José Colás Pasamontes

According to our database1, José Colás Pasamontes authored at least 42 papers between 1992 and 2014.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Feature analysis for discriminative confidence estimation in spoken term detection.
Comput. Speech Lang., 2014

A rule-based translation from written Spanish to Spanish Sign Language glosses.
Comput. Speech Lang., 2014

Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection ALBAYZIN 2012 evaluation: overview, systems, results, and discussion.
EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music. Process., 2013

Spanish Sign Language synthesis system.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 2012

Hybrid paradigm for Spanish Sign Language synthesis.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2012

Synthesizing mood-affected signed messages: Modifications to the parametric synthesis.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2012

An On-Line, Cloud-Based Spanish-Spanish Sign Language Translation System.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2012

The Synthesis of LSE Classifiers: From Representation to Evaluation.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2011

BUT-HCTLab approaches for Spoken Web Search - MediaEval 2011.
Proceedings of the Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2011 Workshop, 2011

Integration of a Spanish-to-LSE Machine Translation System into an e-learning Platform.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services, 2011

Augmented set of features for confidence estimation in spoken term detection.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2010

A posterior probability-based system hybridisation and combination for spoken term detection.
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009

Posterior-based confidence measures for spoken term detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2009

A comparison of grapheme and phoneme-based units for Spanish spoken term detection.
Speech Commun., 2008

rre STC-TIMIT: Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008

Blind Feature Compensation for Time-Variant Band-Limited Speech Recognition.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 2007

Ontology-Based Retrieval of Human Speech.
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007), 2007

Unsupervised Class-Based Feature Compensation for Time-Variable Bandwidth-Limited Speech.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 2006

Statistical class-based MFCC enhancement of filtered and band-limited speech for robust ASR.
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005

Hardware independent architecture for autonomous colaborative agents.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2005, 2005

Acoustic-phonetic decoding of different types of spontaneous speech in Spanish.
Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 2005

Multimedia Medicine Consultant for Visually Impaired People.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2004

A New Mobile Text Telephony System Based on GPRS Communications.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2004

Sistema de comprensión de comunicaciones habladas para el control de tráfico aéreo del proyecto INVOCA.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2003

Demostración del sistema de comprensión de comunicaciones habladas para control de tráfico aéreo del proyecto INVOCA.
Proces. del Leng. Natural, 2003

Interactive Web Platform for Encouraging Reader Comprehension.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, 2003

Spanish recognizer of continuously spelled names over the telephone.
Speech Commun., 2002

Methodology for dialogue design in telephone-based spoken dialogue systems: a Spanish train information system.
Proceedings of the EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 2001

An interactive directory assistance service for Spanish with large-vocabulary recognition.
Proceedings of the EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 2001

Spanish recogniser of continuously spelled names over the telephone.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000

Improved variable preselection list length estimation using NNs in a large vocabulary telephone speech recognition system.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000

Efficient vector quantization using an n-path binary tree search algorithm.
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999

Development of an emotional speech synthesiser in Spanish.
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999

An asymmetric stochastic language model based on multi-tagged words.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

Recent work on a preselection module for a flexible large vocabulary speech recognition system in telephone environment.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

Controlling a HIFI with a continuous speech understanding system.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

On the limitations of stochastic conceptual finite-state language models for speech understanding.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

An alternative and flexible approach in robust information retrieval systems.
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1997

Comparison of three approaches to phonetic string generation for large vocabulary speech recognition.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1994

On the development of a dictation machine for Spanish: DIVO.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1994

Improving and optimizing speaker independent, 1000 words speech recognition in Spanish.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1992

A new algorithm for connected digit recognition.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1992
