Josiah Munda

Orcid: 0000-0002-6418-0624

According to our database1, Josiah Munda authored at least 30 papers between 2002 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Fault Diagnosis of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Multiscale Kernel Convolutional Neural Network.
IEEE Access, 2023

A Twenty Five Switch Inverter Topology for Controlling Two Independent Five-Phase Load.
IEEE Access, 2022

Performance Analysis of Multi-Carrier PWM and Space Vector Modulation Techniques for Five-Phase Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter.
IEEE Access, 2022

A Comprehensive Review on Space Vector Modulation Techniques for Neutral Point Clamped Multi-Level Inverters.
IEEE Access, 2021

A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Survey on Hybrid Renewable Energy System Operations and Planning.
IEEE Access, 2020

The Impact of Rewinding on the Performance Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Machine.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019

3E Assessment of Hydrogen-Fuel Cell based Electricity Generation using the Wind Regime of Memel, South Africa.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE AFRICON, Accra, Ghana, September 25-27, 2019, 2019

Modelling time-series solar hot water load profile prediction using radial basis function neural network.
Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-20, 2017, 2017

Peak demand control system using load prioritisation for domestic households.
Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-20, 2017, 2017

Comparison of hot water draw models integrated within a statistical physically-based model for electrical demand of domestic water heater.
Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-20, 2017, 2017

Hybrid energy system for low-income households.
Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-20, 2017, 2017

Toward developing a distributed autonomous energy management system (DAEMS).
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 14-17, 2015, 2015

Optimisation and rule firing analysis in fuzzy logic based maximum power point tracking.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2014

Small power tapping limit on dc-link of VSC HVDC transmission system.
Proceedings of the IECON 2013, 2013

Stability improvement of a HVDC transmission link between weak AC systems by multi-terminal scheme.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2013, Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius, September 9-12, 2013, 2013

Dynamic model of an isolated six-phase self-excited induction generator driven by a fixed pitch wind turbine.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2013, Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius, September 9-12, 2013, 2013

Effects of slot opening on the performance of a six phase squirrel cage induction machine using finite element and field analysis.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2013, Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius, September 9-12, 2013, 2013

Distribution network reconfiguration using genetic algorithm and load flow.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Solid State Circuits Conference, 2012

Power sensitivity and algebraic technique for evaluation of penetration level of photovoltaic on DC link of VSC HVDC transmission.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Solid State Circuits Conference, 2012

Optimization of Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems.
Proceedings of the Soft Computing in Green and Renewable Energy Systems, 2011

Voltage Stability Analysis of a Distributed Network Incorporating Wind Power Resource.
Int. J. Meas. Technol. Instrum. Eng., 2011

A Fuzzy-PI Controller for Wind Turbine Driven DFIG Optimized using Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of the SIMULTECH 2011 - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29, 2011

Dynamic Response of a Wind Farm Consisting of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators to Network Disturbance.
Proceedings of the Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2011

Study of Wind Farm Behaviour during Power System Network Disturbance.
Proceedings of the SIMULTECH 2011 - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29, 2011

A novel fault features extraction scheme for power transmission line fault diagnosis.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2011, 2011

The ieee 34 node radial test feeder as a simulation testbench for Distributed Generation.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2011, 2011

Optimal reactive power control in transmission network with a large wind farm connection.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2011, 2011

The impact of wind power on the transient stability of a power system using probabilistic approach.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2011, 2011

Fuzzy Logic Control in Hybrid Power Systems.
Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction, 2005

Fuzzy Logic Control in Hybrid (Wind/PV/Diesel) Power Systems.
Proceedings of the FSDK'02, 2002
