Massimo Gastaldi
Orcid: 0000-0002-0867-3352
According to our database1,
Massimo Gastaldi
authored at least 16 papers
between 1992 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Competitiveness and sustainability in the paper industry: The valorisation of human resources as an enabling factor.
Comput. Ind. Eng., 2024
Dataset for Assessing the Economic Performance of a Residential PV Plant: The Analysis of a New Policy Proposal.
Data, 2020
Combining modelling and simulation approaches: How to measure performance of business processes.
Bus. Process. Manag. J., 2016
Implementation of a real option in a sustainable supply chain: an empirical study of alkaline battery recycling.
Int. J. Syst. Sci., 2014
Int. J. Syst. Sci., 2010
Proceedings of the Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction, 2009
Information technology and collaboration tools within the e-supply chain management of the aviation industry.
Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag., 2008
Asymmetric competition and collection rates differentials: determinants of prices in international telephone service markets.
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, 2007
Could Asymmetric Regulation of Access Charges Improve the Competition between Mobile Networks?
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, 2007
Real option's model to evaluate infrastructure flexibility: an application to photovoltaic technology.
Int. J. Technol. Manag., 2005
The Mobile Telecommunications Industry: the Competition under the Hypothesis of Price Discrimination Strategy.
Proceedings of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA 2005), 30 August, 2005
Mobile Telephony Industry: Price Discrimination Strategies for Interconnected Networks.
Proceedings of the Telecommunications and Networking, 2004
Technological change and network development: challenges and perspectives in mobility and communication.
Int. J. Serv. Technol. Manag., 2003
A Simulation Model for the Dynamic Comparison of R&D Innovation Process Structures.
Proceedings of the EUROSIM'96, 1995
Multiregional Growth and Investment Policies: Alternative Numerical Simulations of the Italian Economy.
Proceedings of the Eurosim 1992, Simulation Congress, Proceedings of the 1992 EUROSIM Conference, Capri, Italy, September 28, 1992
The Competition between Truck and Rail Transportation: Numerical Simulations and Empirical Evidence from the Italian Case.
Proceedings of the Eurosim 1992, Simulation Congress, Proceedings of the 1992 EUROSIM Conference, Capri, Italy, September 28, 1992