Justin A. Richardson
According to our database1,
Justin A. Richardson
authored at least 10 papers
between 2009 and 2013.
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On csauthors.net:
Advanced fluorescence lifetime imaging algorithms for CMOS single-photon sensor based multi-focal multi-photon microscopy.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013
A High-Throughput Time-Resolved Mini-Silicon Photomultiplier With Embedded Fluorescence Lifetime Estimation in 0.13 µm CMOS.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2012
Time-Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques Suitable for Solid-State Imaging Sensor Arrays.
Sensors, 2012
A Time-Resolved, Low-Noise Single-Photon Image Sensor Fabricated in Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2012
A 100Mphoton/s time-resolved mini-silicon photomultiplier with on-chip fluorescence lifetime estimation in 0.13μm CMOS imaging technology.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2012
A 128×96 pixel event-driven phase-domain ΔΣ-based fully digital 3D camera in 0.13μm CMOS imaging technology.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2011
A 160×128 single-photon image sensor with on-pixel 55ps 10b time-to-digital converter.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2011
FPGA Implementation of a Video-rate Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging System with a 32×32 CMOS Single-photon Avalanche Diode Array.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), 2009
A 32x32-pixel array with in-pixel photon counting and arrival time measurement in the analog domain.
Proceedings of the 35th European Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2009
A 32×32 50ps resolution 10 bit time to digital converter array in 130nm CMOS for time correlated imaging.
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2009