Kun Chang Lee

Orcid: 0000-0003-4286-052X

According to our database1, Kun Chang Lee authored at least 154 papers between 1988 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


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On csauthors.net:


Metaverse-based distance learning as a transactional distance mitigator and memory retrieval stimulant.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2025

Appreciating the Performance of Neuroscience Mining in NeuroIS research: A Case Study on Consumer's Product Perceptions in the Two UI Modes - Dark UI vs. Light UI.
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023

Aristotle's Phronesis as a Philosophical Foundation in Designing the Algorithmic Motivator-Driven Insulating Model (AMOI).
Proceedings of the HCI International 2023 - Late Breaking Papers, 2023

Exploring the personalization-intrusiveness-intention framework to evaluate the effects of personalization in social media.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2022

Exploring investors' expectancies and its impact on project funding success likelihood in crowdfunding by using text analytics and Bayesian networks.
Decis. Support Syst., 2022

An eye-tracking paradigm to explore the effect of online consumers' emotion on their visual behaviour between desktop screen and mobile screen.
Behav. Inf. Technol., 2022

Digital Dark Nudge: An Exploration of When Digital Nudges Unethically Depart.
Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

Analyzing the Effects of Topics Underlying Companies' Financial Disclosures about Risk Factors on Prediction of ESG Risk Ratings: Emphasis on BERTopic.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2022

Forecasting stock price by hybrid model of cascading Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines and Deep Neural Network.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2021

Random forest, gradient boosted machines and deep neural network for stock price forecasting: a comparative analysis on South Korean companies.
Int. J. Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Comput., 2020

Using an Eye-Tracking Approach to Explore Gender Differences in Visual Attention and Shopping Attitudes in an Online Shopping Environment.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2018

Using Eye Tracking to Explore Consumers' Visual Behavior According to Their Shopping Motivation in Mobile Environments.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw., 2017

Exploring the Effect of Avatar Trust on Learners' Perceived Participation Intentions in an e-Learning Environment.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2016

Adaptive pairing of classifier and imputation methods based on the characteristics of missing values in data sets.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2016

Relationship between social network structure dynamics and innovation: Micro-level analyses of virtual cross-functional teams in a multinational B2B firm.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2016

Exploring Patient-Oriented Healthcare Support System by Using General Bayesian Network.
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2016, 2016

Introduction to Mobility-Enhanced Social Collaborations for Value Creation Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016

An Eye-Tracking Approach to Evaluating Decision-Makers' Cognitive Load and Need-for-Cognition in Response with Rational and Emotional Advertising Stimuli.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2016 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2016

Understanding continued ubiquitous decision support system usage behaviour.
Telematics Informatics, 2015

The impact of absorptive capacity, exploration, and exploitation on individual creativity: Moderating effect of subjective well-being.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Digital creativity: New frontier for research and practice.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Empirical analysis of roles of perceived leadership styles and trust on team members' creativity: Evidence from Korean ICT companies.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Scenario-based management of individual creativity.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Network structure, organizational learning culture, and employee creativity in system integration companies: The mediating effects of exploitation and exploration.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Dynamic resource allocation for exploitation and exploration with ambidexterity: Logical mechanism and simulations.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Effects of task complexity on individual creativity through knowledge interaction: A comparison of temporary and permanent teams.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Task difficulty and team diversity on team creativity: Multi-agent simulation approach.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

An analysis of shared leadership, diversity, and team creativity in an e-learning environment.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

The impact of hyperlink affordance, psychological reactance, and perceived business tie on trust transfer.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2014

Extended Transactional Distance Theory for Exploring the effect of Interaction between Avatars and Learners in the E-Learning Environment.
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014

A New Approach to Exploring Spatiotemporal Space in the Context of Social Network Services.
Proceedings of the Social Computing and Social Media, 2014

Empirical Analysis of Changes in Human Creativity in People Who Work with Humanoid Robots and Their Avatars.
Proceedings of the Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences, 2014

The impact of ubiquitous decision support systems on decision quality through individual absorptive capacity and perceived usefulness.
Online Inf. Rev., 2013

Exploring the effect of the human brand on consumers' decision quality in online shopping: an eye-tracking approach.
Online Inf. Rev., 2013

The impacts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators on ubiquitous delivery decision making.
Int. J. Mob. Commun., 2013

Exploring Potentials of Personality Matching between Users and Target Systems by Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map.
Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013

Investigating the moderating role of uncertainty avoidance cultural values on multidimensional online trust.
Inf. Manag., 2012

