Marc O. Ernst

Orcid: 0000-0003-4197-8569

  • University of Bielefeld, Germany

According to our database1, Marc O. Ernst authored at least 41 papers between 2005 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Interactive Systems.
ACM Comput. Surv., August, 2024

Crossmodal plasticity following short-term monocular deprivation.
NeuroImage, July, 2023

Masking Vibrations and Contact Force Affect the Discrimination of Slip Motion Speed in Touch.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2022

Complementary interfaces for visual computing.
it Inf. Technol., 2022

Adapting visualizations and interfaces to the user.
it Inf. Technol., 2022

Computational principles of neural adaptation for binaural signal integration.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2020

From Near-Optimal Bayesian Integration to Neuromorphic Hardware: A Neural Network Model of Multisensory Integration.
Frontiers Neurorobotics, 2020

Pipelines Bent, Pipelines Broken: Interdisciplinary Self-Reflection on the Impact of COVID-19 on Current and Future Research (Position Paper).
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond, 2020

Goal-related feedback guides motor exploration and redundancy resolution in human motor skill acquisition.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2019

Superimposed Skilled Performance in a Virtual Mirror Improves Motor Performance and Cognitive Representation of a Full Body Motor Action.
Frontiers Robotics AI, 2019

Noise, multisensory integration, and previous response in perceptual disambiguation.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2017

The impact of latency on perceptual judgments and motor performance in closed-loop interaction in virtual reality.
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2016

The Influence of Motor Task on Tactile Suppression During Action.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications, 2016

Digit Position and Force Synergies During Unconstrained Grasping.
Proceedings of the Human and Robot Hands, 2016

Sensorymotor Synergies: Fusion of Cutaneous Touch and Proprioception in the Perceived Hand Kinematics.
Proceedings of the Human and Robot Hands, 2016

Mapping Shape to Visuomotor Mapping: Learning and Generalisation of Sensorimotor Behaviour Based on Contextual Information.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2015

Multi-digit Position and Force Coordination in Three- and Four-Digit Grasping.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, 2014

Coordination of multi-digit positions and forces during unconstrained grasping in response to object perturbations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2014

The Haptic Analog of the Visual Aubert-Fleischl Phenomenon.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, 2014

A Change in the Fingertip Contact Area Induces an Illusory Displacement of the Finger.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, 2014

Computational Aspects of Softness Perception.
Proceedings of the Multisensory Softness, 2014

Introducing the shape-length illusion.
Proceedings of the 2013 World Haptics Conference, 2013

Navigation in the fingertip.
Proceedings of the 2013 World Haptics Conference, 2013

Time and Causality: Mutual Constraints; Insights from Event and Time Perception, Motor Control, and Gaming.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Haptic Communications.
Proc. IEEE, 2012

The neural mechanisms of reliability weighted integration of shape information from vision and touch.
NeuroImage, 2012

Two Hands Perceive Better Than One.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication, 2012

Active Movement Reduces the Tactile Discrimination Performance.
Proceedings of the Immersive Multimodal Interactive Presence., 2012

CyberWalk: Enabling unconstrained omnidirectional walking through virtual environments.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2011

Learning in and from humans: recalibration makes (the) perfect sense.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2011

Visually Guided Haptic Search.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2010

Making virtual walking real: Perceptual evaluation of a new treadmill control algorithm.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2010

Within- and Cross-Modal Distance Information Disambiguate Visual Size-Change Perception.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2010

Design and Evaluation of Haptic Soft Tissue Interaction.
Proceedings of the Sense of Touch and its Rendering - Progress in Haptics Research, 2008

Multi-modal VR Systems.
Proceedings of the Sense of Touch and its Rendering - Progress in Haptics Research, 2008

Human Haptic Perception and the Design of Haptic-Enhanced Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the Sense of Touch and its Rendering - Progress in Haptics Research, 2008

Proceedings of the Sense of Touch and its Rendering - Progress in Haptics Research, 2008

Motion Primitives of Dancing.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Perception, 2008

EuroHaptics special issue editorial.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2005

First evaluation of a novel tactile display exerting shear force via lateral displacement.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2005

The "puzzle" of sensory perception: putting together multisensory information.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2005
