Karin Slegers

Orcid: 0000-0003-3368-2282

According to our database1, Karin Slegers authored at least 45 papers between 2007 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Editorial: Teaching and learning human-computer interaction (HCI): current and emerging practices.
Frontiers Comput. Sci., 2023

Against Dedicated Methods: Relational Expertise in Participatory Design with People with Dementia.
Proceedings of the HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia, 2020

Design trade-offs in self-management technology: the HeartMan case.
Behav. Inf. Technol., 2020

Makers in Healthcare: The Role of Occupational Therapists in the Design of DIY Assistive Technology.
Proceedings of the CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020

Meaningful interactions lab (Mintlab).
Interactions, 2019

Human Agency in Self-Management Tools.
Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2019

Designing Mobile Technologies for Neurodiversity: Challenges and Opportunities.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2019

Distributed User-Generated Card Based Co-Design: A Case-Study.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019

Evaluating Long Term User Experience with Children: Comparing the MemoLine with Interviews.
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2019

Ideas of Things: The IOT Design Kit.
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 2019

Mapping the health technology needs of congestive heart failure patients: user needs vs. feasibility.
Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2017

Collaborative learning as educational strategy for deaf children: a systematic literature review.
Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2017

Personas and Behavioral Theories: A Case Study Using Self-Determination Theory to Construct Overweight Personas.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017

Using the MemoLine to capture changes in user experience over time with children.
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., 2016

Designing an educational music game: What if children were calling the tune?
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., 2016

Empowering people with impairments: how participatory <i>methods</i> can inform the design of empowering <i>artifacts</i>.
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference PDC '16, Aarhus, Denmark, August 15-19, 2016, Volume 2, 2016

Anthropomorphism as a Strategy to Engage End-Users in Health Data Ideation.
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 23, 2016

Designing for Others, and the Trap of HCI Methods & Practices.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016

Game-based HCI Methods: Workshop on Playfully Engaging Users in Design.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016

Sharing Methods for Involving People with Impairments in Design: Exploring the Method Story Approach.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016

The Bicycle Barometer: Design and Evaluation of Cyclist-Specific Interaction for a Public Display.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016

Reciprocity in Rapid Ethnography - Giving Back by Making the Small Things Count.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015, 2015

Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015

Playful Sounds From The Classroom: What Can Designers of Digital Music Games Learn From Formal Educators?
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015

Multimodal Analysis in Participatory Design with Children: A Primary School Case Study.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015

Controlling In-the-Wild Evaluation Studies of Public Displays.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015

Design Implications of Casual Health Visualization on Tangible Displays.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015

Challenges in doing participatory design with people with dementia.
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, 2014

Participatory design with people living with cognitive or sensory impairments.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Applying the CHECk tool to participatory design sessions with children.
Proceedings of the IDC '14, 2014

The 'Relay Ideation' Technique: Moving from Problem Understanding to Problem Solving in the Design Process.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2013, 2013

Active collaboration in healthcare design: participatory design to develop a dementia care app.
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013

The impact of paper prototyping on card sorting: A case study.
Interact. Comput., 2012

Computer use in older adults: Determinants and the relationship with cognitive change over a 6 year episode.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2012

A Mobile Conversation Assistant to Enhance Communications for Hearing-impaired Children.
Proceedings of the WEBIST 2012 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Porto, Portugal, 18, 2012

Participatory design for users with impairments affecting cognitive functions and communication skills.
Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference, 2012

I would DiYSE for it!: a manifesto for do-it-yourself internet-of-things creation.
Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2012

Using correspondence analysis to monitor the persona segmentation process.
Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2012

Interactive applications for children with hearing impairments: a process of inspiration, ideation, and conceptualization.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2012

Research methods for involving hearing impaired children in IT innovation.
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2010, 2010

Dazed and Confused Considered Normal: An Approach to Create Interactive Systems for People with Dementia.
Proceedings of the Human-Centred Software Engineering - Third International Conference, 2010

Touch Affordances.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, 2009

A UCD Approach towards the Design, Development and Assessment of Accessible Applications in a Large Scale European Integrated Project.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Addressing Diversity, 2009

The digital workbook; using web 2.0 for generative research purposes.
Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2007

Customer preferences for bundles of managed content services.
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, 2007
