Jude Buckley
Orcid: 0000-0003-0374-5369
According to our database1,
Jude Buckley
authored at least 8 papers
between 2016 and 2023.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
On csauthors.net:
Indicators of employee phishing email behaviours: Intuition, elaboration, attention, and email typology.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., April, 2023
Proceedings of the 2023 Australasian Computer Science Week, 2023
Exploring the Possibility of Virtual Reality Exergaming as a Cognitive Screening System.
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
Interactive Feedforward for Improving Performance and Maintaining Intrinsic Motivation in VR Exergaming.
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
Enjoyment, Immersion, and Attentional Focus in a Virtual Reality Exergame with Differing Visual Environments.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2017
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 2017
PeerJ Comput. Sci., 2016
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 2016