Luis Hernández-Martínez

Orcid: 0000-0001-7178-7929

  • Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica, Puebla, Mexico

According to our database1, Luis Hernández-Martínez authored at least 43 papers between 2000 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Collision-Free Path Planning Applied to Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Robotic Arms Using Homotopy Methods.
IEEE Access, 2024

Effect of the Thermal Annealing Temperature on the Composition and Luminescent Properties of Silicon Rich-Nitride (SRN) and -Oxide (SRO) Films.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2024

A Novel Collision-Free Homotopy Path Planning for Planar Robotic Arms.
Sensors, 2022

Degradation performance analysis and operation optimization of rotary-traveling wave oscillators for RF-CMOS applications.
Microelectron. J., 2021

Collision-Free Path Planning Applied Robotic Arms Using Homotopy Continuation Methods for Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2021

Multiple-Target Homotopic Quasi-Complete Path Planning Method for Mobile Robot Using a Piecewise Linear Approach.
Sensors, 2020

A Tool to Solve Nonlinear Algebraic Equations Systems.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2019

Crystalline Silicon Solar Module for Portable Applications.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2019

Homotopy Path Planning for Terrestrial Robots Using Spherical Algorithm.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., 2018

Off-line route planner based on resistive grid method for vehicle guidance in real-time applications.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems, 2018

Understanding the Resistive Switching Phenomena of Stacked Al/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/Al Thin Films from the Dynamics of Conductive Filaments.
Complex., 2017

CMOS current-mode PWL implementation using MAX and MIN operators.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2017

Symbolic harmonic distortion analysis of op-amp based memristive amplifiers.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2017

Topology and discontinuities effect on CMOS rotary traveling wave oscillators.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2017

Homotopic path validation using non-holonomic differential drive robot model.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2017

A CAD-oriented simulation methodology for memristive circuits.
Proceedings of the IEEE 7th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems, 2016

Fast and robust homotopy path planning method for mobile robotics.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2016

An Homotopy Path Planning Method with automatic fixed value assignation of repulsion parameter for mobile robotics.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2016

Path optimization for terrestrial robots using Homotopy Path Planning Method.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2015

A fully symbolic homotopy-based memristor model for applications to circuit simulation.
Proceedings of the IEEE 5th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2014

Approximation for Transient of Nonlinear Circuits Using RHPM and BPES Methods.
J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 2013

Improved spherical continuation algorithm by nonlinear circuit.
Proceedings of the IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013

Removal of Noise Oscillation Term Appearing in the Nonlinear Equation Solution.
J. Appl. Math., 2012

Transient and DC approximate expressions for diode circuits.
IEICE Electron. Express, 2012

Homotopy method with a formal stop criterion applied to circuit simulation.
IEICE Electron. Express, 2011

Novel low-frequency signal conditioning circuit.
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2011

The Topological Conditions: The Properties of the Pair of Conjugate Tress.
J. Softw. Eng. Appl., 2010

The Reduction of the Duration of the Transient Response in a Class of Continuous-Time LTV Filters.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2009

Modelling the single-electron transistor with piecewise linear functions.
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2009

Finding all the operating points in piecewise-linear electrical networks: An iterative-decomposed approach.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2008

FFinder: A MAPLE-based CAD frame for identifying feedback loops in electric circuits.
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2007

Applying an iterative-decomposed piecewise-linear model to find multiple operating points.
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2007

A method for finding the DC solution regions in piecewise-linear networks.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Decomposed piecewise-linear models by hyperplanes unbending.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

1.5-V square-root domain first-order filter with multiple operating points.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Double-bounded homotopy for analysing nonlinear resistive circuits.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

Topological Considerations for the Diagnosability Conditions of Analogue Circuits Using a Pair of Conjugate Trees.
J. Electron. Test., 2003

INTER: a graph tool for the smart placement of bias sources in negative feed-back amplifiers.
Proceedings of the 2002 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2002

Properties of the pair of conjugate trees (t'-t").
Proceedings of the 2002 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2002

A topological approach for determining the uniqueness of the DC solutions in MOS-transistor circuits.
Proceedings of the 2001 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2001

On the maximum number of DC solutions of general transistor networks.
Proceedings of the 2000 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2000

Matrix-based search of a pair of compatible i-v orientations for the uniqueness analysis of nonlinear resistive circuits.
Proceedings of the 2000 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2000

An optimal reordering schema of homotopy equations for the analysis of nonlinear resistive circuits.
Proceedings of the 2000 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, 2000
