Leandro Nunes de Castro

Orcid: 0000-0003-3409-4589

  • University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

According to our database1, Leandro Nunes de Castro authored at least 144 papers between 1998 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Dynamics of rapid evolution on the basis of phenotypic adaptation and ecological opportunities.
Evol. Intell., August, 2024

TRUNC: A Transfer Learning Unsupervised Network for Data Clustering.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Healthchain - Bidimensional Blockchain for Collaborative and Secure Deep Learning in Healthcare.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2024

An Analysis of Different Text Representation Schemes for an Immune Clustering Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, 2024

An Investigation Into Different Text Representations to Train an Artificial Immune Network for Clustering Texts.
Int. J. Interact. Multim. Artif. Intell., 2023

LEDA: A Learning Analytics Based Framework to Analyze Remote Labs Interaction.
Proceedings of the L@S'22: Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, New York City, NY, USA, June 1, 2022

Natural Language Processing Based on a Text Graph Convolutional Network.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2022

Motion Induced Scores for 7Tesla rs-fMRI with Post-Mortem Data as Reference.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2022

On the Generation of Desired Outputs for Spike Neural Networks (SNN).
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2022

A Study on Different Text Representation Methods for the Negative Selection Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2022

A Method to Predict the Relative Performance of Stocks Using Financial Meta-indicators.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2022

Designing Non-Uniform Constellations using an Artificial Immune System.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 2022

e-Recruitment recommender systems: a systematic review.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., 2021

A framework for the analysis and synthesis of Swarm Intelligence algorithms.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 2021

A Framework to Perform Asset Allocation Based on Partitional Clustering.
IEEE Access, 2020

The Influence of Feature Selection on Job Clustering for an E-recruitment Recommender System.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2020

A Framework for e-Recruitment Recommender Systems.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2020

ChordAIS: An assistive system for the generation of chord progressions with an artificial immune system.
Swarm Evol. Comput., 2019

A critical discussion into the core of swarm intelligence algorithms.
Evol. Intell., 2019

A Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Portfolio Selection.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, 2019

Integrating an Association Rule Mining Agent in an ERP System: A Proposal and a Computational Scalability Analysis.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2019

A Sensitivity and Performance Analysis of Word2Vec Applied to Emotion State Classification Using a Deep Neural Architecture.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2019

Detecting Topics in Documents by Clustering Word Vectors.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2019

Sensitivity Analysis of the Negative Selection Algorithm Applied to Anomalies Identification in Builds.
Proceedings of the XLV Latin American Computing Conference, 2019

Bacterial colonies as complex adaptive systems.
Nat. Comput., 2018

VRoptBees: A Bee-Inspired Framework for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems.
Int. J. Nat. Comput. Res., 2018

Identifying Career Boundaries Using Minimum Description Length on a Graph.
IEEE Access, 2018

Bacterial Colony Algorithms Applied to Association Rule Mining in Static Data and Streams.
Proceedings of the Highlights of Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection, 2018

The Application of Keirsey's Temperament Model to Twitter Data in Portuguese.
Proceedings of the Agents and Artificial Intelligence - 10th International Conference, 2018

Predicting Temperament using Keirsey's Model for Portuguese Twitter Data.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2018

Classifying Emotions in Twitter Messages Using a Deep Neural Network.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2018

Evolutionary and Immune Algorithms Applied to Association Rule Mining in Static and Stream Data.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2018

Particle Swarm Clustering in clustering ensembles: Exploiting pruning and alignment free consensus.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2017

Bio-inspired multiobjective clustering optimization: A survey and a proposal.
Artif. Intell. Res., 2017

BeeRBF: A bee-inspired data clustering approach to design RBF neural network classifiers.
Neurocomputing, 2016

Gender Classification of Twitter Data Based on Textual Meta-Attributes Extraction.
Proceedings of the New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 2016

TSPoptBees: A Bee-Inspired Algorithm to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Proceedings of the 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2016

Predicting Temperament from Twitter Data.
Proceedings of the 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2016

Clustering algorithm selection by meta-learning systems: A new distance-based problem characterization and ranking combination methods.
Inf. Sci., 2015

A polarity analysis framework for Twitter messages.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2015

Thresholding the Courtesy Amount of Brazilian Bank Checks Using a Local Methodology.
Proceedings of the Highlights of Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Sustainability - The PAAMS Collection, 2015

A Particle Swarm Clustering Algorithm with Fuzzy Weighted Step Sizes.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2015, 2015

