Michael F. Cohen

Orcid: 0000-0001-5158-1325

According to our database1, Michael F. Cohen authored at least 129 papers between 1985 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:


ACM Fellow

ACM Fellow 2007, "For contributions to computer graphics and computer vision.".



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Negative Token Merging: Image-based Adversarial Feature Guidance.
CoRR, 2024

Virtual Avatar Movement Veracity and its Effect on Social Interaction in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing, 2024

Sequence-Based Functional Metagenomics Reveals Novel Natural Diversity of Functional CopA in Environmental Microbiomes.
Genom. Proteom. Bioinform., 2023

A Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023

One shot 3D photography.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2020

Discovering Point Lights With Intensity Distance Fields.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018

Low-cost 360 stereo photography and video capture.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2017

Bringing portraits to life.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2017

Panning and Zooming High-Resolution Panoramas in Virtual Reality Devices.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2017

Emptying, refurnishing, and relighting indoor spaces.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2016

Real-time hyperlapse creation via optimal frame selection.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2015

Taxonomic and functional metagenomic analysis of anodic communities in two pilot-scale microbial fuel cells treating different industrial wastewaters.
J. Integr. Bioinform., 2015

Real-time monocular image-based 6-DoF localization.
Int. J. Robotics Res., 2015

Computer Vision, A Reference Guide, 2014

First-person hyper-lapse videos.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2014

AutoStyle: Automatic Style Transfer from Image Collections to Users' Images.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2014

Making the GigaPixelArtZoom.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2014

Natural Communication about Uncertainties in Situated Interaction.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2014

Time-Mapping Using Space-Time Saliency.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014

Interactively stylizing camera motion.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

MotionMontage: a system to annotate and combine motion takes for 3D animations.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Image-Based Remodeling.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2013

Real-time drawing assistance through crowdsourcing.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2013

Video Snapshots: Creating High-Quality Images from Video Clips.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2012

Cliplets: juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2012

DuploTrack: a real-time system for authoring and guiding duplo block assembly.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2012

Video enhanced gigapixel panoramas.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Technical Briefs, Singapore, November 28, 2012

Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-scale environments.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012

Looking at you: fused gyro and face tracking for viewing large imagery on mobile devices.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012

ShadowDraw: real-time user guidance for freehand drawing.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2011

A Viewer-Centric Editor for 3D Movies.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2011

Pause-and-play: automatically linking screencast video tutorials with applications.
Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2011

The video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimensional video editing.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, 2011

Street slide: browsing street level imagery.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2010

Automatic generation of destination maps.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2010

GradientShop: A gradient-domain optimization framework for image and video filtering.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2010

Content-aware dynamic timeline for video browsing.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2010

Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2010

Locally Adapted Projections to Reduce Panorama Distortions.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2009

Integrated videos and maps for driving directions.
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2009

Parallax photography: creating 3D cinematic effects from stills.
Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2009 Conference, 2009

Discovering the wiring diagram of the brain.
Proceedings of the Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, 2009

Deep photo: model-based photograph enhancement and viewing.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2008

Creating map-based storyboards for browsing tour videos.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2008

Annotating gigapixel images.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2008

Fourier Analysis of the 2D Screened Poisson Equation for Gradient Domain Problems.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2008

Soft scissors: an interactive tool for realtime high quality matting.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2007

Capturing and viewing gigapixel images.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2007

Joint bilateral upsampling.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2007

Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception in Video Conferencing.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2007

Image and Video Matting: A Survey.
Found. Trends Comput. Graph. Vis., 2007

Relations, cards, and search templates: user-guided web data integration and layout.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2007

SIGGRAPH 2007 papers preview.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2007

Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques, Grenoble, France, 2007, 2007

Layered Depth Panoramas.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007

Optimized Color Sampling for Robust Matting.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007

The cartoon animation filter.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2006

Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2006

The Moment Camera.
Computer, 2006

Summarizing personal web browsing sessions.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2006

Simultaneous matting and compositing.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2006

PING: a Group-to-Individual Distributed Meeting System.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2006

Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple Large Motions.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2006), 2006

Gaze-based interaction for semi-automatic photo cropping.
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006

Interactive video cutout.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2005

