Michael M. Richter
Affiliations:- University of Calgary, Canada
According to our database1,
Michael M. Richter
authored at least 77 papers
between 1978 and 2022.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
on zbmath.org
on viaf.org
on id.loc.gov
on d-nb.info
on isni.org
On csauthors.net:
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-45371-2, 2022
Proceedings of the Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 5. Auflage, 2013
Defect Prediction using Case-Based Reasoning: an Attribute Weighting Technique Based upon sensitivity Analysis in Neural Networks.
Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 2012
From Texts, Images, and Data to Attribute Based Case Representation.
Proceedings of the Advances in Data Mining, 12th Industrial Conference, 2012
Eine Zukunftsperspektive der Künstlichen Intelligenz am Beispiel menschlicher Kommunikation mit Rechnern.
Künstliche Intell., 2011
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell., 2011
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 2011
Comparative Analysis of Three Techniques for Predictions in Time Series Having Repetitive Patterns .
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2011, 2011
Proceedings of the Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 2010
A Comparative Study of Attribute Weighting Techniques for Software Defect Prediction Using Case-based Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010), Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, July 1, 2010
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2009
Prelude to the papers "Fuzzy case based reasoning for facial expression recognition" and "Temporal similarity by measuring possibilistic uncertainty in CBR".
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2009
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 2009
Fast Two-Step Segmentation of Natural Color Scenes Using Hierarchical Region-Growing and a Color-Gradient Network.
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2008
Case Base Properties: A First Step.
Proceedings of the ECCBR 2008, 2008
Proceedings of the Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, 9th European Conference, 2008
Preface: Uncertainty, Similarity, and Knowledge Discovery in CBR.
Proceedings of the ECCBR 2008, 2008
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2007
Empir. Softw. Eng., 2007
Proceedings of the Advances in Data Mining. Theoretical Aspects and Applications, 2007
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2007
Der Computer als sensibler und intelligenter Partner in komplexen dynamischen Situationen.
Künstliche Intell., 2006
An Explanation Oriented Dialogue Approach and Its Application to Wicked Planning Problems.
Comput. Artif. Intell., 2006
An Explanation Oriented Dialogue Approach for Solving Wicked Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the Explanation-Aware Computing, 2005
Proceedings of the Modellierung 2004, Proceedings zur Tagung, 23.-26. März 2004, 2004
Impreciseness and Its Value from the Perspective of Software Organizations and Learning.
Proceedings of the Advances in Learning Software Organizations, 6th International Workshop, 2004
Proceedings of the Logic versus Approximation, 2004
Knowledge Management for Project Planning and Enactment in Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2003), 2003
Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 2003
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 4. Auflage, 2003
Die semantische Struktur natürlicher Sprache - Wissensrepräsentation mit MultiNet.
Künstliche Intell., 2002
CyclopsDistMedDB. - A Transparent Gateway for Distributed Medical Data Access in DICOM Format.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2002), 2002
Proceedings of the Soft Computing in Case Based Reasoning, 2001
Some perspectives on mathematical aspects of artificial intelligence: Logic versus approximation.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell., 2000
A Knowledge-Based Approach for Failure Detection and Correction of Partially Failed Segmentations of Radiological Images.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: Algorithmen, 2000
Proceedings of the Angewandte Mathematik, 1999
Entwicklung großer Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine Übersicht über den Sonderforschungsbereich 501.
Inform. Forsch. Entwickl., 1998
Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Technology, From Foundations to Applications, 1998
Proceedings of the Algorithmic Learning Theory, 9th International Conference, 1998
ARC-TEC - ein Beitrag zur wissensbasierten Unterstützung der industriellen Praxis.
Künstliche Intell., 1994
Proceedings of the Algorithmic Learning Theory, 1994
Some Recent Developments in the Representation and Processing of Knowledge.
Fundam. Informaticae, 1993
Räumliche Problemstellungen in technischen Domänen.
Proceedings of the Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 1993
Geschichte der Tagungen über automatische Beweisverfahren.
Künstliche Intell., 1992
Künstliche Intelligenz - Perspektiven einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten.
Inform. Spektrum, 1991
Proceedings of the Processing Declarative Knowledge, 1991
Similarity, Uncertainty and Case-Based Reasoning in Patdex.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe, 1991
Prinzipien der künstlichen Intelligenz - Wissensrepräsentation, Inferenz und Expertensysteme (2. Aufl.).
Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, Teubner, ISBN: 978-3-519-12269-2, 1991
Automatisches Beweisen, Künstliche Intelligenz und Mathematik.
Künstliche Intell., 1989
Prinzipien der künstlichen Intelligenz - Wissensrepräsentation, Inferenz und Expertensysteme.
Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, Teubner, ISBN: 978-3-519-02269-5, 1989
Stud Logica, 1988
ZOR Methods Model. Oper. Res., 1988
Bemerkungen über ML und seine polymorphe Typenstruktur / Remark on ML and its Polymorphic Type Structure.
it Inf. Technol., 1987
Proceedings of the Wissensbasierte Systeme, 1987
Künstliche Intelligenz und Logik.
Proceedings of the Wissensrepräsentation in Expertensystemen, 1987
Proceedings of the Computation Theory and Logic, In Memory of Dieter Rödding, 1987
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 277, Springer, ISBN: 3-540-18598-4, 1987
J. Symb. Log., 1985
Proceedings of the GWAI-85, 1985
Proceedings of the Logic and Machines: Decision Problems and Complexity, 1983
Complete and Incomplete Systems of Reductions.
Proceedings of the GI - 12. Jahrestagung, Kaiserslautern, 5. -7. Oktober 1982, Proceedings, 1982
Ideale Punkte, Monaden und Nichtstandard-Methoden.
Vieweg, ISBN: 978-3-528-03072-8, 1982
Leitfäden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik 43, Teubner, ISBN: 978-3-519-02345-6, 1978