M. Ronnier Luo

Orcid: 0000-0002-0845-319X

According to our database1, M. Ronnier Luo authored at least 172 papers between 1990 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Perceptual Tone Mapping Model for High Dynamic Range Imaging.
IEEE Access, 2023

LEDSimulator Technology: A Research Tool for Colour and Texture.
Proceedings of the London Imaging Meeting 2023: Material Physics, 2023

A Comparative Study on the Perceived Attractiveness of Oriental and South Asian Faces.
IEEE Access, 2022

A Revised Formulation based on CIECAM16 for Cross-media Colour Reproduction via Real Scene Experiment.
Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference, 2022

A Study of Spatial Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity based on Different Colour Background.
Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference, 2022

A Parametric Colour-difference Study on the Separation and CMF Effects.
Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference, 2022

Comparison of LED-based and Reflective Colour Targets for Camera Spectral Sensitivities Estimation.
Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference, 2022

Accumulation of Corresponding Colours Under Extreme Chromatic Illuminations and modification of CAM16.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Image Enhancement for Colour Deficiency via Gamut Mapping.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

The Development of Three Image Quality Evaluation Metrics Based on a Comprehensive Dataset.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

A new corresponding color dataset covering a wide luminance range under high dynamic range viewing condition.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Methods to improve colour mismatch between displays.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Testing Colour Appearance Model Based UCS Using HDR, WCG and COMBVD Datasets.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

New colour appearance scales under high dynamic range conditions.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Modeling chromatic contrast sensitivity across different background colors and luminance.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Effects of Display and Ambient Illuminance on Visual Comfort for Reading on a Mobile Device.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Models to predict naturalness and image quality for images containing three memory colors: sky, grass, and skin.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Time course chromatic adaptation under highly saturated illuminants.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

A study on Memory Colours.
Proceedings of the 29th Color and Imaging Conference, 2021

Modelling visual impressions for Chinese and Pakistani ethnic groups.
Pattern Recognit., 2020

Modelling and modification of simultaneous lightness contrast effect using the Albers' pattern.
Proceedings of the London Imaging Meeting 2020: Future Colour Imaging, 2020

Investigation of Spatial Chromatic Contrast around 5 Colour Centres.
Proceedings of the London Imaging Meeting 2020: Future Colour Imaging, 2020

Skin tone on mobile displays under different ambient lighting.
Proceedings of the London Imaging Meeting 2020: Future Colour Imaging, 2020

A new independent dataset to verify the performance of colour appearance models for predicting simultaneous contrast effect.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

Are Spatial Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity Band-pass or Lowpass Functions?
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

Observer metamerism to display white point between LCD and OLED displays.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

Preferred skin reproduction centres for different skin groups.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

A Tone Mapping Model Based on Receptive Field for HDR Images.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

Practical Color Contrast Sensitivity Functions for Luminance Levels up to 10000 cd/m2.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

Preferred skin tones reproduction of three ethnic groups under different ambient lighting conditions.
Proceedings of the 28th Color and Imaging Conference, 2020

The Characterization of HDR OLED Display.
Proceedings of the Image Quality and System Performance XVI, Electronic Imaging 2019, 2019

The Image Quality Evaluation of HDR OLED Display.
Proceedings of the Image Quality and System Performance XVI, Electronic Imaging 2019, 2019

Proposed modification to the CAM16 colour appearance model to predict the simultaneous colour contrast effect.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

Assessing Colour Differences under a Wide Range of Luminance Levels Using Surface and Display Colours.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

Modelling incomplete chromatic adaptation on a display under different ambient illuminations.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

Tone Mapping Operators Evaluation Based on High Quality Reference Images.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

New Metrics for Evaluating Whiteness of Fluorescent Samples.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

No-Reference Image Quality Metric for Tone-Mapped Images.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

Developing a visual method to characterize displays.
Proceedings of the 27th Color and Imaging Conference, 2019

Colour gamut mapping using vividness scale.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XXIV: Displaying, 2019

Investigating Chromatic Adaptation via Memory Colour Matching Method on a Display.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

