Michael Barnett
This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.
Manag. Sci., December, 2023
Identity Negotiation Through Creative and Collaborative Expression: Middle School Girls' Experiences in the Converge Art and Science Program.
Proceedings of the Interdisciplinarity in the Learning Sciences: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2020
The Story of one Urban High School's Efforts to Improve Student Attitudes, Motivation, Self-efficacy and Perceptions of Self, School, and Science through Project-based Science Instruction.
Proceedings of the Making a Difference...: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, 2006
Proceedings of the Making a Difference...: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, 2006
Didn't I Tell You That? Challenges and Tensions in Developing and Sustaining School - University Partnerships.
Proceedings of the Making a Difference...: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, 2006
Improving Urban Youth's Interest and Engagement through Field-based Scientific Investigations.
Proceedings of the Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, 2004