Krzysztof Walczak

  • Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

According to our database1, Krzysztof Walczak authored at least 27 papers between 1988 and 2013.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Relation Between Jumping Emerging Patterns and Rough Set Theory.
Proceedings of the Contrast Data Mining: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, 2013

Emerging Patterns and Classification for Spatial and Image Data.
Proceedings of the Contrast Data Mining: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, 2013

Efficient Mining of Jumping Emerging Patterns with Occurrence Counts for Classification.
Trans. Rough Sets, 2011

Tree Edit Distance for Leaf-labelled trees on free leafset and its comparison with Frequent Subsplit dissimilarity and popular distance measures.
BMC Bioinform., 2011

Spatial Emerging Patterns for Scene Classification.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2010

A new classification method using array Comparative Genome Hybridization data, based on the concept of Limited Jumping Emerging Patterns.
BMC Bioinform., 2009

Classification based on the highest impact jumping emerging patterns.
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009

Jumping Emerging Substrings in Image Classification.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 13th International Conference, 2009

Attribute Set Dependence in Reduct Computation.
Trans. Comput. Sci., 2008

Adaptive Classification with Jumping Emerging Patterns.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Third International Conference, 2008

Phylogenetic Trees Dissimilarity Measure Based on Strict Frequent Splits Set and Its Application for Clustering.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Third International Conference, 2008

Efficient Discovery of Top-K Minimal Jumping Emerging Patterns.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 2008

Local Projection in Jumping Emerging Patterns Discovery in Transaction Databases.
Proceedings of the Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008

Jumping Emerging Patterns with Occurrence Count in Image Classification.
Proceedings of the Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008

Frequent Subsplit Representation of Leaf-Labelled Trees.
Proceedings of the Evolutionary Computation, 2008

Jumping emerging patterns with negation in transaction databases - Classification and discovery.
Inf. Sci., 2007

On the relation between rough set reducts and jumping emerging patterns.
Inf. Sci., 2007

Jumping Emerging Pattern Induction by Means of Graph Coloring and Local Reducts in Transaction Databases.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets, 2007

Clustering of Leaf-Labelled Trees on Free Leafset.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, International Conference, 2007

Clustering of Leaf-Labelled Trees.
Proceedings of the Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 8th International Conference, 2007

Simplifying Amino Acid Alphabets Using a Genetic Algorithm and Sequence Alignment.
Proceedings of the Evolutionary Computation, 2007

Attribute Set Dependence in Apriori-Like Reduct Computation.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, First International Conference, 2006

Local Reducts and Jumping Emerging Patterns in Relational Databases.
Proceedings of the Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 2006

A Similarity Measure between Tandem Duplication Trees.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, 2006

Data Mining Approach to Classification of Archaeological Aerial Photographs.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, 2006

Image Retrieval Using Spatial Color Information.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 9th International Conference, 2001

Deductive Fault Simulation for Sequential Module Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1988
