WDM-PON Systems.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2017
Development of Four Dimensional Human Model that Enables Deformation of Skin, Organs and Blood Vessel System During Body Movement - Visualizing Movements of the Musculoskeletal System.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22 - NextMed, 2016
Development of 4D Human Body Model that Enables Deformation of Skin, Organ and Blood Vessel According to Dynamic Change.
Proceedings of the Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions, 2015
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 21 - NextMed, 2014
A Concept for Overlaid-Type Surgical Navigation System with Organ Modification Functions Using Non-Contact Type Surface Measurement.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 21 - NextMed, 2014
Formulation of Wire Control Mechanism for Surgical Robot to Create Virtual Reality Environment Aimed at Conducting Surgery Inside the Body.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 20 - NextMed, 2013
System Development for Unrestrictive View and 4D Shape Acquisition in Abdominal Cavity Operation Using Virtual Space.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 - NextMed, 2012
Training System for NOTES and SPS Surgery Robot That Enables Spatiotemporal Retrospective Analysis of the Training Process.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 - NextMed, 2012
Development of New Augmented Reality Function Using Intraperitoneal Multi-view Camera.
Proceedings of the Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions, 2012
Clinical Performance of Dental Fiberscope Image Guided System for Endodontic Treatment.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 - NextMed, 2011
Virtual Reality Image Applications for Treatment Planning in Prosthodontic Dentistry.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 - NextMed, 2011
Influence of Metal Artifacts on the Creation of Individual 3D Cranio-mandibular Models.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 - NextMed, 2011
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 - NextMed, 2011
VR Training System for Endoscopic Surgery Robot - Development of a System Enabling 4D Analysis of Surgical Technique Training.
Proceedings of the Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions, 2011
Scorpion Shaped Endoscopic Surgical Robot for NOTES and SPS With Augmented Reality Functions.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality - 5th International Workshop, 2010
Tele-Control of an Endoscopic Surgical Robot System between Japan and Thailand for Tele-NOTES.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 17 - NextMed: Design for/the Well Being, 2009
Designing Artificial Jaw Joints (AJJs) in VR Space for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 17 - NextMed: Design for/the Well Being, 2009
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 17 - NextMed: Design for/the Well Being, 2009
Development of a Real-Time Image-Guided Surgery System for Stereo-Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 17 - NextMed: Design for/the Well Being, 2009
Dental Fiberscope with Navigation System for Endodontic Treatments.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16, 2008
Telecontrol function of an endoscopic surgical robot with two hands for tele-NOTES surgery.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16, 2008
Hip Motion Analysis Using Multi Phase (Virtual and Physical) Simulation of the Patient-specific Hip Joint Dynamics.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16, 2008
Evaluation of the simulation robot for mandibular movements with the patient-specific 3-dimensional plaster model and mandibular movement data - Clinical application of the physical simulation robot -.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16, 2008
Wheelchair Propulsion Analysis System That Incorporates Human Skeletal Muscular Model Analyses on the Flat Floor and Slope.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, 4th International Workshop, 2008
Development of a surgical robot system for endovascular surgery with augmented reality function.
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15, 2007
Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15, 2007
Real-time mandibular movement analysis system using four-dimensional cranial bone model.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2006
Intraoperative 3D visualization for surgical field deformation with geometric pattern projection.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2006
Laser-scan endoscope system for intraoperative geometry acquisition and surgical robot safety management.
Medical Image Anal., 2006
Robotic surgery setup simulation with the integration of inverse-kinematics computation and medical imaging.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2006
Data-Fusion Display System with Volume Rendering of Intraoperatively Scanned CT Images.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2004
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2004
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004
A real-time data fusion system updating 3D organ shapes using color information from multi-directional cameras.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
Development of an elastic organ model containing voxel information.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
Tele-training simulation for the surgical robot system "da Vinci".
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
4D analysis of skeletal and muscular system during locomotion using dynamic spatial video camera system.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
Four-dimensional patient-specific musculoskeletal model of the patient after Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
An interactive planning system for optimal trocar site placement of surgical robot da Vinci.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
Navigation system for a developed endoscopic surgical robot system.
Proceedings of the CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, 2004
Surgery Simulation System with Haptic Sensation and Modeling of Elastic Organ That Re.ect the Patients' Anatomy.
Proceedings of the Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling, International Symposium, 2003
Computer-assisted analysis of locus of the dynamic loading axis on the knee joint.
Proceedings of the CARS 2003. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition, 2003
Development of a support system for hepatectomies and reconstruction of 3D intuitive images visualizing external shapes and internal structures and locations.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2002
Development of 4-Dimensional Human Model System for the Patient after Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2002
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2002
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2002
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2002
Real-Time Surgical Simulation with Haptic Sensation as Collaborated Works between Japan and Germany.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2001
Adv. Robotics, 2000
Virtual Surgery System Using Deformable Organ Models and Force Feedback Systems with Three Fingers.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 1998