Agent based mobile negotiation for personalized pricing of last minute theatre tickets.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2012

A causal knowledge-based expert system for planning an Internet-based stock trading system.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2012

Context-prediction performance by a dynamic Bayesian network: Emphasis on location prediction in ubiquitous decision support environment.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2012

Integration of General Bayesian Network and ubiquitous decision support to provide context prediction capability.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2012

Integrating a General Bayesian Network with Multi-Agent Simulation to Optimize Supply Chain Management.
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Database, Education, and Ubiquitous Computing, 2012

An Exploratory Study of the Positive Effect of Anger on Decision-Making in Business Contexts.
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Database, Education, and Ubiquitous Computing, 2012

Examining the Impact of a User's Previous Experience with Pets on Robot-Assisted Therapy.
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Graphics, Grid Computing, and Industrial Environment, 2012

Empirical Analysis of General Bayesian Network-Driven Online Recommendation Mechanism: Emphasis on User Satisfaction and Psychological Reactance.
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Communication, Networking, and Digital Contents, 2012

General Bayesian Network in Performing Micro-reality Mining with Mobile Phone Usage Data for Device Personalization.
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Bio-technology, Multimedia, and Ubiquitous City, 2012

How Do Stress Management and Personal Characteristics Improve the Quality of Life?
Proceedings of the Computer Applications for Bio-technology, Multimedia, and Ubiquitous City, 2012

The Effect of Individual Psychological Characteristics on Creativity Revelation: Emphasis with Psychological Empowerment and Intrinsic Motivation.
Proceedings of the Brain Informatics - International Conference, 2012

A Bayesian Network Approach to Investigating User-Robot Personality Matching.
Proceedings of the Active Media Technology - 8th International Conference, 2012

The Impact of Human Brand Image Appeal on Visual Attention and Purchase Intentions at an E-commerce Website.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

The Influence of Team-Member Exchange on Self-reported Creativity in the Korean Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

Task Performance under Stressed and Non-stressed Conditions: Emphasis on Physiological Approaches.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

Characteristics of Decision-Making for Different Levels of Product Involvement Depending on the Degree of Trust Transfer: A Comparison of Cognitive Decision-Making Criteria and Physiological Responses.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

A Comparison of Buying Decision Patterns by Product Involvement: An Eye-Tracking Approach.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

Exploring Human Brands in Online Shopping: An Eye-Tracking Approach.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 4th Asian Conference, 2012

Interpreting the web-mining results by cognitive map and association rule approach.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2011

The effect of trust transference in multi-banking channels; offline, online and mobile.
Int. J. Mob. Commun., 2011

Exploring the influence of personal schema on trust transfer and switching costs in brick-and-click bookstores.
Inf. Manag., 2011

Analysis of keyword networks in MIS research and implications for predicting knowledge evolution.
Inf. Manag., 2011

Exploring the value of purchasing online game items.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2011

An Empirical Analysis of Online Gamers' Perceptions of Game Items: Modified Theory of Consumption Values Approach.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw., 2011

The Effect of Users' Characteristics and Experiential Factors on the Compulsive Usage of the Smartphone.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 2011

A Pilot Study to Analyze the Effects of User Experience and Device Characteristics on the Customer Satisfaction of Smartphone Users.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 2011

Exploring the Optimal Path to Online Game Loyalty: Bayesian Networks versus Theory-Based Approaches.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 2011

Leadership Styles, Web-Based Commitment and Their Subsequent Impacts on e-Learning Performance in Virtual Community.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 2011

Effects of shared leadership on team creativity through knowledge-sharing in an e-learning environment.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, 2011

The Impact of Creative Self-efficacy, IT Support, and Knowledge on Individual Creativity through Absorptive Capacity.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

A Physiological Approach to Creativity under Stress and Non-stress Conditions.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

An Empirical Analysis of Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Creativity: Emphasis on Korean ICT Companies.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

Effects of Social and Emotional Intelligence on the Creative Process and Individual Creativity.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

The Structure of Individual Creativity Revelation Processes with Task Characteristics and Social Characteristics: An Empirical Analysis Based on IT-Services Participants.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of IT Professionals' Emotional Dissonance on Creativity Revelation Processes and Individual Creativity.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2011

A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Effect of the Six Sigma Management Activities on Corporate Competitiveness.
Proceedings of the A Renaissance of Information Technology for Sustainability and Global Competitiveness. 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2011

Effects of Users' Perceived Loneliness and Stress on Online Game Loyalty.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

An Adjusted Simulated Annealing Approach to Particle Swarm Optimization: Empirical Performance in Decision Making.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

