Michel Sorine
According to our database1,
Michel Sorine
authored at least 23 papers
between 1992 and 2016.
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Electrical tagging devices for the removal of fault location ambiguities by reflectometry in complex electrical networks.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, FL, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2016, 2016
Patient-specific electromechanical models of the heart for the prediction of pacing acute effects in CRT: A preliminary clinical validation.
Medical Image Anal., 2012
Personalised Electromechanical Model of the Heart for the Prediction of the Acute Effects of Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy.
Proceedings of the Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 2009
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2008
Multiscale Model. Simul., 2007
Separation of arterial pressure into a nonlinear superposition of solitary waves and a windkessel flow.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2007
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2007
A two-variable model of cardiac action potential with controlled pacemaker activity and ionic current interpretation.
Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2007
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2006
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference Control, 2005
A Differential Model of the Baroreflex Control of the Cardiovascular System During a Tilt Test.
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference Control, 2005
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference Control, 2005
Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference, 2004
Controlled linear system with delayed relay output under impulse random disturbances.
Autom., 2003
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2001
Proceedings of the Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 2001
Towards Model-Based Estimation of the Cardiac Electro-Mechanical Activity from ECG Signals and Ultrasound Images.
Proceedings of the Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 2001
SIAM J. Control. Optim., 2000