Mandeep Garg
Orcid: 0000-0002-4714-6299
According to our database1,
Mandeep Garg
authored at least 13 papers
between 2013 and 2019.
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Content-Based Image Retrieval System for Pulmonary Nodules Using Optimal Feature Sets and Class Membership-Based Retrieval.
J. Digit. Imaging, 2019
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2018: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2018
Content-Based Image Retrieval System for Pulmonary Nodules: Assisting Radiologists in Self-Learning and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer.
J. Digit. Imaging, 2017
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2017
An experimental study of interstitial lung tissue classification in HRCT images using ANN and role of cost functions.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2017
J. Digit. Imaging, 2016
A Combination of Shape and Texture Features for Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in Lung CT Images.
J. Digit. Imaging, 2016
IET Image Process., 2016
Differential geometry-based techniques for characterization of boundary roughness of pulmonary nodules in CT images.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 2016
Differentiation of several interstitial lung disease patterns in HRCT images using support vector machine: role of databases on performance.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2016: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, 2016
Classification of pulmonary nodules in lung CT images using shape and texture features.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2016: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, 2016
Wavelet based rotation invariant texture feature for lung tissue classification and retrieval.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2014: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, 2014
Content-based image retrieval for interstitial lung diseases using classification confidence.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2013: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2013