Nadia Tawbi

Orcid: 0000-0002-1030-0918

According to our database1, Nadia Tawbi authored at least 41 papers between 1991 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Leveraging Transformer Architecture for Effective Trajectory-User Linking (TUL) Attack and Its Mitigation.
Proceedings of the Computer Security - ESORICS 2024, 2024

Unsupervised User-Based Insider Threat Detection Using Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Models.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, 2023

Digital Waste Disposal: an automated framework for analysis of spam emails.
Int. J. Inf. Sec., 2020

Toward Semantic-Based Android Malware Detection Using Model Checking and Machine Learning.
Proceedings of the Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, 2020

Beyond Labels: Permissiveness for Dynamic Information Flow Enforcement.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, 2019

A progress-sensitive flow-sensitive inlined information-flow control monitor (extended version).
Comput. Secur., 2017

A Progress-Sensitive Flow-Sensitive Inlined Information-Flow Control Monitor.
Proceedings of the ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, 2016

On the Abstraction of a Categorical Clustering Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 2016

Privacy-Aware Data Sharing in a Tree-Based Categorical Clustering Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Foundations and Practice of Security - 9th International Symposium, 2016

Andrana: Quick and Accurate Malware Detection for Android.
Proceedings of the Foundations and Practice of Security - 9th International Symposium, 2016

Keynote I and Keynote II.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2016) / The 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2016) / Affiliated Workshops, 2016

Equivalence-preserving corrective enforcement of security properties.
Int. J. Inf. Comput. Secur., 2015

Digital Waste Sorting: A Goal-Based, Self-Learning Approach to Label Spam Email Campaigns.
Proceedings of the Security and Trust Management - 11th International Workshop, 2015

Clustering Spam Emails into Campaigns.
Proceedings of the ICISSP 2015, 2015

Fast and Effective Clustering of Spam Emails Based on Structural Similarity.
Proceedings of the Foundations and Practice of Security - 8th International Symposium, 2015

J. Inf. Secur. Appl., 2013

Enforcing Information Flow by Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis.
Proceedings of the Foundations and Practice of Security - 6th International Symposium, 2013

Corrective Enforcement: A New Paradigm of Security Policy Enforcement by Monitors.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., 2012

Which security policies are enforceable by runtime monitors? A survey.
Comput. Sci. Rev., 2012

Enforcing Information Flow Policies by a Three-Valued Analysis.
Proceedings of the Computer Network Security, 2012

Extending the enforcement power of truncation monitors using static analysis.
Comput. Secur., 2011

Optimized Inlining of Runtime Monitors.
Proceedings of the Information Security Technology for Applications, 2011

Using Equivalence Relations for Corrective Enforcement of Security Policies.
Proceedings of the Computer Network Security, 2010

Corrective Enforcement of Security Policies.
Proceedings of the Formal Aspects of Security and Trust - 7th International Workshop, 2010

Generating In-Line Monitors for Rabin Automata.
Proceedings of the Identity and Privacy in the Internet Age, 2009

Execution monitoring enforcement under memory-limitation constraints.
Inf. Comput., 2008

A Denotational Semantic Model for Validating JVML/CLDC Optimizations under Isabelle/HOL.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2007), 2007

Execution monitoring enforcement for limited-memory systems.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Privacy, 2006

E-Bunny: A Dynamic Compiler for Embedded Java Virtual Machines.
J. Object Technol., 2005

Armed E-Bunny: a selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors.
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2005

A dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machines.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, 2004

Method Call Acceleration in Embedded Java Virtual Machines.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2003, 2003

Secure Self-certified Code for Java.
Proceedings of the Formal Aspects of Security, First International Conference, 2002

Secure Self-Certified COTS.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2000), 2000

From Protocol Specifications to Flaws and Attack Scenarios: An Automatic and Formal Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Enabling Technologies (WET-ICE '97), 1997

Formal Automatic Verification of Authentication Crytographic Protocols.
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 1997

A Type-Based Algorithm for the Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Concurrent Programs.
Proceedings of the Implementation of Functional Languages, 8th International Workshop, 1996

Specification and Verification of the PowerScale<sup>TM</sup> Bus Arbitration Protocol: An Industrial Experiment with LOTOS.
Proceedings of the Formal Description Techniques IX: Theory, 1996

Estimation of Nested Loops Execution Time by Integer Arithmetic in Convex Polyhedra.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Parallel Processing, 1994

Processor allocation and loop scheduling on multiprocessor computers.
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Supercomputing, 1992

PMACS: An Environment for Parallel Programming.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Parallel Processing Symposium, Proceedings, Anaheim, California, USA, April 30, 1991
