Magnus Strengert

According to our database1, Magnus Strengert authored at least 20 papers between 2003 and 2010.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Parallel visualization and compute environments for graphics clusters.
PhD thesis, 2010

A Compute Unified System Architecture for Graphics Clusters Incorporating Data Locality.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2009

Concurrent CT Reconstruction and Visual Analysis Using Hybrid Multi-resolution Raycasting in a Cluster Environment.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing, 5th International Symposium, 2009

GPU-Based Streamlines for Surface-Guided 3D Flow Visualization.
Proceedings of the 13th International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2008

CUDASA: Compute Unified Device and Systems Architecture.
Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2008

Adaptive load balancing for raycasting of non-uniformly bricked volumes.
Parallel Comput., 2007

Depth-of-Field Rendering by Pyramidal Image Processing.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2007

GPU-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis, 15th Scandinavian Conference, 2007

Pyramid filters based on bilinear interpolation.
Proceedings of the GRAPP 2007, 2007

Scalable Sort-First Parallel Direct Volume Rendering with Dynamic Load Balancing.
Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2007

A hardware-aware debugger for the OpenGL shading language.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Conference on Graphics Hardware 2007, 2007

Adaptive sampling in three dimensions for volume rendering on GPUs.
Proceedings of the APVIS 2007, 2007

Spectral volume rendering using GPU-based raycasting.
Vis. Comput., 2006

Optimized Volume Raycasting for Graphics-Hardware-based Cluster Systems.
Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2006

Parallel Texture-Based Vector Field Visualization on Curved Surfaces Using GPU Cluster Computers.
Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2006

Large volume visualization of compressed time-dependent datasets on GPU clusters.
Parallel Comput., 2005

Exploiting Frame-to-Frame Coherence for Accelerating High-Quality Volume Raycasting on Graphics Hardware.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Visualization Conference, 2005

A Simple and Flexible Volume Rendering Framework for Graphics-Hardware-based Raycasting.
Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics / IEEE VGTC International Workshop on Volume Graphics, 2005

Hierarchical Visualization and Compression of Large Volume Datasets Using GPU Clusters.
Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2004

Interactive volume rendering of multimodality 4D cardiac data with the use of consumer graphics hardware.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, 2003
