Laura Rimell

According to our database1, Laura Rimell authored at least 33 papers between 2008 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




A Natural Bias for Language Generation Models.
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), 2023

Taxonomy of Risks posed by Language Models.
Proceedings of the FAccT '22: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 21, 2022

Pretraining the Noisy Channel Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue.
Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, 2021

Scaling Language Models: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Training Gopher.
CoRR, 2021

Ethical and social risks of harm from Language Models.
CoRR, 2021

You should evaluate your language model on marginal likelihood over tokenisations.
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021

Syntactic Structure Distillation Pretraining for Bidirectional Encoders.
Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, 2020

Probing Emergent Semantics in Predictive Agents via Question Answering.
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020

Neural Generative Rhetorical Structure Parsing.
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2019

Scalable Syntax-Aware Language Models Using Knowledge Distillation.
Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019

Learning to Negate Adjectives with Bilinear Models.
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017

RELPRON: A Relative Clause Evaluation Data Set for Compositional Distributional Semantics.
Comput. Linguistics, 2016

Predicting the Direction of Derivation in English Conversion.
Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, 2016

SLEDDED: A Proposed Dataset of Event Descriptions for Evaluating Phrase Representations.
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations for NLP, 2016

Take and Took, Gaggle and Goose, Book and Read: Evaluating the Utility of Vector Differences for Lexical Relation Learning.
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2016

An Exploration of Discourse-Based Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Semantics.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Linking Computational Models of Lexical, 2015

Exploiting Image Generality for Lexical Entailment Detection.
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2015

Using Sentence Plausibility to Learn the Semantics of Transitive Verbs.
CoRR, 2014

Evaluation of Simple Distributional Compositional Operations on Longer Texts.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2014

Learning a Theory of Marriage (and Other Relations) from a Web Corpus.
Proceedings of the Advances in Information Retrieval, 2014

Distributional Lexical Entailment by Topic Coherence.
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014

Parser evaluation using textual entailments.
Lang. Resour. Evaluation, 2013

Acquisition and evaluation of verb subcategorization resources for biomedicine.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2013

Approaches to verb subcategorization for biomedicine.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2013

UCAM-CORE: Incorporating structured distributional similarity into STS.
Proceedings of the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, 2013

Multi-way Tensor Factorization for Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition.
Proceedings of the COLING 2012, 2012

Cambridge: Parser Evaluation Using Textual Entailment by Grammatical Relation Comparison.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2010

Chart Pruning for Fast Lexicalised-Grammar Parsing.
Proceedings of the COLING 2010, 2010

Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies.
Proceedings of the COLING 2010, 2010

Porting a lexicalized-grammar parser to the biomedical domain.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2009

Unbounded Dependency Recovery for Parser Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2009

Adapting a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser to Contrasting Domains.
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2008

Constructing a Parser Evaluation Scheme.
Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation@COLING 2008, 2008
