Montse Maritxalar

Orcid: 0000-0003-2734-5474

  • University of the Basque Country, Spain

According to our database1, Montse Maritxalar authored at least 34 papers between 1992 and 2022.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A Qualitative Case Study on the Validation of Automatically Generated Multiple-Choice Questions From Science Textbooks.
IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 2022

PhrasIS: Phrase Inference and Similarity Benchmark.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 2021

Domain Adapted Distant Supervision for Pedagogically Motivated Relation Extraction.
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020

Linguistic Appropriateness and Pedagogic Usefulness of Reading Comprehension Questions.
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020

Word n-gram attention models for sentence similarity and inference.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2019

enetCollect: A New European Network for combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2018

Interpretable semantic textual similarity: Finding and explaining differences between sentences.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2017

iUBC at SemEval-2016 Task 2: RNNs and LSTMs for interpretable STS.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2016

SemEval-2016 Task 2: Interpretable Semantic Textual Similarity.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2016

Supervised Hierarchical Classification for Student Answer Scoring.
CoRR, 2015

UBC: Cubes for English Semantic Textual Similarity and Supervised Approaches for Interpretable STS.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2015

SemEval-2015 Task 2: Semantic Textual Similarity, English, Spanish and Pilot on Interpretability.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2015

Domain Module Building From Textbooks: Integrating Automatic Exercise Generation.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Education - 17th International Conference, 2015

Semantic Similarity Measures for the Generation of Science Tests in Basque.
IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 2014

An Environment for Learner Corpus Research and Error Analysis: The Study of Determiner Errors in Basque.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Lang. Learn. Teach., 2014

Two Approaches to Generate Questions in Basque.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2013

EHU-ALM: Similarity-Feature Based Approach for Student Response Analysis.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2013

Automatic Exercise Generation in an Essay Scoring System.
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2012

Quizzes on Tap: Exporting a Test Generation System from One Less-Resourced Language to Another.
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, 2011

Question Generation Based on Numerical Entities in Basque.
Proceedings of the Question Generation, 2011

Automatic Distractor Generation for Domain Specific Texts.
Proceedings of the Advances in Natural Language Processing, 2010

Errores en el uso de determinantes en euskera: Análisis y Detección Automática.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2009

Morfología de estados finitos en software libre: aplicación al euskera.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2009

Porting Basque Morphological Grammars to <i>foma</i>, an Open-Source Tool.
Proceedings of the Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, 2009

A Study on the Automatic Selection of Candidate Sentences Distractors.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building Learning Systems that Care: From Knowledge Representation to Affective Modelling, 2009

A Multilingual Application for Automated Essay Scoring.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2008

The Question Model inside ArikIturri.
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2007

ArikIturri: An Automatic Question Generator Based on Corpora and NLP Techniques.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 8th International Conference, 2006

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Build a Comma Checker for Basque.
Proceedings of the ACL 2006, 2006

A word-grammar based morphological analyzer for agglutinative languages.
Proceedings of the COLING 2000, 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, 2 Volumes, July 31, 2000

From Psycholinguistic Modelling of Interlanguage in Second Language Acquisition to a Computational Model.
Proceedings of the 1997 Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Natural Language Learning: Computational Natural Language Learning, 1997

Different Issues in the Design of a Lemmatizer/Tagger for Basque
CoRR, 1995

A Morphological Analysis Based Method for Spelling Correction.
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1993

XUXEN: A Spelling Checker/Corrector for Basque Based on Two-Level Morphology.
Proceedings of the 3rd Applied Natural Language Processing Conference, 1992
