Manolis Tzagarakis

Orcid: 0000-0002-1315-5840

According to our database1, Manolis Tzagarakis authored at least 59 papers between 1999 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Payment schemes in online labour markets. Does incentive and personality matter?
Behav. Inf. Technol., August, 2024

The Faculty Assignment Problem in Higher Education: A Shapley Value-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2024

Developing argumentation services based on hypermedia systems.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext, 2023

Interdisciplinary Teaching Toward the Next Generation Hypertext Researchers.
Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2023

Personality traits and performance in online labour markets.
Behav. Inf. Technol., 2022

Transaction activity and bitcoin realized volatility.
Oper. Res. Lett., 2021

Mother: An Integrated Approach to Hypertext Domains.
Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media, 2018

Revisiting Hypertext Infrastructure.
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2017

Investigating Factors Influencing the Quality of Crowdsourced Work under Different Incentives: Some Empirical Results.
Int. J. Innov. Digit. Econ., 2016

A Data Mining Based Approach for Collaborative Analysis of Biomedical Data.
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 2014

Using semantic types to formalize and augment complex argumentative discourses.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2014

Strengthening collaborative data analysis and decision making in web communities.
Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, 2014

Alleviating Cognitive Overload in Collaboration Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Smart Digital Futures 2014, 2014

Understanding Collaborative Sensemaking Behaviour using Semantic Types in Interaction Data.
Proceedings of the Smart Digital Futures 2014, 2014

Argumentation-Based Learning for Communities of Practice.
Int. J. Knowl. Soc. Res., 2013

On a meaningful exploitation of machine and human reasoning to tackle data-intensive decision making.
Intell. Decis. Technol., 2013

Need for Collective Decision When Divergent Thinking Arises in Collaborative Tasks of a Community of Practice.
Proceedings of the Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends, Advances and Solutions - Selected Papers from KICSS'2013, 2013

Enhancing Collaboration in Big Biomedical Data Settings - Knowledge Visualization, Data Mining and Decision Making Issues.
Proceedings of the DATA 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications, Reykjavík, Iceland, 29, 2013

Augmenting Social Media Monitoring through Human Collaboration.
Proceedings of the Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2012

The dicode workbench: a flexible framework for the integration of information and web services.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, IIWAS '12, Bali, Indonesia, 2012

Towards a Seamless Integration of Human and Machine Reasoning in Data-Intensive Collaborative Decision Making Settings: The Dicode Approach.
Proceedings of the Fusing Decision Support Systems into the Fabric of the Context, 2012

Data Mining Based Collaborative Analysis of Microarray Data.
Proceedings of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2012

Towards a Meaningful Analysis of Big Data - Enhancing Data Mining Techniques through a Collaborative Decision Making Environment.
Proceedings of the DATA 2012, 2012

On a meaningful integration of web services in data-intensive biomedical environments: The DICODE approach.
Proceedings of CBMS 2012, 2012

Adaptive Support for Team Collaboration.
Proceedings of the Advances in User Modeling, 2011

Development of Argumentation Skills via Learning Management Systems - Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems.
Proceedings of the KEOD 2011, 2011

Mitigating the cognitive overload of contemporary argumentation-based collaboration settings.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, 2011

Usability Evaluation of Web-Based Collaboration Support Systems: The Case of CoPe_it!
Proceedings of the Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, 2010

Tackling Cognitively-Complex Collaboration with CoPe_it!
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2009

On the Development of Web-Based Argumentative Collaboration Support Systems.
Proceedings of the Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, 2009

CoPe_it!: argumentative collaboration towards learning.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2009

Awareness Mechanisms for Web-Based Argumentative Collaboration.
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2008

Selecting Services for Web Applications: the Open Hypermedia Case.
J. Web Eng., 2007

Web-Based Collaboration and Decision Making Support: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2007

Augmenting Collaboration with Personalization Services.
Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol., 2007

CoPe_it! - Supporting Incremental Formalization in Collaborative Learning Environments.
ERCIM News, 2007

Supporting Incremental Formalization in Collaborative Learning Environments.
Proceedings of the Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, 2007

Designing domain-specific behaviours in structural computing.
New Rev. Hypermedia Multim., 2006

An Engineering Perspective on Structural Computing: Developing Structure Services for the Web.
J. Web Eng., 2006

On the Development of Knowledge Management Services for Collaborative Decision Making.
J. Comput., 2006

Supporting the design of behaviors in Callimachus.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2006, 2006

Personalization Services in Argumentation Tools: a Catalyst for Learning.
Proceedings of the EC-TEL06 Workshops, Crete, Greece , October 1-2, 2006, 2006

Towards structural computing design.
Proceedings of the Metainformatics, International Symposium, 2005

Structural Engineering: Processes and Tools for Developing Component-Based Open Hypermedia Systems.
Proceedings of the Metainformatics, International Symposium, 2004

Από το υπερκείμενο στο δομικό υπολογισμό: ζητήματα υποδομής και πεδίων εφαρμογής
PhD thesis, 2003

Structuring primitives in the Callimachus component-based open hypermedia system.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl., 2003

Offering open hypermedia services to the WWW: a step-by-step approach for developers.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, 2003

Some Notes on Behavior in Structural Computing.
Proceedings of the Metainformatics, International Symposium, 2003

Increasing the usage of open hypermedia systems: a developer-side approach.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2003, 2003

Babylon Bookmarks: A Taxonomic Approach to the Management of WWW Bookmarks.
Proceedings of the Metainformatics, International Symposium, 2002

Approaching Wordnets through a Structural Point of View.
Proceedings of the Metainformatics, International Symposium, 2002

Introduction to SC3.
Proceedings of the Hypermedia: Openness, 2001

Broadening Structural Computing towards Hypermedia Development.
Proceedings of the Hypermedia: Openness, 2001

Towards Hypermedia Support for Database Systems.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 2001

Using a WWW Search Engine to Evaluate Normalization Performance for a Highly Inflectional Language.
Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistic, 2001

Towards Structure Specification for Open Hyermedia Systems.
Proceedings of the Open Hypertext Systems and Structural Computing, 2000

Use of a Morphosyntactic Lexicon as the Basis for the Implementation of the Greek Wordnet.
Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing, 2000

Naming as a fundamental concept of open hypermedia systems.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2000, Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, May 30, 2000

The Callimachus Approach to Distributed Hypermedia.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT '99, 1999
