Lise Crevier-Buchman
According to our database1,
Lise Crevier-Buchman
authored at least 33 papers
between 1997 and 2024.
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Frontières entre la perception de la voix normophonique et pathologique chez des auditeurs naïfs.
Proceedings of the Actes des 35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2024
Combining acoustic and aerodynamic data collection: A perceptual evaluation of acoustic distortions.
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2023
Rythme et contrôle articulatoire : étude préliminaire du Human Beatbox (Rhythm and articulatory Control : Preliminary study of Human Beatboxing).
Proceedings of the Actes de la 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 2020
Corrélats acoustiques et perceptifs de la personnalité perçue à travers la voix dans une population de dysphoniques légères (Acoustical and perceptual correlates of perceived personality through voice in minor dysphonia).
Proceedings of the Actes de la 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 2020
Modifications des flux aérodynamiques de la parole après chirurgie naso-sinusienne (Speech aerodynamic airflow modifications after sinonasal surgery).
Proceedings of the Actes de la 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 2020
The Mechanism and Representation of Korean Three-Way Phonation Contrast: External Photoglottography, Intra-Oral Air Pressure, Airflow, and Acoustic Data.
Phonetica, 2018
A Multimodal Approach for the Safeguarding and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of i-Treasures.
IEEE Intell. Syst., 2018
Intangible Cultural Heritage and New Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Preservation and Development.
Proceedings of the Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage, 2017
Production des voyelles parlées et chantées dans le Cantu in Paghjella (Production of spoken and sung vowels in Cantu in Paghjella).
Proceedings of the Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. Volume 1 : JEP, 2016
Investigation glottographique et laryngoscopique de la transition entre les deux principaux mécanismes laryngés (Glottographic and laryngoscopic investigation of the transition between the two main laryngeal mechanisms).
Proceedings of the Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. Volume 1 : JEP, 2016
Incidence de la chirurgie naso-sinusienne sur la qualité vocale : étude d'un cas clinique (Impact of Sinus Surgery on Voice Quality: Case Study).
Proceedings of the Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. Volume 1 : JEP, 2016
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, 2016
The TYPALOC Corpus: A Collection of Various Dysarthric Speech Recordings in Read and Spontaneous Styles.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, 2016
Novel 3D Game-like Applications Driven by Body Interactions for Learning Specific Forms of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2015, 2015
A Novel Human Interaction Game-like Application to Learn, Perform and Evaluate Modern Contemporary Singing - "Human Beat Box".
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2015, 2015
Multimodal imaging of glottal stop and creaky voice: Evaluating the role of epilaryngeal constriction.
Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2015
Retrospective longitudinal acoustic and perceptive study of substitution voice after partial laryngectomy.
Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2015
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2014, 2014
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2014
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2014
Proceedings of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2013
Recognition and Real Time Performances of a Lightweight Ultrasound Based Silent Speech Interface Employing a Language Model.
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2011
Tests of an Interactive, Phrasebook-style Post-laryngectomy Voice-replacement System.
Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2011
Articulatory Strategies for Lip and Tongue Movements in Silent versus Vocalized Speech.
Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2011
Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2011
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2010
Reliable tracking based on speech sample salience of vocal cycle length perturbations.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2010
Silent vs vocalized articulation for a portable ultrasound-based silent speech interface.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2010
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, 2009
Standard information from patients: the usefulness of self-evaluation (measured with the French version of the VHI).
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1997