Marco Santic

Orcid: 0000-0003-1229-538X

According to our database1, Marco Santic authored at least 19 papers between 2013 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




System-Level Timing Performance Estimation Based on a Unifying HW/SW Performance Metric.
Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-Core Architectures and 14th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, 2025

Wheelchair Embedded Device for Road Surface Classification and Obstacle Detection.
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2024

Identifying sleep monitoring values of the Murata SCA11H based on the Withings-sleep sensor.
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2024

SLIDE-x-ML: System-Level Infrastructure for Dataset E-xtraction and Machine Learning Framework for High-Level Synthesis Estimations.
Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2024

SystemC-based Co-Simulation/Analysis for System-Level Hardware/Software Co-Design.
Comput. Electr. Eng., September, 2023

A Model-Based Approach for Adaptable Middleware Evolution in WSN Platforms.
J. Sens. Actuator Networks, 2021

<i>SystemC</i>-based electronic system-level design space exploration environment for dedicated heterogeneous multi-processor systems.
Microprocess. Microsystems, 2020

Aggregate Farming in the Cloud: The AFarCloud ECSEL project.
Microprocess. Microsystems, 2020

Development of an extended topology-based lightweight cryptographic scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, 2020

Lightweight localisation approach for WSNs: performance analysis and validation.
IET Wirel. Sens. Syst., 2020

LabSMILING: A SaaS Framework, Composed of a Number of Remotely Accessible Testbeds and Related SW Tools, for Analysis, Design and Management of Low Data-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks Based on IEEE 802.15.4.
Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2019

The AFarCloud ECSEL Project.
Proceedings of the 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 2019

TinyWIDS: a WPM-based Intrusion Detection System for TinyOS2.x/802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems, 2018

Methodologies, tools and technologies for location-aware AAL.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow, 2016

A renovated mobile agents middleware for WSN porting of Agilla to the TinyOS 2.x platform.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow, 2016

Methodologies, tools and technologies for location-aware AAL.
PhD thesis, 2015

Errata Corrige on "Modeling and Computing Ternary Projective Relations between Regions".
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2013

Short range wireless solutions enabling ambient assisted living to support people affected by the Down syndrome.
Proceedings of Eurocon 2013, 2013

Exploiting Latest Technologies for RF Sounding's Evolution.
Proceedings of the Arts and Technology, Third International Conference, 2013