Panoramic video textures.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2005

Stylizing 2.5-D video.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2005

Inside interactive video cutout.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2005

Head-size equalization for better visual perception of video conferencing.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2005

An Iterative Optimization Approach for Unified Image Segmentation and Matting.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2005), 2005

Very Low Frame-Rate Video Streaming For Face-to-Face Teleconference.
Proceedings of the 2005 Data Compression Conference (DCC 2005), 2005

Video tooning.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2004

Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2004

Interactive digital photomontage.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2004

Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Images: A Model-Based Modeling Approach.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., 2004

Low bit-rate video streaming for face-to-face teleconference.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2004

Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2004

Wang Tiles for image and texture generation.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2003

Symposium on computer animation in fast forward.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2002

Stylized video cubes.
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2002

Video-Based Rendering.
Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2002

Video mosaics.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 2002

Minimal Surfaces for Stereo.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2002

Rapid modeling of animated faces from video.
Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, 2001

Artist-Directed Inverse-Kinematics Using Radial Basis Function Interpolation.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2001

Unstructured lumigraph rendering.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2001

Shape by example.
Proceedings of the 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2001

A Robust and Fast Face Modeling System.
Proceedings of the Advances in Multimedia Information Processing, 2001

Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference On Computer Vision (ICCV-01), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 7-14, 2001, 2001

Imagination Amplification.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2000

Hardware Accelerated Horizon Mapping.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques 2000, 2000

Rapid modeling of animated faces from video images.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2000, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 30, 2000

Image precision silhouette edges.
Proceedings of the 1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1999

Light Field Techniques for Reflections and Refractions.
Proceedings of the Rendering Techniques '99, 1999

Verbs and Adverbs: Multidimensional Motion Interpolation.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 1998

Image-based rendering: really new or déjà vu? (panel).
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1997

Time Critical Lumigraph Rendering.
Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1997

View-base Rendering: Visualizing Real Objects from Scanned Range and Color Data.
Proceedings of the Rendering Techniques '97, 1997

Polyhedral Geometry and the Two-Plane Parameterization.
Proceedings of the Rendering Techniques '97, 1997

Surface Modeling and Display from Range and Color Data.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing, 9th International Conference, 1997

Efficient Generation of Motion Transitions Using Spacetime Constraints.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1996

The Virtual Cinematographer: A Paradigm for Automatic Real-Time Camera Control and Directing.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1996

The Lumigraph.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1996

Declarative Camera Control for Automatic Cinematography.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1996

Hierarchical and Variational Geometric Modeling with Wavelets.
Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1995

Wavelet Projections for Radiosity.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 1994

Radiosity and relaxation methods.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 1994

Accelerated MPEG compression of dynamic polygonal scenes.
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1994

Optimization - an emerging tool in computer graphics.
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1994

Hierarchical spacetime control.
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1994

Radioptimization: goal based rendering.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1993

Wavelet radiosity.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1993

Radiosity and realistic image synthesis.
Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-178270-2, 1993

Interactive spacetime control for animation.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1992

Volume Seedlings.
Proceedings of the 1992 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, SI3D '92, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 29, 1992

Volume seeds: A volume exploration technique.
Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, 1991

Automatic Illustration of 3D Geometric Models: Surfaces.
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Visualization Conference, 1990

Automatic illustration of 3D geometric models: lines.
Proceedings of the 1990 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 1990

State of the Art in Image Synthesis.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computer Graphics VI, Images: Synthesis, 1990

Mixed methods for complex kinematic constraints in dynamic figure animation.
Vis. Comput., 1988

A progressive refinement approach to fast radiosity image generation.
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1988

A two-pass solution to the rendering equation: A synthesis of ray tracing and radiosity methods.
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1987

Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints.
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1987

Radiosity: A method for computing global illumination.
Vis. Comput., 1986

The back-buffer algorithm: An extension of the radiosity method to dynamic environments.
Vis. Comput., 1986

An Experimental Evaluation of Computer Graphics Imagery.
ACM Trans. Graph., 1986

An Efficient Radiosity Approach for Realistic Image Synthesis.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 1986

A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1986

The hemi-cube: a radiosity solution for complex environments.
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1985
