Matangini Chattopadhyay

According to our database1, Matangini Chattopadhyay authored at least 28 papers between 2002 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Easypay: a user-friendly blockchain-powered payment gateway.
Clust. Comput., November, 2024

An Approach to Detect Fake Profiles in Social Networks Using Cellular Automata-Based PageRank Validation Model Involving Energy Transfer.
SN Comput. Sci., 2022

A framework for neighbourhood configuration to improve the KNN based imputation algorithms on microarray gene expression data.
Int. J. Bioinform. Res. Appl., 2022

An ensemble machine learning model based on multiple filtering and supervised attribute clustering algorithm for classifying cancer samples.
PeerJ Comput. Sci., 2021

Storage and Bandwidth Optimized Reliable Distributed Data Allocation Algorithm.
Int. J. Ambient Comput. Intell., 2019

On the Exploration of Equal Length Cellular Automata Rules Targeting a MapReduce Design in Cloud.
Int. J. Cloud Appl. Comput., 2018

A Dual-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Student Feedback Prediction using Kinect.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software, 2018

LDA Topic Modeling Based Dataset Dependency Matrix Prediction.
Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2018

A cost-efficient one time password-based authentication in cloud environment using equal length cellular automata.
J. Ind. Inf. Integr., 2017

Mobile enabled content adaptation system for PDF documents.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software, 2017

A Novel Intelligent Modeling of Storage and Bandwidth Constraints in Distributed Storage Allocation.
Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017

Wormhole Detection Based on Ordinal MDS Using RTT in Wireless Sensor Network.
J. Comput. Networks Commun., 2016

A novel distance-based iterative sequential KNN algorithm for estimation of missing values in microarray gene expression data.
Int. J. Bioinform. Res. Appl., 2016

Game-theoretic wireless CSMA MAC protocols: Measurements from an indoor testbed.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, 2016

An Analysis of Equal Length Cellular Automata (ELCA) Generating Linear Rules for Applications in Distributed Computing.
J. Cell. Autom., 2015

Analysing Topology Control Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network Using Network Evolution Model.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, 2015

Understanding the Mechanics of Some Localized Protocols by Theory of Complex Networks.
CoRR, 2014

Recovering a game model from an optimal channel access scheme for WLANs.
Telecommun. Syst., 2013

Designing an Efficient Delay Sensitive Routing Metric for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks.
CoRR, 2013

A Novel Incentive Based Scheme to Contain Selective Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Network.
Proceedings of the Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 2013

An Efficient Binary Playfair Algorithm Using a 4×4 Playfair Key Matrix.
Proceedings of the Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 2012

A DiffServ Architecture for QoS-Aware Routing for Delay-Sensitive and Best-Effort Services in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks.
J. Comput. Networks Commun., 2011

Congestion Games in Wireless Channels with Multipacket Reception Capability.
Proceedings of the Information and Communication Technologies - International Conference, 2010

Performance Improvement of Wireless MAC Using Non-Cooperative Games.
Proceedings of the Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, 2008

Game-Theoretic Modeling and Optimization of Contention-Prone Medium Access Phase in IEEE 802.16/WiMAX Networks.
Proceedings of the 2008 Third International Conference on Broadband Communications, 2008

A Novel Approach for an Extendible Middleware Satisfying Adaptability & Interoperability Needs of Multimedia Applications in Mobile Environments.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, 2005

An Approach Towards a Wrapper-based Architecture for Mapping COM Servers in MOF Framework.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Computing, 2004

Expressing Constraint Models in Object Oriented Data Using UML and ODL.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing, 2002
