Matthew Rowe
Affiliations:- Oracle
- Lancaster University, UK (former)
- Open University, Milton Keynes, UK (former)
- University of Sheffield, UK (former)
According to our database1,
Matthew Rowe
authored at least 54 papers
between 2008 and 2021.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017
ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 2016
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2016
Proceedings of the ISWC 2016 Posters & Demonstrations Track co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2016
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Web and Social Media, 2016
Interact. Learn. Environ., 2015
#Microposts2015 - 5th Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts': Big things come in small packages.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, 2015
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media, 2015
Linked knowledge sources for topic classification of microposts: A semantic graph-based approach.
J. Web Semant., 2014
Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, 2014
Towards tracking and analysing regional alcohol consumption patterns in the UK through the use of social media.
Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Warsaw, Poland, August 11-14, 2014, 2014
Proceedings of the User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, 2014
Proceedings of the Social Informatics, 2014
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web - ISWC 2014, 2014
Making Sense of Microposts (#Microposts2014) Named Entity Extraction & Linking Challenge.
Proceedings of the the 4th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts co-located with the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2014), 2014
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on CrossCloud Systems, 2014
J. Web Semant., 2013
Changing with Time: Modelling and Detecting User Lifecycle Periods in Online Community Platforms.
Proceedings of the Social Informatics - 5th International Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the Concept Extraction Challenge at the Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts', 2013
Mining User Lifecycles from Online Community Platforms and their Application to Churn Prediction.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining, 2013
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (part of ECRC), 2013
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data, 10th International Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events, 2013
Proceedings of the Web Science 2012, 2012
Ignorance Isn't Bliss: An Empirical Analysis of Attention Patterns in Online Communities.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Privacy, 2012
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Privacy, 2012
Who Will Follow Whom? Exploiting Semantics for Link Prediction in Attention-Information Networks.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web - ISWC 2012, 2012
What Catches Your Attention? An Empirical Study of Attention Patterns in Community Forums.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 2012
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 2012
Proceedings of the Web Science 2011, 2011
Proceedings of the PASSAT/SocialCom 2011, Privacy, 2011
Proceedings of the Semantic Web - ISWC 2011, 2011
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: ESWC 2011 Workshops, 2011
Proceedings of the Semanic Web: Research and Applications, 2011
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 2011
J. Web Semant., 2010
Proceedings of the WWW2010 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2010
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web, 2010
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Preservation, 2010
Representing, Proving and Sharing Trustworthiness of Web Resources Using <i>Veracity</i>.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses, 2010
Proceedings of the WWW2009 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2009
Proceedings of the 4th Semantic Wiki Workshop (SemWiki 2009) at the 6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009), 2009
Proceedings of the ESWC2009 Workshop on Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web (SPOT2009) Heraklion, 2009
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 2009
Proceedings of the ISWC2008 Workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008) Karlsruhe, 2008