A Bacterial Colony Algorithm for Association Rule Mining.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2015, 2015

Automatic Generation of Chord Progressions with an Artificial Immune System.
Proceedings of the Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, 2015

A multi-label, semi-supervised classification approach applied to personality prediction in social media.
Neural Networks, 2014

Modeling a Virtual World for the Educational Game Calangos.
Int. J. Comput. Games Technol., 2014

A keyword extraction method from twitter messages represented as graphs.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2014

Parametric sensitivity analysis of cOptBees optimal clustering algorithm.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2014

A Bee-Inspired Data Clustering Approach to Design RBF Neural Network Classifiers.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2014

TKG: A Graph-Based Approach to Extract Keywords from Tweets.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2014

Real-parameter optimization with OptBees.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2014

A genetic-evolutionary model to simulate population dynamics in the Calangos game.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2013

A bee-inspired algorithm for optimal data clustering.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2013

Natural Information and Computation: A Proposal Based on Interaction and Decision Making.
Proceedings of the 2013 AAAI Fall Symposia, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 15-17, 2013, 2013

Cpsclass: a Constructive Particle Swarm Classifier.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2012

A Fuzzy Inference System to Determine the Number of Clones in a Class of Artificial Immune Systems.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2012

Clustering Algorithm Recommendation: A Meta-learning Approach.
Proceedings of the Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2012

Evolutionary and Immune Algorithms Applied to Association Rule Mining.
Proceedings of the Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2012

A Constructive Particle Swarm Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2012, 2012

FaiNet: An immune algorithm for fuzzy clustering.
Proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE 2012, 2012

Bee colonies as model for multimodal continuous optimization: The OptBees algorithm.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012

A clonal selection algorithm to minimize reshuffling in container stacking operations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012

Silhouette-based clustering using an immune network.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012

Automatic sentiment analysis of Twitter messages.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks, 2012

Ecosystems Computing: Introduction to Biogeographic Computation.
Int. J. Nat. Comput. Res., 2011

The Grand Challenges in Natural Computing Research: The Quest for a New Science.
Int. J. Nat. Comput. Res., 2011

CALANGOS Level 4: The Environmental Influence on the Players' Strategy in a Simulation of the Ecological and Evolutionary Level of the Game.
Proceedings of the 2011 Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, 2011

Bacterial colony: Information processing and computational behavior.
Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2011

The proposal of a fuzzy clustering algorithm based on particle swarm.
Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2011

A Clonal Selection Algorithm for the container stacking problem.
Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2011

Heuristics to avoid redundant solutions on population-based multimodal continuous optimization.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2011

Neural network ensembles: immune-inspired approaches to the diversity of components.
Nat. Comput., 2010

Artificial Immune Systems: structure, function, diversity and an application to biclustering.
Nat. Comput., 2010

Computational replicators: A taxonomy of properties and a preliminary model.
Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2010

The proposal of a Constructive Particle Swarm Classifier.
Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2010

A fuzzy inference system to determine the number of clones in the clonal selection algorithm.
Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2010

The behavior of particles in the Particle Swarm Clustering algorithm.
Proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE 2010, 2010

The proposal of a velocity memoryless clustering swarm.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2010

Self-organisation and emergence in artificial life: concepts and illustrations.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 2009

Bio-inspired and gradient-based algorithms to train MLPs: The influence of diversity.
Inf. Sci., 2009

A self-organizing neural network using ideas from the immune system to solve the traveling salesman problem.
Inf. Sci., 2009

Neuro-immune approach to solve routing problems.
Neurocomputing, 2009

A Cluster-Based Feature Selection Approach.
Proceedings of the Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 4th International Conference, 2009

A Virtual Laboratory on Natural Computing: A Learning Experiment.
Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol., 2008

A Neuro-Immune Algorithm to Solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, 7th International Conference, 2008

A Clustering Approach Based on Artificial Neural Networks to Solve Routing Problems.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2008

Simulating Life as a Self-Organizing and Emergent Phenomenon.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2007

A Constructive Self-Organizing Network Applied to a Discrete Optimization Problem.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2007

The Influence of Diversity in an Immune-Based Algorithm to Train MLP Networks.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, 6th International Conference, 2007

Evolving clusters in gene-expression data.
Inf. Sci., 2006

A Neuro-Immune Network for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006

An Immune and a Gradient-Based Method to Train Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006

A Supervised Constructive Neuro-Immune Network for Pattern Classification.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006

An Immunological Density-Preserving Approach to the Synthesis of RBF Neural Networks for classification.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006

