Mohammadreza Baharani

Orcid: 0000-0002-7844-3181

According to our database1, Mohammadreza Baharani authored at least 19 papers between 2013 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Ancilia: Scalable Intelligent Video Surveillance for the Artificial Intelligence of Things.
IEEE Internet Things J., September, 2023

ATCN: Resource-efficient Processing of Time Series on Edge.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., September, 2022

DeepTrack: Lightweight Deep Learning for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Highways.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2022

DeepTrack: Lightweight Deep Learning for Vehicle Path Prediction in Highways.
CoRR, 2021

Toward AI-enabled augmented reality to enhance the safety of highway work zones: Feasibility, requirements, and challenges.
Adv. Eng. Informatics, 2021

Tufan: Low-Power Throughput Architecture for Acceleration of EfficientNet on Cloud FPGAs.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference, 2021

DeepDive: An Integrative Algorithm/Architecture Co-Design for Deep Separable Convolutional Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the GLSVLSI '21: Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2021, 2021

REVAMP2T: Real-Time Edge Video Analytics for Multicamera Privacy-Aware Pedestrian Tracking.
IEEE Internet Things J., 2020

ATCN: Agile Temporal Convolutional Networks for Processing of Time Series on Edge.
CoRR, 2020

gem5-SALAM: A System Architecture for LLVM-based Accelerator Modeling.
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2020

Real-Time Deep Learning at the Edge for Scalable Reliability Modeling of Si-MOSFET Power Electronics Converters.
IEEE Internet Things J., 2019

REVAMP<sup>2</sup>T: Real-time Edge Video Analytics for Multi-camera Privacy-aware Pedestrian Tracking.
CoRR, 2019

Real-Time Person Re-identification at the Edge: A Mixed Precision Approach.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 16th International Conference, 2019

Multiplierless filter-bank based multicarrier system by using canonical signed digit representation.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2016

Physical-aware predictive dynamic thermal management of multi-core processors.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 2016

Proactive task migration with a self-adjusting migration threshold for dynamic thermal management of multi-core processors.
J. Supercomput., 2014

High-level design space exploration of locally linear neuro-fuzzy models for embedded systems.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2014

Physical-aware task migration algorithm for dynamic thermal management of SMT multi-core processors.
Proceedings of the 19th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2014

A Neuro-Fuzzy edge based spectrum sensing processor for cognitive radios.
Proceedings of the East-West Design & Test Symposium, 2013
