Mohammad Ataei

Orcid: 0000-0002-1927-3979

According to our database1, Mohammad Ataei authored at least 34 papers between 2003 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Robust sliding-mode observer for unbounded state nonlinear systems.
Int. J. Syst. Sci., October, 2024

Distributed state estimation for uncertain nonlinear time-delay AC islanded micro grids.
J. Syst. Control. Eng., February, 2024

A robust distributed observer design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems with time-varying switching topology.
J. Frankl. Inst., September, 2023

On the Existence of Invariantly Differentiable Functionals for Globally Exponentially Stable Time-Delay Systems.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., August, 2023

Design of developed distributed observers for nonlinear time-delay systems.
Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 2023

Resilience analysis: A formulation to model risk factors on complex system resilience.
Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag., 2021

Resilience estimation of critical infrastructure systems: Application of expert judgment.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 2021

An observer for a class of nonlinear systems with multiple state and measurement delays: A differential geometry-based approach.
Eur. J. Control, 2020

Voltage-Dip Analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Reduced T-Model.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 2019

Time-Delay Estimation in State and Output Equations of Nonlinear Systems Using Optimal Computational Approach.
J. Optim. Theory Appl., 2019

Observer design for one-sided Lipschitz discrete-time switched non-linear systems under asynchronous switching.
IMA J. Math. Control. Inf., 2019

Continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode control based on adaptive sliding mode disturbance observer for uncertain nonlinear systems.
Autom., 2019

Stability of nonlinear time-delay systems satisfying a quadratic constraint.
Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 2018

Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Direct Power Control of a Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 2018

Performance prediction of circular saw machine using imperialist competitive algorithm and fuzzy clustering technique.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2018

Applying a modified version of Lyapunov exponent for cancer diagnosis in biomedical images: the case of breast mammograms.
Multidimens. Syst. Signal Process., 2018

Cascade high-gain observers for a class of nonlinear systems with large delayed measurements.
Int. J. Syst. Sci., 2018

Development of overbreak prediction models in drill and blast tunneling using soft computing methods.
Eng. Comput., 2018

Designing Sequence With Minimum PSL Using Chebyshev Distance and its Application for Chaotic MIMO Radar Waveform Design.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2017

Risk based maintenance strategy: a quantitative approach based on time-to-failure model.
Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag., 2017

A multifunctional DSTATCOM for power quality improvement.
Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 2017

Robust Implementation of Distribution Static Compensator Along With Bridge Type Fault Current Limiter for Fault Ride Through Enhancement of Fixed Speed Wind Turbines.
IEEE Access, 2017

A fuzzy rock engineering system to assess rock mass cavability in block caving mines.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2016

Improvement of rock engineering system coding using fuzzy numbers.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2016

Heart diseases prediction based on ECG signals' classification using a genetic-fuzzy system and dynamical model of ECG signals.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2014

Application of fuzzy logic for predicting roof fall rate in coal mines.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2013

Trajectory Angle Control of Fish-like Robot Motion by Using Fuzzy-PID Controller.
Int. J. Robotics Autom., 2012

Using TOPSIS approaches for predictive porphyry Cu potential mapping: A case study in Ahar-Arasbaran area (NW, Iran).
Comput. Geosci., 2012

Eigenvalue assignment by minimal state-feedback gain in LTI multivariable systems.
Int. J. Control, 2011

Assessment of rock slope stability using the Fuzzy Slope Mass Rating (FSMR) system.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2011

A new approach to mining method selection based on modifying the Nicholas technique.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2010

The application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) approach to selection of optimum underground mining method for Jajarm Bauxite Mine, Iran.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2009

Real-coded genetic algorithm applied to optimal placement of capacitor banks for unbalanced distribution systems with meshed/ radial configurations.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., 2008

Estimating the Lyapunov exponents of chaotic time series: A model based method.
Proceedings of the 7th European Control Conference, 2003
