Keith Price

According to our database1, Keith Price authored at least 29 papers between 1975 and 1993.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




An integrated motion analysis system guided by feedback information.
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993

The image understanding environment program.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1992

Refinement of noisy correspondence using feedback from 3D motion.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1992

Multiframe feature-based motion analysis.
Proceedings of the 10th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1990

Book review: Three-Dimensional Machine Vision by Takeo Kanade (Kluwer Academic Publishers).
SIGART Newsl., 1988

Book review: Machine Learning: A Guide to Current Research by T. M. Mitchell, J. G. Carbonell, R. S. Michalski (Kluwer Academic Publishers).
SIGART Newsl., 1988

Book review: LISP LORE: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine, (2nd Edition) by Hank Bromley and Richard Lamson (Kluwer Academic Publishers).
SIGART Newsl., 1988

Book review: Lisp Lore: A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine by: Hank Bromley Kluwer (Academic Publishers).
SIGART Newsl., 1987

Performance and Evaluation of Lisp by R. Gabriel (MIT Press).
SIGART Newsl., 1987

New Books.
SIGART Newsl., 1986

Anything you can do, I can do better (No you can't)...
Comput. Vis. Graph. Image Process., 1986

Review of "Artificial Intelligence: Tools, Techniques, and Applications by Marc Eisenstat and Tim O'Shea", Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.
SIGART Newsl., 1984

Review of "What Can be Automated by Bruce W. Arden", MIT Press, 1983, ISBN 0-262-51026-x.
SIGART Newsl., 1984

Reviews of "Artificial Intelligence, A New Tool for Industry and Business by Richard K. Miller", SEAI Institute, ISBN 0-89671-051-3.
SIGART Newsl., 1984

Image Segmentation: A Comment on "Studies in Global and Local Histogram-Guided Relaxation Algorithms".
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 1984

SIGART Newsl., 1983

Review of "The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 by A. Barr & E. A. Feigenbaum, eds., Volume 3 by P. R. Cohen & E. A. Feigenbaum, eds.".
SIGART Newsl., 1983

Review of "The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Vol. 1 by Avron Barr & Edward A. Feigenbaum", William Kaufmann, Inc. 1981
SIGART Newsl., 1982

Review of "Natural Language Argumentation in Dialog Systems: AI Methods for the Reconstruction and Explanation of Approximate Inferences by Wolfgang Wahlster", ISBN 0-387-10873-4, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer 1981.
SIGART Newsl., 1982

Review of "GWAI-81: German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence by J. H. Siekmann", ISBN-3-540-10859-9.
SIGART Newsl., 1982

Review of "Principles of Artificial Intelligence by Nils J. Nilsson", Tioga Publishing Company, Palo Alto, CA, ISBN 0-935382-01-1.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Review of "Associative Networks - The Representation and Use of Knowledge in Computers by N. V. Findler (Ed.)", Academic Press.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Review of "TEX and METAFONT, New Directions in Typesetting by Donald Knuth", Digital Press and the American Mathematical Society.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Review of "Artificial Intelligence Programming by Eugene Charniak, Christopher Riesback, and Drew McDermott" Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, N.J.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Review of "Artificial Intelligence: A Theoretical Approach by Ranan B. Banerji", North Holland, NY.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Review of "Logic for Problem Solving by Robert Kowalski", North Holland, NY.
SIGART Newsl., 1980

Matching Segments of Images.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 1979

Change Detection and Analysis in Multispectral Images.
Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, 1977

A comparison of human and computer vision systems: a tutorial.
SIGART Newsl., 1975
