Mirela Damian

Orcid: 0000-0002-8255-2639

According to our database1, Mirela Damian authored at least 71 papers between 1997 and 2024.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


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Edge-Unfolding Polycubes with Orthogonally Convex Layers.
CoRR, 2024

Unfolding 3-separated polycube graphs of arbitrary genus.
Comput. Geom., 2023

Reconfiguration of Non-crossing Spanning Trees.
CoRR, 2022

Unfolding polycube trees with constant refinement.
Comput. Geom., 2021

Universal Reconfiguration of Facet-Connected Modular Robots by Pivots: The O(1) Musketeers.
Algorithmica, 2021

Unfolding a New Class of Orthographs of Arbitrary Genus.
Proceedings of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2021

Spanning Properties of Theta-Theta-6.
Graphs Comb., 2020

Unfolding Orthotrees with Constant Refinement.
CoRR, 2018

Cone-based spanners of constant degree.
Comput. Geom., 2018

Continuous Yao graphs.
Comput. Geom., 2018

Toward Unfolding Doubly Covered n-Stars.
Proceedings of the Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games, 2018

Unfolding Low-Degree Orthotrees with Constant Refinement.
Proceedings of the 30th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2018

Unfolding Genus-2 Orthogonal Polyhedra with Linear Refinement.
Graphs Comb., 2017

Minimal forcing sets for 1D origami.
CoRR, 2017

Improved bounds on the stretch factor of Y<sub>4</sub>.
Comput. Geom., 2017

On the stretch factor of convex polyhedra whose vertices are (almost) on a sphere.
J. Comput. Geom., 2016

Improved Bounds on the Stretch Factor of $Y_4$.
CoRR, 2016

New and improved spanning ratios for Yao graphs.
J. Comput. Geom., 2015

Minimum Forcing Sets for Miura Folding Patterns.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2015

Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra with Quadratic Refinement: The Delta-Unfolding Algorithm.
Graphs Comb., 2014

Switching to Directional Antennas with Constant Increase in Radius and Hop Distance.
Algorithmica, 2014

Spanning Properties of Theta-Theta Graphs.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 2014

Continuous Yao Graphs.
Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2014

Coverage with k-transmitters in the presence of obstacles.
J. Comb. Optim., 2013

Spanning Properties of graphs induced by Directional Antennas.
Discret. Math. Algorithms Appl., 2013

Unfolding Orthogrids with Constant Refinement.
CoRR, 2013

New and Improved Spanning Ratios for Yao Graphs.
CoRR, 2013

Establishing strong connectivity using optimal radius half-disk antennas.
Comput. Geom., 2013

Efficient reconfiguration of lattice-based modular robots.
Comput. Geom., 2013

An Infinite Class of Sparse-Yao Spanners.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2013

π/2-Angle Yao Graphs are Spanners.
Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl., 2012

Yao Graphs Span Theta Graphs.
Discret. Math. Algorithms Appl., 2012

Efficient constant-velocity reconfiguration of crystalline robots.
Robotica, 2011

Undirected connectivity of sparse Yao graphs.
Proceedings of the FOMC'11, 2011

Connecting Polygonizations via Stretches and Twangs.
Theory Comput. Syst., 2010

Connectivity of Graphs Induced by Directional Antennas
CoRR, 2010

Pi/2-Angle Yao Graphs are Spanners
CoRR, 2010

Localized Spanners for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks, 2010

Shape Replication through Self-Assembly and RNase Enzymes.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2010

<i>pi</i>/2-Angle Yao Graphs Are Spanners.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation - 21st International Symposium, 2010

Coverage with <i>k</i>-Transmitters in the Presence of Obstacles.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 2010

Distributed construction of low-interference spanners.
Distributed Comput., 2009

Linear reconfiguration of cube-style modular robots.
Comput. Geom., 2009

Grid Vertex-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra.
Discret. Comput. Geom., 2008

Localized Spanners for Wireless Networks
CoRR, 2008

A Simple Yao-Yao-Based Spanner of Bounded Degree.
CoRR, 2008

On corners of objects built from parallelepiped bricks.
Comput. Geom., 2008

Unfolding Manhattan Towers.
Comput. Geom., 2008

Realistic Reconfiguration of Crystalline (and Telecube) Robots.
Proceedings of the Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics VIII, 2008

Distributed construction of bounded-degree low-interference spanners of low weight.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, 2008

Epsilon-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra.
Graphs Comb., 2007

Efficient Many-To-Many Point Matching in One Dimension.
Graphs Comb., 2007

A New Lower Bound on Guard Placement for Wireless Localization
CoRR, 2007

Vertex Pops and Popturns.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2007

An <i>O</i>(<i>n</i> log <i>n</i>)-Time Algorithm for the Restriction Scaffold Assignment Problem.
J. Comput. Biol., 2006

APX-hardness of domination problems in circle graphs.
Inf. Process. Lett., 2006

Local approximation schemes for topology control.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 2006

Distributed Spanner Construction in Doubling Metric Spaces.
Proceedings of the Principles of Distributed Systems, 10th International Conference, 2006

Curves in the Sand: Algorithmic Drawing.
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2006

An O(n log n)-Time Algorithm for the Restricted Scaffold Assignment
CoRR, 2005

Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces II:Nonconvex Partitions
CoRR, 2004

Exact and approximation algorithms for computing optimal fat decompositions.
Comput. Geom., 2004

Computing Optimal Diameter-Bounded Polygon Partitions.
Algorithmica, 2004

A Note on Objects Built From Bricks without Corners
CoRR, 2003

Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces I: Convex Partitions.
Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2003

A (2+epsilon)-Approximation Scheme for Minimum Domination on Circle Graphs.
J. Algorithms, 2002

Exact and approximation algorithms for computing <i>a</i>-fat decompositions.
Proceedings of the 14th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2002

Computing optimal alpha-fat and alpha-small decompositions.
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001

Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Domination Problems on Circle Graphs.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation, 10th International Symposium, 1999

Hardness of Approximating Independent Domination in Circle Graphs.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation, 10th International Symposium, 1999

Automatic Data Decomposition for Message-Passing Machines.
Proceedings of the Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 1997