A Study of Visible Chromatic Contrast Threshold Based on Different Color Directions and Spatial Frequencies.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

Effect of Stimulus Luminance and Adapting Luminance on Viewing Mode and Display White Appearance.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

A Colour Appearance Model based on Jzazbz Colour Space.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

A parametric colour difference equation to evaluate colour difference magnitude effect for gapless printed stimuli.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

An Extension of CAM16 for Predicting Size Effect and New Colour Appearance Perceptions.
Proceedings of the 26th Color and Imaging Conference, 2018

Evaluation of Gamut Mapping Algorithms in different Uniform Colour Spaces.
Proceedings of the Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2018

A Study of Neutral White and Degree of Chromatic Adaptation.
Proceedings of the 25th Color and Imaging Conference, 2017

Whiteness Boundary for Surface Colors.
Proceedings of the 25th Color and Imaging Conference, 2017

A Uniform and Hue Linear Color Space for Perceptual Image Processing Including HDR and Wide Gamut Image Signals.
Proceedings of the 25th Color and Imaging Conference, 2017

The Effectiveness of Colour Appearance Attributes for Enhancing Image Preference and Naturalness.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

Modelling Incomplete Chromatic Adaptation and Colour Contrast Using Memory Colour.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

The Necessity of a Whiteness Scale for FWA-enhanced Whites.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

New Spectral Data for Skin Colours.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

Investigating Performance of Uniform Color Spaces for High Dynamic Range and Wide Gamut Color Difference Applications.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

Extension of CIE Whiteness Metric under different illuminants.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

A Revision of CIECAM02 and its CAT and UCS.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

A revisit of the MacAdam colour discrimination ellipses.
Proceedings of the 24th Color and Imaging Conference, 2016

Characterisation of skin spectra in a Caucasian and Oriental sample.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, 2016

Can the Problems of CIECAM02 Be Overcome without Losing Predicting Accuracy?
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, 2016

Investigation of Memory Colours across Cultures.
Proceedings of the 23rd Color and Imaging Conference, 2015

Measuring Human Skin Colour.
Proceedings of the 23rd Color and Imaging Conference, 2015

Performance Evaluation of JPEG, JPEG2000 and New CSI-JPEG Algorithms by Incorporating Different Color Spaces.
Proceedings of the 23rd Color and Imaging Conference, 2015

Assessing the Quality of Two LED Based CIE Illuminant Simulators.
Proceedings of the 23rd Color and Imaging Conference, 2015

Comparing CSI and PCA in Amalgamation with JPEG for Spectral Image Compression.
CoRR, 2014

Using Different Color Models to Test JPEG and Modified JPEG.
Proceedings of the 22nd Color and Imaging Conference, 2014

The NCS-like Colour scales Based on CIECAM02.
Proceedings of the 21st Color and Imaging Conference, 2013

Prototypical colors of skin, green plant, and blue sky.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XVIII: Displaying, 2013

20 Years of Colour Appearance Research at CIC.
Proceedings of the 20th Color and Imaging Conference, 2012

CAT02 and HPE Triangles.
Proceedings of the 20th Color and Imaging Conference, 2012

Spectral Representation of Object Colours.
Proceedings of the 20th Color and Imaging Conference, 2012

Individual Differences in the Assessment of Colour Saturation.
Proceedings of the 20th Color and Imaging Conference, 2012

A new method for skin color enhancement.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, 2012

Can You See What Others See -A Defect Detection Model for Patterned Backgrounds.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2012

A New version of CIECAM02 with the HPE primaries.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2012

Colour appearance modelling between physical samples and their representation on large liquid crystal display.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2012

Reflectance recovery using localised weighted method.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2012

Preferred Skin Colours of Africans, Caucasians, and Orientals.
Proceedings of the 19th Color and Imaging Conference, 2011

Effects of Skin Tone and Facial Characteristics on Perceived Attractiveness: A Cross-Cultural Study.
Proceedings of the 19th Color and Imaging Conference, 2011

Recent Developments in Colour Rendering Indices and Their Impacts in Viewing Graphic Printed Materials.
Proceedings of the 19th Color and Imaging Conference, 2011

