Kazuhito Murakami
According to our database1,
Kazuhito Murakami
authored at least 55 papers
between 1994 and 2020.
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On csauthors.net:
Proposal of a Behavioral Model for Robots Supporting Learning According to Learners' Learning Performance.
J. Robotics Mechatronics, 2020
Deep Learning Method for Estimating Perplexion in Learners by Educational Support Robots.
Proceedings of the Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2020
Proceedings of the Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2020
Construction of a Behavioral Model Based on Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory with an Educational Support Robot.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 2019
Effect of an Educational Support Robot Displaying Utterance Contents on a Learning System.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2018
A Method to Estimate Ball's State of Spin by Image Processing for Improving Strategies in the RoboCup Small-Size-Robot League.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII [papers from the 18th Annual RoboCup International Symposium, 2014
Transient responses of voltage and current on dual-mode ring resonator bandpass filters.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2014
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII [papers from the 17th Annual RoboCup International Symposium, 2013
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 2013
Proceedings of the 19th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Incheon, Korea (South), January 30, 2013
Proceedings of the 19th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Incheon, Korea (South), January 30, 2013
Robust Algorithm for Safety Region Computation and Its Application to Defense Strategy for RoboCup SSL.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV [papers from the 15th Annual RoboCup International Symposium, 2011
Time-Domain Analysis of N-Branch-Line Couplers Using MCD Method with Internal Boundary Treatment.
IEICE Trans. Electron., 2010
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics, 2009
An Approximate Computation of the Dominant Region Diagram for the Real-Time Analysis of Group Behaviors.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XIII [papers from the 13th annual RoboCup International Symposium, Graz, Austria, June 29, 2009
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII [papers from the 12th annual RoboCup International Symposium, 2008
IEICE Electron. Express, 2007
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, 2007
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, 2007
Dynamic Positioning Method Based on Dominant Region Diagram to Realize Successful Cooperative Play.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, 2007
Orientation Extraction and Identification of the Opponent Robots in RoboCup Small-Size League.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X, 2006
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X, 2006
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, 2003
Fast Image Processing and Flexible Path Generation System for RoboCup Small Size League.
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup VI, 2002
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2001
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, 2001
Re-generation of facial image eye-contacting with partner on TV conference environment.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, 2000
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, 2000
Generating Facial Image Eye-Contacting with Partner on the TV Conference Environment.
Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR MVA 2000), 2000
Facial Caricaturing System Controlled by the KANSEI of Gallery Through the Feedback from Eye-Camera.
Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR MVA 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR MVA 2000), 2000
On the Detection of Feature Points of 3D Facial Image and Its Application to 3D Facial Caricature.
Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR MVA 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000
Proceedings of the Advances in Multimodal Interfaces, 2000
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2000), 2000
On the Detection of Feature Points of 3D Facial Image and its Application to 3D Facial Caricature.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '99), 1999
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1998
Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, 1998
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, 1998
Realization of an efficient line detection by askant glance camera vision system using extended Hough transform.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1998
An Autonomous Facial Caricaturing Based on a Model of Visual Illusion - Experimental Modeling of Visual Illusion.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 1998
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 1998
From Coarse to Fine Correspondence of 3-D Facial Images and its Application to Facial Caricaturing.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '97), 1997
Face Recognition through Hough Transform for Irises Extraction and Projection Procedures for Parts Localization.
Proceedings of the PRICAI'96: Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 1996
Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, 1996
On a Simple Method for Corresponding 3-D Facial Images and Its Application to Generate Facial Caricature.
Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, 1996
Analysis of Reflection Characteristic for NTL by Time Domain Simulation.
Proceedings of the Modelling and Simulation, 1996
Simulation and Design of Tap-Feeded Multi-Wires for Mobile Communication Filters.
Proceedings of the Modelling and Simulation, 1996
Attenuation Poles by Tap-Feed in Mobile Communication Filters for Intelligent Simulation and Design.
Proceedings of the EUROSIM'96, 1995
On a Segmentation Algorithm of Lines of Hough Transform using Discriminant Analysis - on the Enforcement of the Platform of Hough Transform -.
Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, 1994