Magnus Andersson

Orcid: 0009-0004-0233-4132

According to our database1, Magnus Andersson authored at least 43 papers between 1988 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Segmentation and Characterization of Macerated Fibers and Vessels Using Deep Learning.
CoRR, 2024

Your purpose or mine? Perspectives on data in innovation ecosystems.
Int. J. Technol. Manag., 2023

Copper binding leads to increased dynamics in the regulatory N-terminal domain of full-length human copper transporter ATP7B.
PLoS Comput. Biol., September, 2022

Feedback Loops in Open Data Ecosystems.
IEEE Softw., 2022

Wicked Cases and Late Binding in System of Systems.
Proceedings of the 17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference, 2022

Product Supportability Through Lifecyle Modeling and Simulation.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2020

Looking from the inside: Peer-exploration of teaching and learning experiences and attitudes among faculty at a technical university.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020

How Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf., 2019

UmUTracker: A versatile MATLAB program for automated particle tracking of 2D light microscopy or 3D digital holography data.
Comput. Phys. Commun., 2017

ToxTrac: a fast and robust software for tracking organisms.
CoRR, 2017

Ray Accelerator: Efficient and Flexible Ray Tracing on a Heterogeneous Architecture.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2017

Texture space caching and reconstruction for ray tracing.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2016

A fast and robust circle detection method using isosceles triangles sampling.
Pattern Recognit., 2016

The Molecular Basis of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Interactions with the <i>Shaker</i> Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2016

A robust particle detection algorithm based on symmetry.
CoRR, 2016

Informating Transport Transparency.
Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016

Masked software occlusion culling.
Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, 2016

Algorithmic Improvements for Stochastic Rasterization & Depth Buffering.
PhD thesis, 2015

Masked depth culling for graphics hardware.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2015

Circle detection using isosceles triangles sampling.
CoRR, 2015

Filtered Stochastic Shadow Mapping Using a Layered Approach.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2015

Decentralized intelligence in freight transport - A critical review.
Comput. Ind., 2014

Adaptive texture space shading for stochastic rendering.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2014

The Collaborative Economy: A Disruptive Innovation or Much Ado about Nothing?
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2014

Stochastic Depth Buffer Compression using Generalized Plane Encoding.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2013

Peer-to-Peer Service Sharing Platforms: Driving Share and Share Alike on a Mass-Scale.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2013

Efficient multi-view ray tracing using edge detection and shader reuse.
Vis. Comput., 2011

Automatic real-time FACS-coder to anonymise drivers in eye tracker videos.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2011

Depth Buffer Compression for Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Conference on High Performance Graphics 2011, 2011

Enacting Assemblages of Technology: A Practice Lens Analysis.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

Inscribing Interpretive Flexibility of Context Data in Ubiquitous Computing Environments: An Action Research Study of Vertical Standard Development.
Int. J. Adv. Pervasive Ubiquitous Comput., 2009

Architectural knowledge in inter-organizational IT innovation.
J. Strateg. Inf. Syst., 2008

Multi-contextuality in boundary-spanning practices.
Inf. Syst. J., 2008

Ubiqutious transport systems: Negotiating context through a mobile-stationary interface.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Information Systems, 2006

The Mobile-Stationary Divide in Ubiquitous Computing Environments: Lessons from the Transport Industry.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2005

Assessing the Mobile-Stationary Divide in Ubiquitous Transport Systems.
Proceedings of the Designing Ubiquitous Information Environments: Socio-Technical Issues and Challenges, 2005

Vision-based door-traversal for autonomous mobile robots.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000

Experiments on Augmenting Condensation for Mobile Robot Localization.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2000

Feature Based Condensation for Mobile Robot Localization.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2000

Learning Studio: Design Solutions for a Virtual Learning Environment.
Proceedings of WebNet 98, 1998

ISR: An Intelligent Service Robot.
Proceedings of the Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, September 28, 1998

Point reconstruction from noisy images.
J. Math. Imaging Vis., 1995

A Study of Modified Interpolation Search in Compressed, Fully Transposed, Ordered Files.
Proceedings of the Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 1988
