Lloyd G. Williams

According to our database1, Lloyd G. Williams authored at least 42 papers between 1986 and 2012.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Software Performance Antipatterns for Identifying and Correcting Performance Problems.
Proceedings of the 38. International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2012

Software Performance Engineering: A Tutorial Introduction.
Proceedings of the 35. International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2009

Performance analysis of real-time component architectures: a model interchange approach.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software and Performance, 2008

Interchange Formats for Performance Models: Experimentation and Ouput.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluaiton of Systems (QEST 2007), 2007

Top 10 Ways to Kill an SPE Initiative.
Proceedings of the 33rd International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2007

Five steps to establish software performance engineering.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2006

From UML models to software performance results: an SPE process based on XML interchange formats.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Software and Performance, 2005

QSEM: Quantitative Scalability Evaluation Method.
Proceedings of the 31th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2005

Web Application Scalability: A Model-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the 30th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2004

Introduction to Software Performance Engineering.
Proceedings of the 30th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2004

Making the Business Case for Software Performance Engineering.
Proceedings of the 29th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2003

More New Software Antipatterns: Even More Ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot.
Proceedings of the 29th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2003

Best Practices for Software Performance Engineering.
Proceedings of the 29th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2003

Software Performance Engineering.
Proceedings of the UML for Real - Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems, 2003

PASA<sup>SM</sup>: a method for the performance assessment of software architectures.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Software and Performance, 2002

PASA(SM): An Architectural Approach to Fixing Software Performance Problems.
Proceedings of the 28th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2002

New Software Performance AntiPatterns: More Ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot.
Proceedings of the 28th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2002

SPE Experiences Panel: An Economic Analysis.
Proceedings of the 28th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2002

Software Performance AntiPatterns; Common Performance Problems and their Solutions.
Proceedings of the 27th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2001

New Book - Performance Solutions: A Practical Guide to Creating Responsive, Scalable Software.
Proceedings of the 27th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2001

Performance and Scalability of Distributed Software Architectures: An SPE Approach.
Parallel Distributed Comput. Pract., 2000

Software performance antipatterns.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software and Performance, 2000

Building Responsive and Scalable Web Applications.
Proceedings of the 26th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 2000

A performance model interchange format.
J. Syst. Softw., 1999

Performance evaluation of software architectures.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Software and Performance, 1998

Performance Engineering Evaluation of CORBA-based Distributed Systems with SPE*ED.
Proceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools, 1998

Performance Engineering Models of CORBA-based Distributed-Object Systems.
Proceedings of the 24th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 1998

Performance Evaluation of Distributed Software Architectures.
Proceedings of the 24th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 1998

Performance Engineering Evaluation of Object-Oriented Systems with SPE*ED.
Proceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools, 1997

A Basic Performance Model Interchange Format.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Computer Measurement Group Conference, 1997

Information Requirements for Software Performance Engineering.
Proceedings of the Quantitative Evaluation of Computing and Communication Systems, 1995

Assessment of Safety-Critical Specifications.
IEEE Softw., 1994

Software Performance Engineering: A Case Study Including Performance Comparison with Design Alternatives.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1993

Using Object-Oriented Development for Support Prototyping (Experience Report).
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Engineering, 1990

Comparative software methods: Introduction.
J. Syst. Softw., 1989

A behavioral approach to software process modelling.
Proceedings of the Forth International Software Process Workshop, 1988

Software Reuse (Panel Abstract).
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1988

Software Process Modeling: A Behavioral Approach.
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1988

SDA: A Novel Approach to Software Environment Design and Construction.
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1988

Technology Selection: An Educational Approach.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1987

Software environments workshop report.
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 1986

Modelling software development in the large.
Proceedings of the Third International Software Process Workshop (ISPW '86), 1986
