Laureano González-Vega

Orcid: 0000-0002-3934-3890

According to our database1, Laureano González-Vega authored at least 61 papers between 1990 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Avoiding the General Position Condition When Computing the Topology of a Real Algebraic Plane Curve Defined Implicitly.
Proceedings of the Geometric Science of Information - 6th International Conference, 2023

Solving the interference problem for ellipses and ellipsoids: New formulae.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2022

Inner Bohemian inverses.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2022

Tools for analyzing the intersection curve between two quadrics through projection and lifting.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2021

Upper Hessenberg and Toeplitz Bohemians.
CoRR, 2019

Computing the intersection of two quadrics through projection and lifting.
CoRR, 2019

Using Maple to Compute the Intersection Curve of Two Quadrics: Improving the Intersectplot Command.
Proceedings of the Maple in Mathematics Education and Research - Third Maple Conference, 2019

Intersecting Two Quadrics with GeoGebra.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Informatics - 8th International Conference, 2019

Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Toeplitz Matrices.
CoRR, 2018

Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Matrices.
CoRR, 2018

Offsets to conics and quadrics: a new determinantal representation for their implicit equation.
ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra, 2018

On the Interference Problem for Ellipsoids: Experiments and Applications.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Software - ICMS 2018, 2018

An algebraic framework for computing the topology of offsets to rational curves.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2017

A canonical form for the continuous piecewise polynomial functions.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2015

Computing the topology of an arrangement of parametric or implicit algebraic curves in the Lagrange basis.
ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra, 2015

Computing the Topology of an Arrangement of Implicit and Parametric Curves Given by Values.
Proceedings of the Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing - 16th International Workshop, 2014

Using implicit equations of parametric curves and surfaces without computing them: Polynomial algebra by values.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2013

Computing the topology of a real algebraic plane curve whose defining equations are available only "by values".
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2013

Polynomial algebra for Birkhoff interpolants.
Numer. Algorithms, 2011

Teaching Geometry with TutorMates.
Proceedings of the Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, 2011

An Evolution-Based Approach for Approximate Parameterization of Implicitly Defined Curves by Polynomial Parametric Spline Curves.
Math. Comput. Sci., 2010

Math. Comput. Sci., 2010

Foreword from the editors.
J. Symb. Comput., 2009

Parameterizing surfaces with certain special support functions, including offsets of quadrics and rationally supported surfaces.
J. Symb. Comput., 2009

Solving the implicitization, inversion and reparametrization problems for rational curves through subresultants.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2009

Bezout matrices, Subresultant polynomials and parameters.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2009

Analyzing group based matrix multiplication algorithms.
Proceedings of the Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, International Symposium, 2009

Computing Isophotes on Free-Form Surfaces Based on Support Function Approximation.
Proceedings of the Mathematics of Surfaces XIII, 2009

Oriented bounding surfaces with at most six common normals.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2009

Improving the topology computation of an arrangement of cubics.
Comput. Geom., 2008

Real implicitization of curves and geometric extraneous components.
Proceedings of the Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2007

Computing the topology of a real algebraic plane curve whose equation is not directly available.
Proceedings of the Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2007

Companion matrix pencils for hermite interpolants.
Proceedings of the Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2007

Geometric applications of the Bezout matrix in the Lagrange basis.
Proceedings of the Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2007

Computing the Topology of an Arrangement of Quartics.
Proceedings of the Mathematics of Surfaces XII, 2007

Computing the intersection of two ruled surfaces by using a new algebraic approach.
J. Symb. Comput., 2006

A new approach to characterizing the relative position of two ellipses depending on one parameter.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2006

On the intersection with revolution and canal surfaces.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling, 2006

Generalizing Cramer's Rule: Solving Uniformly Linear Systems of Equations.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2005

Hilbert Stratification and Parametric Gröbner Bases.
Proceedings of the Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 8th International Workshop, 2005

On a Conjecture About Univariate Polynomials and Their Roots.
Proceedings of the Algorithmic Algebra and Logic. Proceedings of the A3L 2005, 2005

Minors of Bezout matrices, subresultants and the parameterization of the degree of the polynomial greatest common divisor.
Int. J. Comput. Math., 2004

Review of "Computational Commutative Algebra I by Martin Kreuzer and Lorenzo Robbiano", Springer Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-540-67733-X.
SIGSAM Bull., 2004

Various New Expressions for Subresultants and Their Applications.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput., 2004

Barnett's Theorems About the Greatest Common Divisor of Several Univariate Polynomials Through Bezout-like Matrices.
J. Symb. Comput., 2002

Efficient topology determination of implicitly defined algebraic plane curves.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2002

Partial solvability by radicals.
Proceedings of the Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 2002

Squarefree Decomposition of Univariate Polynomials Depending on a Parameter. Application to the Integration of Parametric Rational Functions.
J. Symb. Comput., 2001

Algebraic Methods for Sectioning Parametric Surfaces.
Proceedings of the Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 2001

Gröbner bases specialization through Hilbert functions: the homogeneous case.
SIGSAM Bull., 2000

Simultaneous Elimination by using Several Tools from Real Algebraic Geometry.
J. Symb. Comput., 1999

Implicitization of Parametric Curves and Surfaces by Using Multidimensional Newton Formulae.
J. Symb. Comput., 1997

Applying Quantifier Elimination to the Birkhoff Interpolation Problem.
J. Symb. Comput., 1996

An Improved Upper Complexity Bound for the Topology Computation of a Real Algebraic Plane Curve.
J. Complex., 1996

On the Complexity of Computing the Greatest Common Divisor of Several Univariate Polynomials.
Proceedings of the LATIN '95: Theoretical Informatics, 1995

Implicitization of Parametric Curves and Surfaces by Using Symmetric Functions.
Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 1995

Using Symmetric Functions to Describe the Solution Set of a Zero Dimensional Ideal.
Proceedings of the Applied Algebra, 1995

Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 1994

Working with Real Algebraic Plane Curves in REDUCE the GCUR Package.
Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 1991

A Subresultant Theory for Multivariate Polynomials.
Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 1991

Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm et sous-résulants.
RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl., 1990
