Masayasu Atsumi

Orcid: 0000-0001-5661-7868

According to our database1, Masayasu Atsumi authored at least 25 papers between 2000 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Domain-Specific Vision Transformer Pre-Training with Synthetic Data.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Length-Based Curriculum Learning for Efficient Pre-training of Language Models.
New Gener. Comput., March, 2023

Introducing inductive bias on vision transformers through Gram matrix similarity based regularization.
Artif. Life Robotics, February, 2023

Searching for CNN Architectures for Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2022

Evolutionary NAS for aerial image segmentation with gene expression programming of cellular encoding.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2022

Regularizing self-attention on vision transformers with 2D spatial distance loss.
Artif. Life Robotics, 2022

Prediction and Analysis of Drug-Glycoprotein Interactions with Mutual Attention Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2022

Pre-training a BERT with Curriculum Learning by Increasing Block-Size of Input Text.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), 2021

Evolutionary NAS with Gene Expression Programming of Cellular Encoding.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 2020

El Niño-Southern Oscillation forecasting using complex networks analysis of LSTM neural networks.
Artif. Life Robotics, 2019

Paraphrase Identification for Twitter by Co-Training Based on Words and Characters.
Proceedings of the 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2018

Person Re-Identification for Mobile Robot using Online Transfer Learning.
Proceedings of the 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2018

Examination of How to Estimate the Viewing Angle at Intersections.
Proceedings of the 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2018

Learning Probabilistic Semantic Network of Object-Oriented Action and Activity.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 2014

Object Categorization in Context Based on Probabilistic Learning of Classification Tree with Boosted Features and Co-occurrence Structure.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing - 9th International Symposium, 2013

Visual Categorization Based on Learning Contextual Probabilistic Latent Component Tree.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2012, 2012

Probabilistic Learning of Visual Object Composition from Attended Segments.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing - 6th International Symposium, 2010

Learning Visual Object Categories and Their Composition Based on a Probabilistic Latent Variable Model.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms, 2010

A Probabilistic Model of Visual Attention and Perceptual Organization for Constructive Object Recognition.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing, 5th International Symposium, 2009

Attention-Based Segmentation on an Image Pyramid Sequence.
Proceedings of the Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 2008

Saliency-Driven Scene Learning and Recognition Based on Competitively Growing Neural Network Using Temporal Coding.
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics, 2005

Scene learning and glance recognizability based on competitively growing spiking neural network.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2004

Scene Memory on Competitively Growing Neural Network Using Temporal Coding: Self-organized Learning and Glance Recognizability.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing, 11th International Conference, 2004

Saliency-based scene recognition based on growing competitive neural network.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, 2003

Simulator Complex for RoboCup Rescue Simulation Project - As Test-Bed for Multi-Agent Organizational Behavior in Emergency Case of Large-Scale Disaster.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, 2000