Alternatives to the Third Dimension of Colour Appearance.
Proceedings of the 19th Color and Imaging Conference, 2011

Preferred skin color enhancement for photographic color reproduction.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XVI: Displaying, 2011

Colour and Tolerance of Preferred Skin Colours.
Proceedings of the 18th Color and Imaging Conference, 2010

Psychophysical and Psychophysiological Measurement of Image Emotion.
Proceedings of the 18th Color and Imaging Conference, 2010

Testing Uniform Colour Spaces Using Printed Samples.
Proceedings of the 18th Color and Imaging Conference, 2010

Modelling memory colour region for preference colour reproduction.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XV: Displaying, 2010

The Influence of Coloured Backgrounds on Mura Detection in TFT-LCDs.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2010

Evaluation of Performance of Twelve Color-Difference Formulae Using Two NCSU Experimental Datasets.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2010

Checking Recent Colour-Difference Formulas with a Dataset of Metallic Samples and Just Noticeable Colour-Difference Assessments.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2010

Modelling Skin Colours for Preferred Colour Reproduction.
Proceedings of the 17th Color and Imaging Conference, 2009

Recent Progress with Extensions to CIECAM02.
Proceedings of the 17th Color and Imaging Conference, 2009

A New Colour Selection Method for Characterising Digital Cameras.
Proceedings of the 17th Color and Imaging Conference, 2009

Colour naturalness metric for evaluating image quality of mobile displays.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XIV: Displaying, 2009

Testing Colour Appearance Models for Mobile Phones using Complex Images.
Proceedings of the 16th Color and Imaging Conference, 2008

Evaluation of Light Sources Based on Visual Colour Rendering.
Proceedings of the 16th Color and Imaging Conference, 2008

Further Accelerating the Inversion of the Yule-Nielson Modified Neugebauer Model.
Proceedings of the 16th Color and Imaging Conference, 2008

Predicting Perceived Colorfulness, Contrast, Naturalness and Quality for Color Images Reproduced on a Large Display.
Proceedings of the 16th Color and Imaging Conference, 2008

Subjective Rules on the Perception and Modeling of Image Contrast.
Proceedings of the 16th Color and Imaging Conference, 2008

Impacts of Package Colour on Preferred Image Colour, Contrast and Sharpness: Taking Package Design of Orange Juice as an Example.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Experimental Filters for Estimating Image Differences.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Evaluation of Colour-difference Formulae for Different Colour-difference Magnitudes.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Training Data Selection Study for Surface Colour Measurement Data Correlation.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Correcting Veiling Glare of Refined CIECAM02 for Mobile Display.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

A Study of Office Lighting and Indoor Daylight at Leeds.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Evaluating Colour Differences for Images.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Colour Difference Modelling for Moving Images.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Optimised Parameters for CIECAM02 Based Upon Surround Size Effect.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Modelling Image Naturalness.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, 2008

Applying CIECAM02 for Mobile Display Viewing Conditions.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

A New Colour Gamut for Object Colours.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

A Colour Gamut Based on Reflectance Functions.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

Image Quality Modelling for Moving Streams.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

Evaluation of Colour Differences against Different Coloured Backgrounds.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

Quantifying Colour Appearance for Unrelated Colour under Photopic and Mesopic Vision.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

The Influence of the Relative Luminance of the Surround on the Perceived Quality of an Image on a Large Display.
Proceedings of the 15th Color and Imaging Conference, 2007

Colour appearance change of a large size display under various illumination conditions.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging XII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, San Jose, 2007

A colour management framework for medical imaging applications.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph., 2006

Colour Appearance Modelling for Mobile Displays.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Observer metamerism and colorimetric additivity failures in soft-proofing.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Effective Correction Modeling Between Colorimetric Datasets.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Colour Constancy Based on Reflectance Functions.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Assessing Texture Difference for Metallic Coating on Different Media.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Image Colour-Quality Modelling for Mobile LCDs.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

Affecting Colour Appearance by Surround Field and Stimuli Sizes.
Proceedings of the 14th Color and Imaging Conference, 2006

