Ladislav Dusek

Orcid: 0000-0002-8589-4378

According to our database1, Ladislav Dusek authored at least 36 papers between 2005 and 2017.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer.
Bioinform., 2017

GMP Data Warehouse - a Supporting Tool of Effectiveness Evaluation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection, 2017

A Pilot Interactive Data Viewer for Cancer Screening.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection, 2017

Joint analysis of histopathology image features and gene expression in breast cancer.
BMC Bioinform., 2016

Practical use of medical terminology in curriculum mapping.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2015

OPTIMED Platform: Curriculum Harmonisation System for Medical and Healthcare Education.
Proceedings of the Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans, 2015

Three Levels of R Language Involvement in Global Monitoring Plan Warehouse Architecture.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications, 2015

Gene expression-guided selection of histopathology image features.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2015

A Framework for Curriculum Management - The Use of Outcome-based Approach in Practice.
Proceedings of the CSEDU 2014, 2014

SVOD - System for Visualizing of Oncological Data and Their Semantic Enhancement.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

GENASIS: On-Line Data Browser for Environmental Monitoring and Associated Information Systems.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

Integration of R Statistical Environment into ICT Infrastructure of GMP and GENASIS.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

GENASIS System Architecture - On the Way from Environmental Data Repository towards a Research Infrastructure.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

Tools for Collection, Analysis and Visualization of Data from the Stockholm Convention Global Monitoring Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

Estimating Impacts of Environmental Interventions in Monitoring Programs Requires Conceptual Data Models and Robust Statistical Processing - (Position Paper).
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing, 2013

DIOS - Database of Formalized Chemotherapeutic Regimens.
Proceedings of the Data and Knowledge for Medical Decision Support, 2013

Project I-COP - Architecture of Software Tool for Decision Support in Oncology.
Proceedings of the Data and Knowledge for Medical Decision Support, 2013

Medical faculties educational network: Multidimensional quality assessment.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2012

CETOCOEN Project: From the Laboratory to the Field and Beyond.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment, 2011

Is On-Line Data Analysis Safety? Pitfalls Steaming from Automated Processing of Heterogeneous Environmental Data and Possible Solutions.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment, 2011

GENASIS Information System: A Global Environmental Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment, 2011

Conceptual Model Enhancing Accessibility of Data from Cancer-Related Environmental Risk Assessment Studies.
Proceedings of the Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment, 2011

Monitoring and Assessment of Environmental Impact by Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010, 2010

Validation Scenario for Anthropogenic Impact and Global Climate Change for Tatoo.
Proceedings of the Workshop "Environmental Information Systems and Services, 2010

Internet-based system for anti-tumor chemotherapy evaluation.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2009

GENASIS: System for the Assessment of Environmental Contamination by Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Proceedings of the Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection, 2009

Telehematology - ICT Solution of a Shared Digital Image Repository.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, 2008

The Structured Storage of Oncological Chemoterapeutic Regimens - Contribution to Standardization of Therapeutic Procedures in Current Oncology.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, 2008

SVOD - Web Services Based Analytical Internet Tool on Cancer Epidemiology of Malignant Tumours in the Czech Republic.
Proceedings of the Managing Environmental Knowledge: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2006

Triton - a system for analysis of biomonitoring data and its robust solution for multivariate typology of river localities.
Proceedings of the AC 2005, 2005

Interactive Information System for Ecotoxicological Tests - DATEST 2.0.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005

TRITON - Complex System for Surface Water Quality Assesment.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005

Analysis of Population Cancer Risk Factors in National Information System SVOD.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005

Classification of biological communities in biomonitoring programs - suggestion of robust solution.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005

The National Web Portal for Cancer Epidemiology in the Czech Republic.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Expert Systems.
Proceedings of the Networking Environmental Information: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2005
