Mauro Migliardi

Orcid: 0000-0002-3634-7554

According to our database1, Mauro Migliardi authored at least 112 papers between 1994 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:




In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Efficient Analysis of Overdispersed Data Using an Accurate Computation of the Dirichlet Multinomial Distribution.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., February, 2025

SwarmAd: A decentralised content management system.
IET Cyper-Phys. Syst.: Theory & Appl., June, 2024

On the Volatility of Functional Costs in E-Health and E-Prescriptions.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2024), 2024

Predictive Technologies and Methodologies for Human Operator Assessment in Industry 5.0: A Conceptual Framework.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2024

Decentralized Credential Status Management: A Paradigm Shift in Digital Trust.
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services , 2024

On the fast computation of the Dirichlet-multinomial log-likelihood function.
Comput. Stat., December, 2023

Bio-Inspired Security Analysis: A Domotic Use-Case.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2023), 2023

Factoring economic biases out of tokenomics.
Proceedings of the 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention, 2023

Gotta CAPTCHA 'Em All: A Survey of 20 Years of the Human-or-computer Dilemma.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2022

Continuous Authentication on a Smartwatch.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, 2022

TruthSeekers Chain: Leveraging Invisible CAPPCHA, SSI and Blockchain to Combat Disinformation on Social Media.
Proceedings of the Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2022 Workshops, 2022

Gotta CAPTCHA 'Em All: A Survey of Twenty years of the Human-or-Computer Dilemma.
CoRR, 2021

ascCAPTCHA: an Invisible Sensor CAPTCHA for PCs Based on Acoustic Side Channel.
Proceedings of the 44th International Convention on Information, 2021

A Methodological Perspective on Lawful Internet Surveillance.
Proceedings of the FRAME@HPDC 2021: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, 2021

Low-Resource Footprint, Data-Driven Malware Detection on Android.
IEEE Trans. Sustain. Comput., 2020

A Fraud-Resilient Blockchain-Based Solution for Invoice Financing.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 2020

CirclePIN: A Novel Authentication Mechanism for Smartwatches to Prevent Unauthorized Access to IoT Devices.
ACM Trans. Cyber Phys. Syst., 2020

Bio-inspired security analysis for IoT scenarios.
Int. J. Embed. Syst., 2020

Securing PIN-based authentication in smartwatches with just two gestures.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2020

AppIoTTE: An Architecture for the Security Assessment of Mobile-IoT Ecosystems.
Proceedings of the Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications, 2020

Towards a SIP-based DDoS Attack to the 4G Network.
Proceedings of the Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications, 2020

Behavioral-Anomaly Detection in Forensics Analysis.
IEEE Secur. Priv., 2019

2GesturePIN: Securing PIN-Based Authentication on Smartwatches.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2019

Blockchain-based risk mitigation for invoice financing.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Database Applications & Engineering Symposium, 2019

Using Screen Brightness to Improve Security in Mobile Social Network Access.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 2018

Completely Automated Public Physical test to tell Computers and Humans Apart: A usability study on mobile devices.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2018

Invisible CAPPCHA: A usable mechanism to distinguish between malware and humans on the mobile IoT.
Comput. Secur., 2018

Saving energy in aggressive intrusion detection through dynamic latency sensitivity recognition.
Comput. Secur., 2018

On The Case of Blockchain Adoption in the Internet of Things.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 2018

A Bio-inspired Approach to Attack Graphs Analysis.
Proceedings of the Cyberspace Safety and Security - 10th International Symposium, 2018

Covert Channels in IoT Deployments Through Data Hiding Techniques.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2018

ClickPattern: A Pattern Lock System Resilient to Smudge and Side-channel Attacks.
J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl., 2017

Dynamic Latency Sensitivity Recognition: An Application to Energy Saving.
Proceedings of the Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing - 12th International Conference, 2017

Reducing the Impact of Traffic Sanitization on Latency Sensitive Applications.
Proceedings of the Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2017

Generating statistical insights into network behavior using SKETURE.
J. High Speed Networks, 2016

IPS-based reduction of network energy consumption.
Log. J. IGPL, 2016

Balancing Delays and Energy Consumption in IPS-Enabled Networks.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2016

A survey on energy-aware security mechanisms.
Pervasive Mob. Comput., 2015

Measuring and estimating power consumption in Android to support energy-based intrusion detection.
J. Comput. Secur., 2015

A Completely Automatic Public Physical test to tell Computers and Humans Apart: A way to enhance authentication schemes in mobile devices.
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2015

Cyber Threats to Industrial Control Systems.
Proceedings of the 7th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats, 2015

SKETURE: A Sketch-based Packet Analysis Tool.
Proceedings of the 7th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats, 2015

On the Feasibility of Moderating a Peer-to-Peer CDN System: A Proof-of-Concept Implementation.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on P2P, 2015

A Denial of Service Attack to UMTS Networks Using SIM-Less Devices.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 2014

Anomaly Detection in Computer Networks: A State-of-the-Art Review.
J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl., 2014

Optimizing Network Energy Consumption through Intrusion Prevention Systems.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference SOCO'14-CISIS'14-ICEUTE'14, 2014

Reducing Energy Consumption in Prospective Memory Support System through Hierarchical Positioning Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2014

A Survey of Green, Energy-Aware Security and Some of Its Recent Developments in Networking and Mobile Computing.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 2014

On energy-based profiling of malware in Android.
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2014

Improving energy efficiency in distributed intrusion detection systems.
J. High Speed Networks, 2013

Breaking and fixing the Android Launching Flow.
Comput. Secur., 2013

Towards energy-aware intrusion detection systems on mobile devices.
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2013

