Min-Chul Ju

According to our database1, Min-Chul Ju authored at least 29 papers between 2000 and 2013.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Optimal Training Signal Design for Estimation of Correlated MIMO Channels in Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2013

Joint Relay Selection and Relay Ordering for DF-Based Cooperative Relay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2012

BER and Diversity Order Analysis of Distributed Alamouti's Code with CSI-Assisted Relays.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2011

Outage Probability and Optimum Combining for Time Division Broadcast Protocol.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2011

Outage Probability and Optimum Power Allocation for Analog Network Coding.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2011

Opportunistic Source/Destination Cooperation in Cooperative Diversity Networks.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2010

Joint Relay Selection and Opportunistic Source Selection in Bidirectional Cooperative Diversity Networks.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2010

Joint Relay-and-Antenna Selection in Multi-Antenna Relay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2010

Relay Selection with ANC and TDBC Protocols in Bidirectional Relay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2010

Error Performance Analysis of BPSK Modulation in Physical-Layer Network-Coded Bidirectional Relay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2010

SER Analysis and PDF Derivation for Multi-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2010

Relay Selection with Physical-Layer Network Coding.
Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, 2010

ML performance analysis of the decode-and-forward protocol in cooperative diversity networks.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2009

Exact BER analysis of distributed alamouti's code for cooperative diversity networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2009

Error probabilities of noncoherent and coherent FSK in the presence of frequency and phase offsets for two-hop relay networks.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2009

ML Performance Analysis of the Decode-and-Forward Protocol in Multi-hop Networks.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS 2009 Workshops), 2009

Closed-form BER results for multiple-chip-rate CDMA systems based on the simplified improved gaussian approximation.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2008

PAPR Reduction in Multicode VPG-CDMA Systems Using Code Selective Allocation.
IEICE Trans. Commun., 2005

Symbol Timing Estimation for High-Rate WPAN Applications.
IEICE Trans. Commun., 2005

Coexistence mechanism based on adaptive frequency hopping for interference-limited WPAN applications.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2003

MC-VSG BNET system for high-rate wireless personal area network applications.
IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., 2002

Multi-coded VSG CDMA personal communications system for high-rate applications.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, 2002

A MC-VSG BNet system for high-rate multimedia applications.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, 2002

Channel estimation and DC-offset compensation schemes for frequency-hopped Bluetooth networks.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2001

Low-complexity coarse frequency-offset synchronization for OFDM applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2001

Low-complexity channel estimator for high-rate personal area networks employing CCK modulation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2001

Adaptive timing synchronization schemes for a short-ranged Bluetooth system.
IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., 2000

Techniques for channel estimation, DC-offset compensation, and link quality control in Bluetooth system.
IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., 2000

Performance of simple timing synchronization and DC-offset compensation schemes for a short-ranged Bluetooth network.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, 2000
