Ludwig Staiger

Orcid: 0000-0003-3810-9303

  • Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

According to our database1, Ludwig Staiger authored at least 108 papers between 1972 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of two.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A polynomial-time algorithm for the automatic Baire property.
CoRR, January, 2025

Topologies for Finite Words: Compatibility with the Cantor Topology.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 2024

Frontiers of Computability, Randomness, and Complexity (dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Cristian Calude).
Theor. Comput. Sci., March, 2023

Automata for solid codes.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2021

Bi-immunity over different size alphabets.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2021

The Maximal Complexity of Quasiperiodic Infinite Words.
Axioms, 2021

On the incomputability of computable dimension.
Log. Methods Comput. Sci., 2020

On the Generative Power of Quasiperiods.
Proceedings of the Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, 2020

Turing machines with activations of transitions.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications, 2019

Liouville, Computable, Borel Normal and Martin-Löf Random Numbers.
Theory Comput. Syst., 2018

A Simple Construction of Absolutely Disjunctive Liouville Numbers.
J. Autom. Lang. Comb., 2018

On the Values for Factor Complexity.
Proceedings of the Implementation and Application of Automata, 2018

Finite Automata and Randomness.
Proceedings of the Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, 2018

Shift-invariant topologies for the Cantor space X<sup>ω</sup>.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2017

Quasiperiods, Subword Complexity and the Smallest Pisot Number.
J. Autom. Lang. Comb., 2016

Going Beyond Turing with P Automata: Regular Observer ω-Languages and Partial Adult Halting.
Int. J. Unconv. Comput., 2016

Finite state incompressible infinite sequences.
Inf. Comput., 2016

Exact constructive and computable dimensions.
Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex., 2016

Bounds on the Kolmogorov complexity function for infinite words.
Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex., 2016

On the Hausdorff measure of regular ω-languages in Cantor space.
Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 2015

Subword Metrics for Infinite Words.
Proceedings of the Implementation and Application of Automata, 2015

Going Beyond Turing with P Automata: Partial Adult Halting and Regular Observer ω-Languages.
Proceedings of the Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, 2015

Two Theorems on the Hausdorff Measure of Regular ω-Languages.
Proceedings of the Logic, Computation, Hierarchies, 2014

A Correspondence Principle for Exact Constructive Dimension.
Proceedings of the How the World Computes, 2012

Asymptotic Subword Complexity.
Proceedings of the Languages Alive, 2012

On Oscillation-Free Chaitin h-Random Sequences.
Proceedings of the Computation, Physics and Beyond, 2012

Universal recursively enumerable sets of strings.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2011

Oscillation-free Chaitin <i>h</i>-random sequences.
Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex., 2011

Exact constructive dimension.
Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex., 2011

Constructive Dimension and Hausdorff Dimension: The Case of Exact Dimension.
Proceedings of the Fundamentals of Computation Theory - 18th International Symposium, 2011

A note on accelerated Turing machines.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 2010

The Maximal Subword Complexity of Quasiperiodic Infinite Words
Proceedings of the Proceedings Twelfth Annual Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, 2010

Topologies Refining the Cantor Topology on <i>X</i><sup><i>omega</i></sup>.
Proceedings of the Theoretical Computer Science, 2010

Joint Topologies for Finite and Infinite Words.
Proceedings of the Developments in Language Theory, 14th International Conference, 2010

Topology on words.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2009

On universal computably enumerable prefix codes.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 2009

On Oscillation-free epsilon-random Sequences II.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 2009

On Oscillation-free epsilon-random Sequences.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 2008

The Kolmogorov complexity of infinite words.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007

Finite automata encoding geometric figures.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007

Decidability of code properties.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 2007

Prefix-Free Lukasiewicz Languages.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 2007

On Maximal Prefix Codes.
Bull. EATCS, 2007

On partial randomness.
Ann. Pure Appl. Log., 2006

Generalisations of disjunctive sequences.
Math. Log. Q., 2005

Hausdorff Measure and Lukasiewicz Languages.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2005

The entropy of Lukasiewicz-languages.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 2005

Constructive dimension equals Kolmogorov complexity.
Inf. Process. Lett., 2005

Infinite iterated function systems in cantor space and the hausdorff measure of omega-power languages.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 2005

Deterministic Complexity and Entropy.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2005

Topologies for the Set of Disjunctive oemga-words
Acta Cybern., 2005

The Kolmogorov complexity of infinite objects.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems - DCFS 2005, Como, Italy, June 30, 2005

Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 2004

On the Hausdorff Measure of omega-Power Languages.
Proceedings of the Developments in Language Theory, 2004

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space.
J. Autom. Lang. Comb., 2003

A topological characterization of random sequences.
Inf. Process. Lett., 2003

omega-P Automata with Communication Rules.
Proceedings of the Membrane Computing, International Workshop, 2003

The Kolmogorov complexity of real numbers.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002

How Large is the Set of Disjunctive Sequences?
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2002

A Simple Example of an omega-Language Topologically.
Bull. EATCS, 2002

Iterated Function Systems and Control Languages.
Inf. Comput., 2001

Topologies for the Set of Disjunctive omega-Words.
Proceedings of the Words, Semigroups, and Transductions, 2001

Acceptance of omega-languages by communicating deterministic turing maching.
Proceedings of the Where Mathematics, 2001

On the Power of Reading the Whole Infinite Input Tape.
Proceedings of the Finite Versus Infinite, 2000

On the Power of Reading the Whole Infinite Input Tape.
Grammars, 1999

Finite Automata Encoding Geometric Figures.
Proceedings of the Automata Implementation, 1999

A. Tight Upper Bound on Kolmogorov Complexity and Uniformly Optimal Prediction.
Theory Comput. Syst., 1998

The Hausdorff Measure of Regular omega-languages is Computable.
Bull. EATCS, 1998

IFS and Control Languages.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998, 1998

Proceedings of the Handbook of Formal Languages, Volume 3: Beyond Words., 1997

On Syntactic Congruences for Omega-Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1997

Finite Acceptance of Infinite Words.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1997

Rich omega-Words and Monadic Second-Order Arithmetic.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 11th International Workshop, 1997

On omega-power Languages.
Proceedings of the New Trends in Formal Languages, 1997

Codes, Simplifying Words, and Open Set Condition.
Inf. Process. Lett., 1996

Local Hausdorff Dimension.
Acta Informatica, 1995

Fractals, Dimension, and Formal Languages.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 1994

Codes and Infinite Words.
Acta Cybern., 1994

Valuations and Unambiguity of Languages, with Applications to Fractal Geometry.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 21st International Colloquium, 1994

Kolgomorov Complexity and Hausdorff Dimension
Inf. Comput., April, 1993

Recursive Automata on Infinite Words.
Proceedings of the STACS 93, 1993

On Codes having Dual Distance d'>=k.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1991

On the weight distribution of linear codes having dual distance d' geq k.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1989

Kolmogorov Complexity and Hausdorff Dimension.
Proceedings of the Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 1989

Ein Satz über die Entropie von Untermonoiden (A Theorem on the Entropy of Submonoids).
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1988

Sequential Mappings of omega-Languages.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 1987

Why are Serial Convolutional Encoders Catastrophic?
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1987

Research in the Theory of omega-languages.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1987

On Infinitary Finite Length Codes.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 1986

Hierarchies of Recursive omega-languages.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1986

The Centers of Context-Sensitive Languages.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986, 1986

Representable P. Martin-Löf tests.
Kybernetika, 1985

Projection Lemmas for omega-Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1984

Finite-State omega-Languages.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1983

Subspaces of GF(q)^w and Convolutional Codes
Inf. Control., 1983

Complexity and Entropy.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1981, Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia, August 31, 1981

A Note on Connected omega-Languages.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1980

Rekursive Folgenmengen I.
Math. Log. Q., 1978

Erkennungs-, Masz- Und Informationstheoretische Eigenschaften Regulärer Folgenmengen.
Math. Log. Q., 1977

Recursive omega-Languages.
Proceedings of the Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 1977

Empty - Storage - Acceptance of omega-Languages.
Proceedings of the Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 1977

Reguläre Nullmengen.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1976

Quasilineare Automaten und die von ihnen realisierten Operatoren.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1975

Automatentheoretische und automatenfreie Charakterisierungen topologischer Klassen regulärer Folgenmengen.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1974

Eine Bemerkung über nichtkonstantenfreie sequentielle Operatoren.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1974

Finite Automata Acceptation of Infinite Sequences.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 1974

Eine Bemerkung zur Charakterisierung von Folgenmengen durch Wortmengen.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1972

Über die Entscheidung und Aufzählung regulärer Wortmengen durch Markowsche Algorithmen.
J. Inf. Process. Cybern., 1972