Antecedents of Team Creativity and the Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing: Bayesian Network Approach to PLS Modeling as an Ancillary Role.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

CBN: Combining Cognitive Map and General Bayesian Network to Predict Cost of Software Maintenance Effort.
Proceedings of the New Challenges for Intelligent Information and Database Systems [original works presented during a poster session organized within the 3rd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

General Bayesian Network Approach to Balancing Exploration and Exploitation to Maintain Individual Creativity in Organization.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

Integration of Causal Map and Monte Carlo Simulation to Predict the Performance of the Korea e-Procurement System.
Proceedings of the New Challenges for Intelligent Information and Database Systems [original works presented during a poster session organized within the 3rd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

A Bayesian Network-Based Management of Individual Creativity: Emphasis on Sensitivity Analysis with TAN.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

The Role of Cognitive Map on Influencing Decision Makers' Semantic and Syntactic Comprehension, and Inferential Problem Solving Performance.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

Effect of Connectivity and Context-Awareness on Users' Adoption of Ubiquitous Decision Support System.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2011

An exploratory study of the weather and calendar effects on tourism web site usage.
Online Inf. Rev., 2010

The Influence of Causality on Negotiation Support Systems.
J. Comput. Inf. Syst., 2010

An Agent Based Market Design Methodology for Combinatorial Auctions.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul., 2010

The relationship among formal EDI controls, knowledge of EDI controls, and EDI performance.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2010

Corrigendum to "Causal knowledge-based design of EDI controls: An explorative study" [Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 628-663].
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2010

Behavior Participation in Virtual Worlds: A Triandis Model Perspective.
Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2010

Causal Knowledge-Based Approach to Formulating Six Sigma Management Strategy: an Empirical Evaluation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2010

A General Bayesian Network Approach to Analyzing Online Game Item Values and Its Influence on Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention.
Proceedings of the Advances in Information Technology - 4th International Conference, 2010

A Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Location Prediction in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
Proceedings of the Advances in Information Technology - 4th International Conference, 2010

U-BASE: General Bayesian Network-Driven Context Prediction for Decision Support.
Proceedings of the Advances in Information Technology - 4th International Conference, 2010

Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Social Presence on the Intention to Continuously Use Social Networking Sites: The Case of Twitter in Korea.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2010

Analyzing Economic Impact of Disruptive Technology Using Multi-Agent Simulation: Smart Payment Case.
Proceedings of the Future Generation Information Technology, 2010

Bayesian Network Approach to Predict Mobile Churn Motivations: Emphasis on General Bayesian Network, Markov Blanket, and What-If Simulation.
Proceedings of the Future Generation Information Technology, 2010

Exploring Individual Creativity from Network Structure Perspective: Comparison of Task Force Team and R&D Team.
Proceedings of the U- and E-Service, Science and Technology, 2010

Logical Mechanism for Allocating Resources to Exploitation and Exploration to Achieve Ambidexterity: Team Level Analysis.
Proceedings of the Future Generation Information Technology, 2010

A General Bayesian Network-Assisted Ensemble System for Context Prediction: An Emphasis on Location Prediction.
Proceedings of the Future Generation Information Technology, 2010

A particle swarm optimization-driven cognitive map approach to analyzing information systems project risk.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 2009

Understanding factors affecting trust in and satisfaction with mobile banking in Korea: A modified DeLone and McLean's model perspective.
Interact. Comput., 2009

Exploring Antecedents of Behavior Intention to Use Internet Banking in Korea: Adoption Perspective.
Int. J. E Adopt., 2009

Interpersonal Relationship Needs of Virtual Behavior: From Virtual Communities to Virtual Worlds.
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2009

User evaluations of tax filing web sites: A comparative study of South Korea and Turkey.
Online Inf. Rev., 2008

An expert system using an extended AND-OR graph.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2008

The role of the fuzzy cognitive map in hierarchical semantic net-based assembly design decision making.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf., 2008

Online shopping recommendation mechanism and its influence on consumer decisions and behaviors: A causal map approach.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2008

CAKES-NEGO: Causal knowledge-based expert system for B2B negotiation.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2008

Corrigendum to "MM-DSS: Integrating Multimedia and Decision-making Knowledge in Decision Support Systems" [Expert Systems with Applications 32 (2) (2007) 441-457].
Expert Syst. Appl., 2008

Corrigendum to "MACE-SCM: A multi-agent and case-based reasoning collaboration mechanisms for supply chain management under supply and demand uncertainties" [Expert Systems with Applications 33 (3) (2007) 690-705].
Expert Syst. Appl., 2008