An Algorithm for Categorising Colours into Universal Colour Names.
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2006

Quality of LED Based Daylight Simulators.
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2006

Computational Model for Perceptual Coarseness Prediction.
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2006

Affective Attributes in Image Quality of a Mobile LCD.
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2006

The Uncertainty of Colour-Matching Data.
Proceedings of the 13th Color and Imaging Conference, 2005

A Novel Approach for Generating Object Spectral Reflectance Functions from Digital Cameras.
Proceedings of the 13th Color and Imaging Conference, 2005

Methods for Measuring Viewing Parameters in CIECAM02.
Proceedings of the 13th Color and Imaging Conference, 2005

How scalable are gamut mapping algorithms?
Proceedings of the Color Imaging IX: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, San Jose, 2004

Colour Appearance for Dissimilar Sizes.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

A New Method for Assessing Textile Fastness Based on Digital Imaging.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

Comparing Methods for Compressing Spectral Reflectance.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

A New Method for Assessing Gloss Based on Digital Imaging.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

Evaluation of Texture Mapping Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

Surround - the New Background?
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2004

Specifying the Colour Appearance of a Real Room.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2003

Colour Differences for Complex Images.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2003

Colour-Difference Evaluation Using Colour Appearance Models.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2003

Prediction of Lightness in Mesopic Vision.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2003

A New Colour Appearance Model - Kwak03.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2003

Mesopic color appearance.
Proceedings of the Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, 2003

Comparing Different Colour Discrimination Data Sets.
Proceedings of the Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2002

New Uniform Colour Spaces.
Proceedings of the Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2002

The CIECAM02 Color Appearance Model.
Proceedings of the Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2002

The Performance of CIECAM02.
Proceedings of the Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2002

A Lightness Difference Formula for Predicting Crispening Effects.
Proceedings of the Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2002

A Novel Method for Computing Optimum Weights for Calculating CIE Tristimulus Values.
Proceedings of the First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2002

Colour Appearance Estimation under Cinemac Viewing Conditions.
Proceedings of the First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2002

Evaluating Lightness Differences under Different Neutral Backgrounds.
Proceedings of the First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 2002

Incomplete Chromatic Adaptation under Mixed Illuminations.
Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, 2001

Colorimetric Thresholds for Printed Images.
Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, 2001

The Estimation of Spectral Reflectances Using the Smoothest Constraint Condition.
Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, 2001

Gamut Extension Modelling Based on Observer Experimental Data.
Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, 2001

Performance of an extended CARISMA gamut mapping model.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, 2001

Testing Color-Difference Formulae on Complex Images Using a CRT Monitor.
Proceedings of the Eighth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2000

Simplification of the CMCCAT97.
Proceedings of the Eighth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2000

Gamut Compression Algorithm Development on the Basis of Observer Experimental Data.
Proceedings of the Eighth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, 2000

Colorimetric Characterization of Low-End Digital Camera and its Application for On-Screen Texture Visualization.
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Image Processing, 2000

An Evaluation of Colour Models' Performance Using Image Compression Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, 1999

The CAM97s2 Model.
Proceedings of the Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, 1999

Gamut Compression Analysis Based on Observer Experimental Data.
Proceedings of the Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, 1999

Verification of Gamut Mapping Algorithms in CIECAM97s Using Various Printed Media.
Proceedings of the 6th Color and Imaging Conference, 1998

Colour Printer Characterization by Regression with Greyspace Constraint.
Proceedings of the 6th Color and Imaging Conference, 1998

Calibrating spectrophotometers using neural networks.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, 1998

Gamut Mapping Algorithms Based On Psychophysical Experiment.
Proceedings of the 5th Color and Imaging Conference, 1997

Characterising Desktop Colour Printers Without Full Control Over All Colorants.
Proceedings of the 4th Color and Imaging Conference, 1996

LLAB model for color appearance and color difference evaluation.
Proceedings of the Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, 1996

Device calibration of a color image scanner digitizing system by using neural networks.
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'95), Perth, WA, Australia, November 27, 1995

Colour model integration and visualisation.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, 1990
