Karl Fürlinger

Orcid: 0000-0003-0398-4087

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, MNM-Team, Germany

According to our database1, Karl Fürlinger authored at least 76 papers between 2003 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Parallel Quantum Circuit Extraction from MBQC-Patterns.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2024

A general approach for supporting nonblocking data structures on distributed-memory systems.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput., March, 2023

From reactive to proactive load balancing for task-based parallel applications in distributed memory machines.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2023

Modelling Data Locality of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on the A64FX.
Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, 2023

Proactive Task Offloading for Load Balancing in Iterative Applications.
Proceedings of the Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2022

A Profiling-Based Approach to Cache Partitioning of Program Data.
Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 2022

Portable Node-Level Parallelism for the PGAS Model.
Int. J. Parallel Program., 2021

Nonblocking Data Structures for Distributed-Memory Machines: Stacks as an Example.
Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, 2021

DASH: Distributed Data Structures and Parallel Algorithms in a Global Address Space.
Proceedings of the Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019, 2020

Scheduling across Multiple Applications using Task-Based Programming Models.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE/ACM Annual Workshop on Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware, 2020

A time-stamping system to detect memory consistency errors in MPI one-sided applications.
Parallel Comput., 2019

A note on parallel sampling in Markov graphs.
Comput. Stat., 2019

Investigating Performance and Potential of the Parallel STL Using NAS Parallel Benchmark Kernels.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2019

Engineering a Distributed Histogram Sort.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 2019

MC-CChecker: A Clock-Based Approach to Detect Memory Consistency Errors in MPI One-Sided Applications.
Proceedings of the 25th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 2018

A Portable Multidimensional Coarray for C++.
Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, 2018

Utilizing Heterogeneous Memory Hierarchies in the PGAS Model.
Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, 2018

Introduction to HIPS 2018.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2018

ROME 2018 Invited Talk.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2018

Source-to-Source Instrumentation for Profiling Runtime Behavior of C++ Containers.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; 16th IEEE International Conference on Smart City; 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, 2018

Recent experiences in using MPI-3 RMA in the DASH PGAS runtime.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of Workshops of HPC Asia 2018, 2018

Investigating the performance and productivity of DASH using the Cowichan problems.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of Workshops of HPC Asia 2018, 2018

Trends in Data Locality Abstractions for HPC Systems.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 2017

Runtime Support for Distributed Dynamic Locality.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing Workshops, 2017

Tool Support for Developing DASH Applications.
Proceedings of the Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2013-2015, 2016

Expressing and Exploiting Multi-Dimensional Locality in DASH.
Proceedings of the Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2013-2015, 2016

Online MPI Trace Compression Using Event Flow Graphs and Wavelets.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science 2016, 2016

DASH: A C++ PGAS Library for Distributed Data Structures and Parallel Algorithms.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City; 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, 2016

A Multi-dimensional Distributed Array Abstraction for PGAS.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City; 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, 2016

Nasty-MPI: Debugging Synchronization Errors in MPI-3 One-Sided Applications.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing, 2016

DART-MPI: An MPI-based Implementation of a PGAS Runtime System.
CoRR, 2015

DART-CUDA: A PGAS Runtime System for Multi-GPU Systems.
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2015

Visual MPI Performance Analysis using Event Flow Graphs.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, 2015

Automatic On-Line Detection of MPI Application Structure with Event Flow Graphs.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing, 2015

A framework for comparative performance study on virtualised machines.
Int. J. Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Comput., 2014

DART-MPI: An MPI-based Implementation of a PGAS Runtime System.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models, 2014

DASH: Data Structures and Algorithms with Support for Hierarchical Locality.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014

MPI Trace Compression Using Event Flow Graphs.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing, 2014

Online Performance Introspection with IPM.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 2013

Topic 1: Support Tools and Environments - (Introduction).
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2013 Parallel Processing, 2013

A Performance Study of Virtual Machines on Multicore Architectures.
Proceedings of the 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, 2012

Trends in Computation, Communication and Storage and the Consequences for Data-intensive Science.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication & 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 2012

OpenMP Profiling with OmpP.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, 2011

Performance Evaluation of OpenMP Applications on Virtualized Multicore Machines.
Proceedings of the OpenMP in the Petascale Era - 7th International Workshop on OpenMP, 2011

Comprehensive Performance Monitoring for GPU Cluster Systems.
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 2011

Towards Energy Efficient Parallel Computing on Consumer Electronic Devices.
Proceedings of the Information and Communication on Technology for the Fight against Global Warming, 2011

Investigating the Scalability of OpenFOAM for the Solution of Transport Equations and Large Eddy Simulations.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2011

Parallel Aspects of OpenFOAM with Large Eddy Simulations.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Communication, 2011

A programming model performance study using the NAS parallel benchmarks.
Sci. Program., 2010

OpenMP application profiling - state of the art and directions for the future.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, 2010

Recording the control flow of parallel applications to determine iterative and phase-based behavior.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2010

Effective Performance Measurement at Petascale Using IPM.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2010

Effective Holistic Performance Measurement at Petascale Using IPM.
Proceedings of the Competence in High Performance Computing 2010, 2010

Capturing and Analyzing the Execution Control Flow of OpenMP Applications.
Int. J. Parallel Program., 2009

Performance Analysis and Workload Characterization with IPM.
Proceedings of the Tools for High Performance Computing 2009, 2009

Performance Profiling for OpenMP Tasks.
Proceedings of the Evolving OpenMP in an Age of Extreme Parallelism, 2009

Capturing and Visualizing Event Flow Graphs of MPI Applications.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2009, 2009

Usage of the SCALASCA toolset for scalable performance analysis of large-scale parallel applications.
Proceedings of the Tools for High Performance Computing, 2008

Visualizing the Program Execution Control Flow of OpenMP Applications.
Proceedings of the OpenMP in a New Era of Parallelism, 4th International Workshop, 2008

Detection and Analysis of Iterative Behavior in Parallel Applications.
Proceedings of the Computational Science, 2008

Enabling Data Structure Oriented Performance Analysis with Hardware Performance Counter Support.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2008 Workshops, 2008

OpenMP-centric performance analysis of hybrid applications.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 29 September, 2008

Specification and detection of performance problems with ASL.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2007

Continuous Runtime Profiling of OpenMP Applications.
Proceedings of the Parallel Computing: Architectures, 2007

Scalability Analysis of the SPEC OpenMP Benchmarks on Large-Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2007, 7th International Conference, Beijing, China, May 27, 2007

On Using Incremental Profiling for the Performance Analysis of Shared Memory Parallel Applications.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2007, 2007

Scalable automated online performance analysis of applications using performance properties.
PhD thesis, 2006

Analyzing Overheads and Scalability Characteristics of OpenMP Applications.
Proceedings of the High Performance Computing for Computational Science, 2006

Automated Performance Analysis Using ASL Performance Properties.
Proceedings of the Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing, 2006

Finding Inefficiencies in OpenMP Applications Automatically with Periscope.
Proceedings of the Computational Science, 2006

Periscope: Advanced Techniques for Performance Analysis.
Proceedings of the Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing, 2005

: A Profiling Tool for OpenMP.
Proceedings of the OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming - International Workshops, 2005

Performance Analysis of Shared-Memory Parallel Applications Using Performance Properties.
Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Communications, 2005

Task-Queue Based Hybrid Parallelism: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing, 2004

Distributed Configurable Application Monitoring on SMP Clusters.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface,10th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Venice, Italy, September 29, 2003

Distributed Application Monitoring for Clustered SMP Architectures.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2003. Parallel Processing, 2003