A Survey of Recent Advancement in Prospective Memory Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Complex, 2013

Energy Consumption Simulation of Different Distributed Intrusion Detection Approaches.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2013

A Denial of Service Attack to GSM Networks via Attach Procedure.
Proceedings of the Security Engineering and Intelligence Informatics, 2013

Pervasive services and mobile devices may support human memory and enhance daily efficiency.
Int. J. Space Based Situated Comput., 2012

Would You Mind Forking This Process? A Denial of Service Attack on Android (and Some Countermeasures).
Proceedings of the Information Security and Privacy Research, 2012

Virtual social multimedia streaming with a novel haptic device.
Proceedings of the 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 2012

The 4W (What-Where-When-Who) Project Goes Social.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 2012

Modeling the energy consumption of distributed IDS: A step towards Green security.
Proceedings of the MIPRO, 2011

A context aware, mobile system providing memory support for ageing people.
Proceedings of the MIPRO, 2011

Active Personal Information Manager: A System for Human Memory Support.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex, 2011

Enhancing Personal Efficiency with Pervasive Services and Wearable Devices.
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Broadband, 2011

What is Green Security?
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2011

A Mobile, Context Aware System for Memory Support and Planning.
Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering, 2010

Travelling Information For Intrusion Prevention Systems.
Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Security & Management, 2010

Distributed Intrusion Detection: Simulation and Evaluation of Two Methodologies.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Emerging Security Information, 2009

A Support System for Memory Impaired Subjects.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering, 2009

A Web Services Gateway for the H2O Lightweight Grid Computing Framework.
Proceedings of the Towards a Service-Based Internet, 2008

Hiding Skype VoIP calls from parametric identification.
Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, 2008

Parallel Component Descriptor Language: XML based deployment descriptors for Grid application components.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2007

A server-side software engine providing context-aware services.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2007

A Standard Interface For Grid-powered Parametric Optimization.
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Grid Computing & Applications, 2007

A Measurement-Based Analysis of the Responsiveness of the Linux Kernel.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2006), 2006

Evaluation of Java Web Services Toolkit for Grid Computing.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2004

Performance Improvement in Web Services Invocation Framework.
Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), 2004

WSDL Grid Binding.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2003

RMI-like communication for migrable software components in HARNESS.
Proceedings of the Parallel Computing: Software Technology, 2003

HARNESSing Intranet Computational Power for Legacy Applications: The Case of Ship Vulnerability Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), 2003

Mobile interfaces to computational, data, and service grid systems.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., 2002

Web Access to HARNESS: a Virtual Simulation Laboratory.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2002

Automatic Reincarnation of Deceased Plug-Ins in the HARNESS Metacomputing System.
Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), 2002

Standards Based Heterogeneous Metacomputing: The Design of HARNESS II.
Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), 2002

On the Viability of Component Frameworks for High Performance Distributed Computing: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-11 2002), 2002

PVM Emulation in the Harness Metacomputing Framework - Design and Performance Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2002), 2002

Emulating Parallel Programming Environments in the Harness Metacomputing System.
Parallel Process. Lett., 2001

Plug-ins, layered services and behavioral objects: Application programming styles in the Harness metacomputing system.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2001

A Harness Control Application for Hand-Held Devices.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2001, 2001

Distributed Name Service in Harness.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2001, 2001

A Distributed JAVA SPACE Implementation for HARNESS.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 2000

A Simple, Fault Tolerant Naming Space for the HARNESS Metacomputing System.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 2000

User Controlled Task Migration in HARNESS.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2000

Active Agents Programming in HARNESS.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 8th International Conference, 2000

The Harness PVM-Proxy: Gluing PVM Applications to Distributed Object Environments and Applications.
Proceedings of the 9th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 2000

HARNESS: a next generation distributed virtual machine.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 1999

PVM Emulation in the Harness Metacomputing System: A Plug-in Based Approach.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 1999

The Harness Metacomputing Framework.
Proceedings of the Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1999

Distributed, Reconfigurable Simulation in Harness.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 1999

Behavioral Objects and Layered Services: The Aplication Programming Style in the Harness Metacomputing System.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 7th International Conference, 1999

Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Machines in the Harness Metacomputing Framework.
Proceedings of the 8th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 1999

Dynamic Reconfiguration and Virtual Machine Management in the Harness Metacomputing System.
Proceedings of the Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, 1998

A Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Cost Path Computation on Polymorphic Processor Array.
Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Processing, 10 IPPS/SPDP'98 Workshops Held in Conjunction with the 12th International Parallel Processing Symposium and 9th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 30, 1998

Virtual Parallelism allows Relaxing the Synchronization Constraints of SIMD Computing Paradigm.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1998

Customizing MPEG Video Compression Algorithms to Specific Application Domains: The Case of Highway Monitoring.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing, 9th International Conference, 1997

Modeling Instruction Level Parallel Architectures Efficiency in Image Processing Applications.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1997

Image processing on high-performance RISC systems.
Proc. IEEE, 1996

Parallel Programming Language Design with a Layered Object Oriented Approach.
Proceedings of the Parallel Computing: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives, 1995

Data Movement by Packet Switching Communication on Reconfigurable Processor Arrays.
Proceedings of the Parallel Computing: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives, 1995

A VLSI Scalable Processor Array for Motion Estimation.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing, 8th International Conference, 1995

Parallel Implementation of the Full Search Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Estimation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors (ASAP'95), 1995

A Simulator For Reconfigurable Massively Parallel Architectures.
Proceedings of the Second Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1994

Introducing Execution Autonomy in the SIMD Computing Paradigm.
Proceedings of the Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Develompent, 1994
