Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
Orcid: 0000-0003-3807-5019Affiliations:
- Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Artificial Intelligence Department
According to our database1,
Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
authored at least 72 papers
between 2003 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Gender assignment in doctoral theses: revisiting Teseo with a method based on cultural consensus theory.
Scientometrics, July, 2024
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., March, 2024
Int. J. Interact. Multim. Artif. Intell., 2024
First Attempt to an Automatic Adaptation of Explanatory Structures in Spanish to Easy-to-Read.
Proceedings of the Poster Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2024 (SEPLN-P 2024) co-located with the 40th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2024), 2024
Towards an Automatic Easy-to-Read Adaptation of Dialogues in Narrative Texts in Spanish.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2024
Experiential Observations: An Ontology Pattern-Based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences.
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, September, 2023
Gender imbalance in doctoral education: an analysis of the Spanish university system (1977-2021).
Scientometrics, April, 2023
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2023
Towards an Automatic Easy-to-Read Adaptation of Morphological Features in Spanish Texts.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2023 - 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, UK, August 28, 2023
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2022
Towards the Assessment of Easy-to-Read Guidelines Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2020
Accessibility and Personalization in OpenCourseWare : An Inclusive Development Approach.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2020
Introduction to the Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation".
Syst., 2019
Knowl. Inf. Syst., 2019
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Communication and Management, 2019
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, 2018
Proceedings of the EC-TEL Practitioner Proceedings 2018: 13th European Conference On Technology Enhanced Learning, 2018
A Multi-agent Architecture for Labeling Data and Generating Prediction Models in the Field of Social Services.
Proceedings of the Highlights of Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems, 2017
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2017
The NeOn Methodology framework: A scenario-based methodology for ontology development.
Appl. Ontology, 2015
Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst., 2014
Int. J. Inf. Technol. Decis. Mak., 2013
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns co-located with 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), 2013
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns co-located with 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), 2013
Proceedings of the Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2013
Proceedings of the KEOD 2013, 2013
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2013
NeOn methodology for building ontology networks: specification, scheduling and reuse.
PhD thesis, 2012
Proceedings of the Workshops Proceedings of the IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2012
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data, 2012
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events, 2012
Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2012
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering in a Networked World., 2012
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering in a Networked World., 2012
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering in a Networked World., 2012
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering in a Networked World., 2012
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering in a Networked World., 2012
Expert Syst. Appl., 2011
Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst., 2010
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Patterns, 2010
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Patterns, 2010
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Patterns, 2010
gOntt, a Tool for Scheduling and Executing Ontology Development Projects.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010), Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, July 1, 2010
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, 2010
Pattern for Re-engineering a Classification Scheme, which Follows the Adjacency List Data Model, to a Taxonomy.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009) , 2009
Pattern for Re-engineering a Classification Scheme, which Follows the Path Enumeration Data Model, to a Taxonomy.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009) , 2009
Pattern for Re-engineering a Term-based Thesaurus, which Follows the Record-based model, to a Lightweight Ontology.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009) , 2009
Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009) , 2009
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009, 2009
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2009), 2009
Using Linguistic Patterns to Enhance Ontology Development.
Proceedings of the KEOD 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Funchal, 2009
Proceedings of the Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008
Selecting and Customizing a Mereology Ontology for its Reuse in a Pharmaceutical Product Ontology.
Proceedings of the Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 2008
Natural Language-Based Approach for Helping in the Reuse of Ontology Design Patterns.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns, 2008
A Pattern Based Approach for Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources into Ontologies.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web, 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference, 2008
Towntology & hydrOntology: Relationship between Urban and Hydrographic Features in the Geographic Information Domain.
Proceedings of the Ontologies for Urban Development, 2007
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, 2006
The ODESeW Platform as a Tool for Managing EU Projects: The Knowledge Web Case Study.
Proceedings of the Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks, 2006
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM 2005 Workshops, 2005
Proceedings of the MICAI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2004
Ontology Evaluation Functionalities of RDF(S), DAML+OIL, and OWL Parsers and Ontology Platforms.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2004
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2004
Proceedings of the Semantic Web, 2003
Results of Taxonomic Evaluation of RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies using RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Validation Tools and Ontology Platforms import services.
Proceedings of the EON2003, 2003
Evaluation experiment of ontology tools' interoperability with the WebODE ontology engineering workbench.
Proceedings of the EON2003, 2003