Mutsumi Imai
According to our database1,
Mutsumi Imai
authored at least 23 papers
between 1999 and 2023.
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The Iconicity Ring Hypothesis Bridges the Gap Between Symbol Grounding and Linguistic Relativity.
Top. Cogn. Sci., October, 2023
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, 2023
High Similarity Comparison Experience Helps Japanese- and English-speaking Children Learn New Verbs.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023
The contingency symmetry bias as a foundation of word learning: Evidence from 8-mont-olds in a matching-to-sample task.
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022
Acquisition of the Meaning of the Word Orange Requires Understanding of the Meanings of Red, Pink, and Purple: Constructing a Lexicon as a Connected System.
Cogn. Sci., 2020
General mechanisms of color lexicon acquisition: Insights from comparison of German and Japanese speaking children.
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018
Beyond the language explosion: What gradual word learning tells us about conceptual development.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016
How do children construct the color lexicon? : Restructuring the domain as a connected system.
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2015
All Giraffes Have Female-Specific Properties: Influence of Grammatical Gender on Deductive Reasoning About Sex-Specific Properties in German Speakers.
Cogn. Sci., 2014
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013
Cross-Linguistically Shared and Language-Specific Sound Symbolism for Motion: An Exploratory Data Mining Approach.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013
Grammatical Gender and Inferences About Biological Properties in German-Speaking Children.
Cogn. Sci., 2012
The Internal Structures of Sound-Symbolic Systems: the Universal and Language-Specific Portions of Sound Symbolism.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012
The role of comparison in structure learning: Developmental, learning science, and computational perspectives.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012
Cogn. Sci., 2011
Proceedings of the 33th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011
Language-Relative Construal of Individuation Constrained by Universal Ontology: Revisiting Language Universals and Linguistic Relativity.
Cogn. Sci., 2007
A Computational Model for Children's Language Acquisition Using Inductive Logic Programming.
Proceedings of the Progress in Discovery Science, 2002
A Bootstrapping Model for Children's Vocabulary Acquisition using Inductive Logic Programming.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell., 2001
Proceedings of the Discovery Science, 1999