An Immunological Filter for Spam.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, 5th International Conference, 2006

A Learning Object on Computational Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006

Immune-inspired Dynamic Optimization for Blind Spatial Equalization in Undermodeled Channels.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2006

Handling Time-Varying TSP Instances.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2006

Data Clustering with Particle Swarms.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2006

Fundamentals of Natural Computing - Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications.
Chapman and Hall / CRC computer and information science series, Chapman & Hall, ISBN: 978-1-58488-643-3, 2006

Towards Improving Clustering Ants: An Adaptive Ant Clustering Algorithm.
Informatica (Slovenia), 2005

Max Min Ant System and Capacitated p-Medians: Extensions and Improved Solutions.
Informatica (Slovenia), 2005

Data Clustering with a Neuro-immune Network.
Proceedings of the Advances in Natural Computation, First International Conference, 2005

FranksTree: A Genetic Programming Approach to Evolve Derived Bracketed L-Systems.
Proceedings of the Advances in Natural Computation, First International Conference, 2005

Adaptive Radius Immune Algorithm for Data Clustering.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems: 4th International Conference, 2005

RABNET: a real-valued antibody network for data clustering.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2005

An artificial immune network for multimodal function optimization on dynamic environments.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2005

Artificial Homeostatic System: A Novel Approach.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Life, 8th European Conference, 2005

Handling Data Sparseness in Gene Network Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2005

Natural Computing.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (5 Volumes), 2005

Dynamics of an artificial immune network.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 2004

An Immune-Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Rearrangements of Gene Expression Data.
Genet. Program. Evolvable Mach., 2004

Recent Advances in Gene Expression Data Clustering: A Case Study with Comparative Results.
Proceedings of the III Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, 2004

An evolutionary clustering technique with local search to design RBF neural network classifiers.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2004

TermitAnt: An Ant Clustering Algorithm Improved by Ideas from Termite Colonies.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing, 11th International Conference, 2004

Definition of Capacited p-Medians by a Modified Max Min Ant System with Local Search.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing, 11th International Conference, 2004

Evolutionary Algorithms for Clustering Gene-Expression Data.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2004), 2004

A Hierarchical Immune Network Applied to Gene Expression Data.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, Third International Conference, 2004

Improving the Efficiency of a Clustering Genetic Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2004

Evolutionary search for optimal fuzzy c-means clustering.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2004

An intrusion detection system using ideas from the immune system.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2004

Artificial immune systems as a novel soft computing paradigm.
Soft Comput., 2003

The construction of a Boolean competitive neural network using ideas from immunology.
Neurocomputing, 2003

Blind Search for Optimal Wiener Equalizers Using an Artificial Immune Network Model.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2003

Copt-aiNet and the Gene Ordering Problem.
Proceedings of the II Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, 2003

Unsupervised channel equalization using fuzzy prediction-error filters.
Proceedings of the NNSP 2003, 2003

A paradigm for blind IIR equalization using the constant modulus criterion and an artificial immune network.
Proceedings of the NNSP 2003, 2003

An Immune Learning Classifier Network for Autonomous Navigation.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, Second International Conference, 2003

Bioinformatics Data Analysis Using an Artificial Immune Network.
Proceedings of the Artificial Immune Systems, Second International Conference, 2003

Implementation of an immuno-genetic network on a real Khepera II robot.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003

The immune response of an artificial immune network (aiNet).
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003

Learning and optimization using the clonal selection principle.
IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., 2002

Comparing Immue and Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN 2002), 2002

Mapping Artificial Immune Systems into Learning Classifier Systems.
Proceedings of the Learning Classifier Systems, 5th International Workshop, 2002

An artificial immune network for multimodal function optimization.
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2002

Artificial immune systems - a new computational intelligence paradigm.
Springer, ISBN: 978-1-85233-594-6, 2002

Automatic Determination Of Radial Basis Functions: An Immunity-Based Approach.
Int. J. Neural Syst., 2001

Immune and Neural Network Models: Theoretical and Empirical Comparisons.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2001

An Evolutionary Immune Network for Data Clustering.
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN 2000), 2000

An improving pruning technique with restart for the Kohonen self-organizing feature map.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference Neural Networks, 1999

Hybrid tuning of activation functions in feedforward neural networks.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference Neural Networks, 1999

Evolutionary design of neurofuzzy networks for pattern classification.
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1999

Feedforward Neural Network Initialization: an Evolutionary Approach.
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN '98), 1998
