María Florencia Grande Ratti

Orcid: 0000-0001-8622-8230

According to our database1, María Florencia Grande Ratti authored at least 14 papers between 2019 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Problem Detection and Optimization of a Personal Health Record Driven by a Helpdesk Support Tool.
Proceedings of the Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems, 2024


Effect of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Patients Valuation of Usability of Telemedicine.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2023 - The Future Is Accessible, 2023

Semi-Structured Interviews to Evaluate a BCMA Implementation Trouble Areas.
Proceedings of the Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health, 2022

Using Informatics Framework in Immunosuppressed or Transplanted Patients for a Preferential Care Route at the Emergency Department.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation, 2021

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Telehealth and In-Person Visits: Implications from an Emergency Department in Argentina.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation, 2021

Evaluation of Telehealth Service for COVID-19 Outpatients: A Dashboard to Measure Healthcare Quality and Safety.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation, 2021

Recurrence of Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Adult Patients in Non-Critical Areas: An Opportunity to Improve Patient Care Using Electronic Health Records.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation, 2021

Can CPOE Based on Electronic Order Sets Cause Unintended Consequences (Expensive and Unnecessary Tests) at the Emergency Department?
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation, 2021

Emergency department visits and hospital readmissions in an Argentine health system.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2020

Teletriage Pilot Study (Strategy for Unscheduled Teleconsultations): Results, Patient Acceptance and Satisfaction.
Proceedings of the Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28, 2020

A Path to Inclusion: Design and Prototype of Transgender Identity in an Electronic Health Record.
Proceedings of the Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28, 2020

A Path Towards Inclusion: Transdisciplinary Experience for the Inclusion of Self-Perceived Gender in an Information System.
Proceedings of the Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28, 2020

Telemedicine for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections During 2018 Epidemiological Outbreak in South America.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 2019
