Muhammad Idrees Afridi
Orcid: 0000-0002-8818-5980
According to our database1,
Muhammad Idrees Afridi
authored at least 11 papers
between 2014 and 2024.
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Computational analysis of unsteady oscillatory flow of nanofluid with variable electric conductivity: gear-generalized differential quadrature approach.
J. Comput. Des. Eng., 2024
Finite Difference Simulation of Nonlinear Convection in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow in the Presence of Viscous and Joule Dissipation over an Oscillating Plate.
Symmetry, 2022
Irreversibility Analysis of Hybrid Nanofluid Flow over a Thin Needle with Effects of Energy Dissipation.
Symmetry, 2019
Second Law Analysis of Unsteady MHD Viscous Flow over a Horizontal Stretching Sheet Heated Non-Uniformly in the Presence of Ohmic Heating: Utilization of Gear-Generalized Differential Quadrature Method.
Entropy, 2019
Thermodynamic Analysis of Entropy Generation Minimization in Thermally Dissipating Flow Over a Thin Needle Moving in a Parallel Free Stream of Two Newtonian Fluids.
Entropy, 2019
Entropy Generation in Cu-Al2O3-H2O Hybrid Nanofluid Flow over a Curved Surface with Thermal Dissipation.
Entropy, 2019
Transpiration and Viscous Dissipation Effects on Entropy Generation in Hybrid Nanofluid Flow over a Nonlinear Radially Stretching Disk.
Entropy, 2018
Irreversibility Analysis of Dissipative Fluid Flow Over A Curved Surface Stimulated by Variable Thermal Conductivity and Uniform Magnetic Field: Utilization of Generalized Differential Quadrature Method.
Entropy, 2018
Second Law Analysis of Dissipative Flow over a Riga Plate with Non-Linear Rosseland Thermal Radiation and Variable Transport Properties.
Entropy, 2018
Entropy Generation in Magnetohydrodynamic Mixed Convection Flow over an Inclined Stretching Sheet.
Entropy, 2017
Power budget analysis of full duplex single feeder-fiber wavelength division multiplexed passive optical access networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 2014