Decision support systems special issue on PACIS 2006.
Decis. Support Syst., 2008

A cognitive map-driven avatar design recommendation DSS and its empirical validity.
Decis. Support Syst., 2008

Empirical analysis of consumer reaction to the virtual reality shopping mall.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2008

Understanding individual investor's behavior with financial information disclosed on the web sites.
Behav. Inf. Technol., 2008

Transfer From Offline Trust to Key Online Perceptions: An Empirical Study.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 2007

CARDS: Case-Based Reasoning Decision Support Mechanism for Multi-Agent Negotiation in Mobile Commerce.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul., 2007

A self-organizing feature map-driven approach to fuzzy approximate reasoning.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2007

MM-DSS: Integrating multimedia and decision-making knowledge in decision support systems.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2007

MACE-SCM: A multi-agent and case-based reasoning collaboration mechanism for supply chain management under supply and demand uncertainties.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2007

Causal knowledge-based design of EDI controls: an explorative study.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2007

Exploring the user interface of negotiation support systems from the user acceptance perspective.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2007

Investigation of online community voluntary behavior using cognitive map.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2007

Enhanced Avatar Design Using Cognitive Map-Based Simulation.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw., 2007

A Comparative Analysis of Personalization Techniques for a Mobile Application.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2007), 2007

Cognitive map-based web site design: empirical analysis approach.
Online Inf. Rev., 2006

The Use of Cognitive Maps and Case-Based Reasoning for B2B Negotiation.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2006

A multimedia support system for collaborative assembly design.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf., 2006

Ensemble Prediction of Commercial Bank Failure Through Diversification of Input Features.
Proceedings of the AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2006

Erratum to "KMPI: Measuring knowledge management performance" [Information & Management 42 (2005) 469-482].
Inf. Manag., 2005

KMPI: measuring knowledge management performance.
Inf. Manag., 2005

A web DSS approach to building an intelligent internet shopping mall by integrating virtual reality and avatar.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2005

MACE-SCM: An Effective Supply Chain Decision Making Approach based on Multi-Agent and Case-Based Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

Hybrid knowledge integration using the fuzzy genetic algorithm: prediction of the Korea stock price index.
Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag., 2004

Modified p-median approach for efficient GT cell formation.
Comput. Ind. Eng., 2004

Analysis of Mobile Commerce Performance by using the Task-Technology Fit.
Proceedings of the Mobile Information Systems, 2004

Using Multi-agent and Case-Based Reasoning for Collaboration in a Supply Chain.
Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2004

Erratum to "A cognitive map simulation approach to adjusting the design factors of the electronic commerce web sites" [Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 1-11].
Expert Syst. Appl., 2003

A cognitive map simulation approach to adjusting the design factors of the electronic commerce web sites.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2003

Fuzzy cognitive map approach to web-mining inference amplification.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2002

Mining linear programming models from databases using means ends analysis and artificial neural network.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2002

MACE: multi-agents coordination engine to resolve conflicts among functional units in an enterprise.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2002

Hybrid of neural network and decision knowledge approach to generating influence diagrams.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2002

An Empirical Study of the Business Model in the Korean Internet Stock Trading Market.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2001, 2001

A meta decision support system approach to coordinating production/marketing decisions.
Decis. Support Syst., 1999

PROMISE: a distributed DSS approach to coordinating production and marketing decisions.
Comput. Oper. Res., 1999

Strategic Planning Simulation Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map Knowledge and Dif ferential Game.
Simul., 1998

A fuzzy logic-driven multiple knowledge integration framework for improving the performance of expert systems.
Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag., 1998

Fuzzy implications of fuzzy cognitive map with emphasis on fuzzy causal relationship and fuzzy partially causal relationship.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 1998

The Integration of Machine and Human Knowledge by Fuzzy Logic for the Prediction of Price Index.
Proceedings of the PRICAI'98, 1998

A Causal Knowledge-Driven Inference Engine for Expert System.
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998

A Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Bi-Directional Inference Mechanism: An Application to Stock Investment Analysis.
Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag., 1997

Ordinal Pairwise Partitioning (OPP) Approach to Neural Networks Training in Bond rating.
Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag., 1997

An intelligent approach to time series identification by a neural network-driven decision tree classifier.
Decis. Support Syst., 1996

Hybrid neural network models for bankruptcy predictions.
Decis. Support Syst., 1996

Decision support in time series modeling by pattern recognition.
Decis. Support Syst., 1988
